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Gerry in Idaho

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Everything posted by Gerry in Idaho

  1. You already walking on thin ice....Please don't get me in trouble. I have absolutely zero. That's how many are in the box. Nice try though. šŸ˜
  2. Well you dirty rotten trying to ruin my day....SOB. You are not stealing my chocolate heart and I don't care what day it is. You are 100% spot on my friend. Those are real genuine questions and concerns. It could be like some of the other manufactures and we in the USA not see it for a year? Heck, it and all the yippie is earning right now, could fizzle out with a storm of issues? Heck, it could be the best April Fools on us, that been pulled in years. Now that would be Tops. if so. My crystal ball is not seeing it my friend and even though I have crappy batteries in my crystal ball, I can see enough pieces of this puzzle coming together, so be it, in another country. Open communication, taking advice, new software downloads, well known gold hunters using the product and not having all the issues a few of the others of past have had. I just think this machine is so well thought out. But your points and input is of concern and I have no issues with you mentioning. In the meantime, I'm going to skip down the yellow brick road. Golden baby,
  3. Zip-a-dee-doo-dah zip-a-dee-a. My oh my, what a wonderful day. https://youtu.be/zDePvXpYhzA?si=1hV5JYM9muHOwM8x Whatā€™s that mean you ask? Gerry is Happyā€¦.and most of you should be too. Finally, we have a quality PI detector at an affordable price point. Finally, we have a team of people working for AlgoForce that are listening to the consumer. Finally, we have a PI detector without $500, $1000, $1500 coils, we get to use 100+ different coil options many of us already own. Finally, we donā€™t have to pay $100, $150 and $200 for a spare battery. Finally, we donā€™t have to buy brand specific headphones that are overpriced and not even durable for metal detecting needs. Who wants to add some Zip-a-dee-doo-dah zip-a-dee-a? Itā€™s going to be happy times for so many.
  4. Talk about a company on the ball and listening to their customers. That's incredible how fast this change was made. If AlgoForce keeps this up and continues to provide high end quality detectors at a value much more desired? Great things could be available for many more people. it's a win win. Now on a side note. If AlgoForce just makes this one model (E-1500) and still provides the acceptance and updates from end users, as so far shown, it's still a big win for many of us. As for right now, the folks at AlgoForce are certainly catching the attention of many.
  5. I do wish to see Garrett go full speed ahead and come out with the TDI and a few mods, but my gut tells me that won't happen. What I do expect to see and this will not be a Garrett only thing, but it would not surprise me at all to see Minelab as well, drop the prices of their gold detectors. As for me digging all targets? Heck no way. I enjoy hunting the trashy sites most folks walk away from. I enjoy using Identification features on my detectors to help me decide what it is. No, it's not 100% correct, no detector is. But it saves me time and energy. Both time and energy is what I seem to find less and less of as I get older. I'll walk, swing, ID and dig 20 targets in tailing to find 4 pieces of gold. But I I don't have the youth to dig 100 targets in that same amount of time. On a rare occasion at a site with great amount of gold, yes I'll eventually remove each target, but I grab the gravy 1st.
  6. I love hunting those old hand stack workings. Great to see a different part of country and all the moss. 1st gold before any iron was most incredible but as you know, the iron always comes through. I loved seeing the dog even moving rocks. Well done Tom and glad to see you enjoying some free time.
  7. I think the new E-1500 Pulse Induction detector is going to be a hit. It's price point will be the best in the industry for PI" gold detectors and is even less expensive than some of the VLF gold detectors. I just had an hour conversation with a young man who wants to get into gold hunting with a detector. He's been panning, sluicing and dredging for a few years and has found a few ounces of flower gold. He's now ready to pull the trigger on a detector. The issue is his investment point does not have a PI option yet only VLF's. When the E-1500 does arrive into the US. it will satisfy many peoples desire and dream. I love getting more detector options for myself and my customers. It will be refreshing when we can start seeing them in USA.
  8. I had already thought of what Steve mentioned as I know Minelab, CT and NF's all have the 1/2 coil option. Yes, I too feel the 10" Ellip DD will be killer.
  9. Yes I have been in contact with Alex and his AlgoForce, but nothing has been mentioned of a date to the US. He knows we are just as excited and eager as the rest of the world. Just like a fine wine and fresh dish of spaghetti with meatballs, it gets better with time.
  10. Even though someone said it was posted to another thread or site, some how I missed it? But I feel this videos actually needs it's own post anyway. Some of the threads of excitement on the AlgoForce E1500 are multi pages long which is great for retired folks who have all day to read word for word, post for post. A few folks enjoy skimming and trying to find a nugget and I feel this post and what is shown is a "nugget". This may have been brought up before? Did you folks catch the date on the inside of the detector? It's Sept 2023. This machine didn't just pop up over night. Well done Alex for keeping a good tight lid on it until ready for release. How about the comment of the Microphone at the 11 minute 36 sec mark? "It's listening to you". And there is the 13:50 mark of the video and Woody's comments "you can tell they known what they're doing". Again, sorry if this is mixed in with one of the long threads but I only have so much time to try and read as much as possible. You can hang me later, but at least let me get to and read Simon's updates. I know, I'm a little behind.
  11. And still to this day, folks call and ask me why I don't sell. One guy wanted me to train him. He was so sure of his investment, he offered $500 for 1 day Training. I had to turn his money down.
  12. Guys, Steve I are not making this stuff up. Thanks BigSkyGuy for showing back in the 70s. Here's in the 1990's and one of the reasons I hated that big K company. They literally didn't care about the customer, only money. Buyers Beware.
