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I Guess I‘m In.. Kind Of Logbook

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17 hours ago, Alluminati said:

I'm guessing they probably put the Deutsch version on first, then the English.

I've put on the chinese first, to see how things work out before I rape the german one... well, it's still on :laugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a super short spin for 1/2h yesterday.

3,30€, two navi buttons...



and a ring - I still don't know if it's copper or something good, but hey - it's a ring :happy:




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Hmmm... it looks a little bit too yellow to be copper, but I didn't find any hallmark...


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That ring looks like gold, but it’s hard to tell from the picture. The first picture looks more like it’s just dirty rather than tarnished since the work parts are shiny. Pure gold and high Karat gold won’t tarnish, but it can get dirty. The Karat system for gold is based on how many parts out of 24 are gold: 24K = 24/24 or 100% gold. 14K = 14/24 or 58.5 % gold, which is marked “585” in Europe. 10K is less than half gold (41.7%). That is why gold jewelry that is 10K or less tarnishes.

There are laws all over the world requiring gold jewelry to be identified with a stamp or hallmark, but it could have been custom made by an amateur or the marking could have been polished off. It could also be brass, if so it will tarnish quickly. Take it to a jewelry store or shop that buys gold and they will test it for you. 

Either way it’s a cool ring and great find!


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Thanks for your thoughts!

over here we even have 333 gold. I'll take it to a store, when I get my other goldring back from the lost-property office (fingers crossed).

The gold test sets are too expensive for the amount of gold I've found. Perhaps I'll buy a cheapo scale with 0,01g division, and try to determine the density with the help of archimedes :biggrin:

I've found the ring on one of my beaches, which brought up plenty of old stuff.. there are chances, it may date back to the ww2 or even ww1 area.


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1 hour ago, Sinclair said:

Thanks for your thoughts!

over here we even have 333 gold. I'll take it to a store, when I get my other goldring back from the lost-property office (fingers crossed).

The gold test sets are too expensive for the amount of gold I've found. Perhaps I'll buy a cheapo scale with 0,01g division, and try to determine the density with the help of archimedes :biggrin:

I've found the ring on one of my beaches, which brought up plenty of old stuff.. there are chances, it may date back to the ww2 or even ww1 area.


See if you can find a place that advertises “buying gold”. In the US these shops test the gold for free. The will make an offer to buy your rings if they test positive for gold. If they say it’s not gold but still want to buy it, run away! 

If you can’t find anyone to test it for you, a jeweler’s supply store can sell you a gold test kit. The test kit includes a stone that you rub the gold on and 3 different concentrations of nitric acid: one for 10K, one for 14K, and one for 18K. It’s very easy to test the gold yourself, you just rub the gold on the stone and put a drop of acid on the scratch line of gold. If the gold line doesn’t dissolve then it is gold of at least that Karat.

.333 = 33.3% gold = 8 Karat. It’s not the greatest for jewelry since it tarnishes, but 3 ounces of 8K contains 1 ounce of pure gold!



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Same beach yields two probably old 925 silvers.


"Karneol" pendant:




Small ring:



Both found near the waterline after stormy weather, which took a good amount of sand from the beach.

Figured one store over here accepts old "Deutsche Mark" clad again, or I can send my clad to the central german bank to get it refunded in Euro. Time to get the tumbler rolling.. :laugh:


Some of them date back to 1949.. very hard to clean.



After 2-3 days in the tumbler with 2-3 water changes per day, most of them look quite spendable:



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