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GPX 6000 Shielding Issue

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I was watching this video from Woody that he did about 3 months ago, oddly my GPX 4500 had the exact same problem whereby they'd painted the housing causing the alloy front and rear plates not to contact the housing, thereby making the alloy grounding not perform as it was intended so I had to file the paint off and it worked very well.  Then with the 6000 it appears they've done the same thing, EMI shielding painted the housing, yet not connected it to the ground of the detector.

It's just bizarre how these things take place.

I do wonder if this is something that was a problem on early 6000's and they've resolved as they've worked it out, and later ones have the grounding done properly.

I've no idea if mines been done or not, and the way he does it is a bit crude although working, I'd not do it that way with the squished washer, the tap washer seems a bit better and something a bit better than one of the fibrous cardboard types might be alright, still I prefer if this is the case and there is a grounding problem on them they fix it as a warranty repair, perhaps as part of the EMI fix with the inductors this was part of their procedures fixing this problem too, as I did notice not only was my detector no longer going crazy randomly it also appeared to be more stable with general EMI.

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23 hours ago, phrunt said:

perhaps as part of the EMI fix with the inductors this was part of their procedures fixing this problem too, as I did notice not only was my detector no longer going crazy randomly it also appeared to be more stable with general EMI.

You're not the only one to think this Simon. When my 6000 was sent in for the speaker audio fix, I asked the technician if I could later on, get an external screen grounded internally. He said the screen 'Is checked for connection' and functionality and an external one seemed unnecessary to him. So it may be a rather common fault. Mine was also better with EMI afterwards.

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It's probably in the service bulletin sent to the service agents to ensure connectivity with the shielding paint.  When I look back on my service form from the technician it says "Perform modifications for the Audio issue as per Minelab instructions" so who knows, could well be in their instructions, I do hope so.

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