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From what I have seen on forums in the USA and Australia, and pics of the finds, and stories recently, I would conclude that the SDC2300 can do better than the 705 on the tiny nugget hunting down to half grainers, and from what nuggets I have seen found in Chicken Alaska found with the sdc2300, it does very well on larger gold as well, 1/2 oz-3/4 oz etc.. Not looking at the cost of the machines but performance I would lean heavy to a sdc2300 over a 705 if I was comparing only the two detectors. I have a gpx4000 and a gb2 and a MXT, and am very happy with those and don't feel I need a sdc2300.

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From my perspective the X-Terra and SDC are different tools for different tasks. Neither is better than the other - it simply depends on the specific circumstances as to which I might prefer to use. In extreme low mineral ground the SDC has no real advantage and in high mineral ground the SDC has a clear advantage. Somewhere in the middle they meet. Be nice if the answer was black or white but it is numerous shades of gray. The truth is it all depends on the nature of the gold itself and the ground mineralization where you hunt and any tests I might do would not necessarily apply to your situation. I can contrive circumstances to make either detector look good.

After having one in the field for over a month now all I can say with certainty is that the SDC really suits me very well for a lot of what I intend to be doing in the immediate future.

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Guess I can't ask for much more than y'all have all given.


Still in a bit of a quandary though, as the ground I hunt in runs the gamut from low to extremely high mineralization (like I said, I hunt from Norcal down into Mexico). I guess that since the SDC (by all accounts) is worlds better than the XTerra in highly mineralized ground, that is where I am leaning. I don't always hunt in highly mineralized ground, but when I do, I want the best possible chance for success at what I am doing.


Thanks All - Mike

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