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Our Experience With The GM1000


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Well another day with the GM1000
My brother came over this afternoon and asked if he could have another go with the GM

Sensitivity set at 6 ... all metal mode... 10x6 coil
Working in the trashy area near camp
He found his first bit of gold near our van

Near this 40 foot hole


We then left him to his detecting, and went back to a patch we are working.
we thought it's time to get back to camp, as we saw the sunset.. looks like another great day for tomorrow 

Once back at camp Tony showed us how he went with the GM
He said he was having a ball going through the trash..  oh my you need patience for that here.. lol
The gold is on part of an old pocket knife.. 0.53 grams


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G,day Jen58 , just seeing those photos makes me want to head west and sit around the campfire at night and sip a nice port. My favoured way to use the discrimination feature in the Aussie soil is to use the detector in all metal mode and differentiate by sound alone in the first instance , and then when I get a promising signal I scoop it out off the hole and flatten it with my boot . I then switch to discrimination mode and scan the target that I know is only an inch or so under the coil . I can then be confident that the target is probable. probable "what" is then the next issue and as you point out that's more likely to be shotgun pellet or a brass eyelet or something just as annoying . However the PI detectors also love them too especially the sdc 2300 , The good thing is those tiny pellets are the best indicator that a detector operator has that he is doing everything right and a piece of gold is just waiting for his coil to pass over it . I just wish I was out in red dirt blue sky country with you. 

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1 hour ago, ophirboy said:

and then when I get a promising signal I scoop it out off the hole and flatten it with my boot

Great technique Ophirboy!

Reminds me of the opening scene in Fury Road where Mad Max stomps on the lizard and eats it LOL Must be an Aussie thing!

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I don't know about eating lizards Rege but I had a goanna run up me one day and I had to pry his claws of my head. And I've seen a few feral boys out there but no looneys in grocopters like mad max 1 , what we are seeing is people using drones to scout locations in the bush more often and if the price of petrol or gas as you yanks say keeps going up we may start chasing tankers as well. As Steve has found out , The most  annoying Australian trait is the knocker who fails to appreciate anybody else's point of view and as we have a saying here "wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire"These people are there own worst enemy and miss out on a wealth of information that could turn them in to better prospectors and more importantly  better people,  as the Administrator would say "A Hex on them ".

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My like button don't work. :angry: I reckon its my ipad

thanks all

OPhirboy ... we do it pretty much the same way. Flatten the dirt.. If anyone can find those annoying little shotty pellets, there's bound to be a little nuggy around somewhere, just a matter of swinging over one.

Red dirt and blue skies, its a beautiful country :smile:

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