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Dutch Dealer Expects Equinox Delivery End January!


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I've been hearing late February , i hope i'm wrong . If they are in Holland by then that would mean they must be on the ship by now .

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VERY interesting.  The Cabela's page says "Ships directly from the manufacturer; please allow 4-7 business days for delivery..."
Unless this is an error of some sort, it sounds like dealers may be getting them REAL soon...




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On the Cabelas order page: "Ships directly from manufacturer. Please allow 4 to 7 business days for delivery."

Well ok then.  I wonder if this is boiler plate for direct shipped items.

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A post from one of the Admins on the Minelab Equinox Worldwide Users site, states that, the equinox has already started worldwide shipping. This was as of yesterday morning in a response from Minelab to an inquiry on the subject.


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