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13 hours ago, CRiSPY said:

I am pondering getting a quest x10 pro.  I currently have a legend. Looking at another one tobhave on hand if so e wants to go with me.  Compared to the Simplex BT how good is the Quest x10 pro?

Hi ,

I dont know the X10 pro but I have tested the X5 in 2021 which is very similar to the X10 I think .
Here is my report of the X5 ( In French I hope it can be translated  ) :
Test du détecteur de métaux QUEST X5 | DISQUE 24X14 (metaux-detection.fr)

I have also tested a Nokta Simplex  , it was not the last BT version , but they are probably similar too
TEST - NOKTA SIMPLEX+ DISQUE Circ.28cm - metaux-detection.fr

Compared to the Simplex , the X10/X5 is much lighter ( 990g instead of 1.4kg ) , especially because of its excellent and ultra light Blade 24X14cm coil. The X10/X5 audio is excellent too . The X10 is less expensive than the Nokta too . On the other hand the Simplex goes a little deeper because it has a larger coil, and it has a better shaft ( telescopic ) .

Personnaly if I had to choose between the 2 I would go for an X10 , mainly because its feather weight , 
the Simplex is too front heavy for me. Also because I prefer the Quest audio which is crystal clean and very reactive which is a big plus in iron infested areas  .. 

More infos on the Quest X10 pro from a French MD dealer in Paris , Maison de la Detection , with a video :

Détecteur QUEST X10 Pro - Simple, léger, performant et ETANCHE à 3m (maisondeladetection.com)

Hope that helps ..


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