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Change of plans today so i only got out for about 3 hrs but i had another enjoyable day with my new mistress. I headed upriver from the spot i hit my first evening with the SDC. I detected away for awhile and dug afew shotgun shots and a piece of a nail and then a mellow signal. A little flake again and a second signal near by, two matching peaces. Took me awhile to get them to because the were just at water level and the clay soils kept clouding the water. Working up river waist deep i went a little while with no signals and then got a screamer and a mellow signal nearby. figuring the louder one was lead i dug the quiet one first for the third flaky peace, the load one ended up being the biggest peace, it was nice being able to work in the river and rain with out worrying about sinking the machine. I did give her a swim too. Dug a 5 or 6 more peaces of shot nearby and headed home just as the rain turned from sprinkling to a stead poor.

Big peace was .5 dwt and the flakes .1 dwt altogether.

Hope your weekend has been as enjoyable as mine. Until next weekend - Good Luck



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Thanks everyone i've sure been enjoying this machine.  Rumblefish i was useing sens. at 3 today. I cranked her up to 5 after cleaning up what i found at each location but didn't find anything else. I've been keeping it were it runs the smoothest until i really get to know the minelab threshold but will experiment more and more with the higher setting because i'm taking to the machine good.

Also forgot to mention that when retrieving the bigger peace i put my minelab hat and glasses on the shore only to get knocked in to the river by my dog when i wasn't looking. Didnt notice until after recovering the nugget and was pissed. I found my glasses thank god but the new minelab hat was gone. Hopeing i can search it out down river another day but was bumbed.

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Guest Paul (Ca)

Very nice finds with the SDC,  And water finds to boot!


You're dong great with the SDC,  Thank for sharing very encouraging !




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