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Where Should Manufactures Be Concentrating

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I believe there is not much more they can squeeze out of VLF technology, even multiple frequency has it's limits and is really only 2 frequencies.

Are manufactures better off concentrating on coil design rather than just tweaking an existing design adding a letter or two to the name?


After market coils quite often improve a detectors performance, so shouldn't manufactures be looking in this area rather than using the same coil designed years ago?

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Coil design has come a long way with the aftermarket Coiltek Elite and Nugget Finder Evolution coils, the medium size coils can add 2+ inches to depth depending on soil and conditions. It appears the X-Coils out of Russia are adding inches to depth of the GPZ. As for VLF's and coils I have a Mxt and use  nothing but aftermarket coils on it. Much better design much better performance overall.

As for detector technology I think the mfgrs are doing their job, we are starting to see more and more new tech detectors emerge on the open market with extended depth etc, MDT-8000, Equinox, etc, and more to come soon, Hybrid Whites, Fisher Impulse Beach and Terra, etc.

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I wouldn't say "multitechnology" detector metal has already reached its limits - on the contrary, now this technology just begins to "reasonably" enforce and do not mean only "multi-frequency" ...
Let's "surprise" by what's going on in the coming years.

Coils also see a place for further development ...
Sometimes the coils are supplied by the detector manufacturer - truly optimally matched to the detector ...
in other cases, the detector manufacturer has consciously or unconsciously not used all the possibilities of a given metal detector -
and the team has created space for other coil makers - with its "Aftermarket" coil perfectly tuned for sensitivity, separation and deeper detection depth.

..I am using enough number of aftermarket coils.

The coil technology itself still has its reserves.


Maj 1  Iphone5S 2019 028.JPG

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