  13. That my friend is a Once in a Lifetime find. How amazing it was and I could feel the excitement and euphoria he was going through. I wish everyone could enjoy that same feeling, it's incredible. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Hey Guys/Rob included. I ruffled a few feathers and want to be straight. I want everyone to know my true thoughts of Mr Allison. and his business practices. 1st off, he and I hunt different styles and for the most part areas. But it does not make one of us better than the other. 2nd is Rob's time to play with a detector is not as often as mine. He is a devoted husband, father and well known tax paying American who has a primary job (income stability) to provide for his wife and daughter. That right there speaks volumes. 3rd. Rob is a genuine good guy and one heck of a detector dealer. He's stood the test of time and his customer loyalty and reputation is something to be proud of. I would rather have 20 more Rob's Detectors as a friendly competitor than 100 of the so called dealers who don't know crud about gold detectors. Seems manufactures will hand a dealership to anyone these days. Manufactures don't test their skills and or knowledge any more, they just want to sell. 4th. Of all the dealers I've known in my 25+ yrs selling gold detectors, if I went on a gold hunting expedition for a month, I would want Rob with my Field Staff Experts and I...he's that good. Many of you don't know it, but years back at the Minelab Dealer Conference, I was presented many awards, more than any other dealer. But there was one award I did not get. It was the "Customer Care" award. To this day, that bugs the crap out of me, as I too feel my customer service is on par with Robs. Does Rob and I agree on everything? Most certainly not, but at least he and I are man enough to stand up and say so. You'd be surprised at all the folks in a meeting who has the opportunity to help dealers and when it comes to questions or new ideas? They clam up... afraid, afraid to rock the boat. Those days are pretty much behind us now. But those same dealers didn't realize, it was the dealers who were floating the dang boat. When I decide to pull the plug on my dealership so I can swing and chase more gold, it's Rob will be getting the majority of my referrals. Until then, lets enjoy for once a great priced Pulse Induction detector. We know the bigger this company gets, the more options for us will come. I've got your back Rob, even when I serve you cold coffee. Besides, your a cowboy and I respect most. Anyone who can jump on the back of a bull, you have bigger testicles than I.
  15. There is something to be said about that. Many of us are not worried about the weekend warrior nugget hunters as our tools are superior to most. The few who do invest in the higher end detectors, don't have the skillset we do. With a more reasonably priced PI, it will allow the masses the chance to peruse the precious metal. Many will fold after time, as their patience is not up to task. But lets, say 10% of the 100% actually become proficient and get good? Now there will be that many more swingers out there covering the same grounds many of us already do. As it is now, I enjoy seeing clubs at Rye Patch. I like to go the week after their big gathering. Now I know I can hunt my favorite spots and realize most of the surface trash was just removed by the newbs. It's a win win for me not having to dig surface bb's and pellets. Truthfully though. I'm still not worried about the masses who will purchase one at $1500. But yes, there will be a % of them who graduate and take a little slice of our pie. Keck, I'm used to it anyway, that's why my Field Staff and I enjoy sharing knowledge and offering Field Training. Seeing folks find their 1st gold is always a blast, as you know you had something to do with their little success.
  16. Here's the truth about those things. I can remember seeing ads in treasure magazines with like devices all the way to the 1970's. Yet all these years later and we never see front cover magazines, news blips or real genuine YouTube videos showing treasures being recovered. If, I am not mistaken, a well known big K company in FL that sells all kinds of metal detectors and dreams... used to sell them, until a lawsuit. I actually have one. I use it to find the right metal detector to do real hunts. A select few people delusional folks will purchase anything to get rich quick. The pricing is so high the delusional buyer is convinced it must be real, for pricing alone.
  17. Rob, That's where you and I totally differ. I like sharing and mentioning the kinds of gold most folks miss and the older Minelab PI's, including the GPX-4500/5000's miss as well. Heck no, I'm not going to pay $2500 for old technology to find the few rare solid nuggets out there at the locations we all hunt. You like mentioning the fact that specimens, wire gold and hardrock ore laced with gold is not the norm and or is rare. Buddy, I hate to tell you, but the majority of gold I recover anymore is of those styles and it's more weight than when I was getting a few ounces a year with the older PI's. Plus as a bonus, many of them are worth more than the actual gold, sometimes 1.5 to 3X the price, especially if it's wire gold. That's what I have been trying to tell folks for the last few years. The newer technology PI's (Axiom, 6000) are doing better on the specimens, reef, wire, tiny bits. That's exactly why I highlighted Nenads comments on the AlgoForce. I didn't bring it up at 1st, he did. I just so happen to know the importance of such potential detector. And no, its not just in Idaho that I'm finding them. Some of my collection is from CA, AZ, NV, WY, MT, OR, and Idaho. It's out there, but it takes people to change their mindset and go hunt hardrock ore dumps and hand placer workings. Why do I say that, because for 30 yrs most of us have been swinging old school PI's and missing those kinds of gold. When I can go behind one of my experienced customers on a site he gridded both ways...who pulls 11 ounces of gold with his GPZ-7000 and I found 3 more ounces with newer detectors, it really opens his eyes. One of the pieces is golf ball size and has near an ounce of gold. His 7000 would not hear it, even in air. That's what I'm trying to say. The newer technologies are seeing more gold than the old. Problem is the old gold (solid nuggets) has mostly already been found at the sites we hunt. I know you don't care about "what if gold", so when/if you decide to sell the AlgoForce, are you going to sell it based on price only? I love what Nenad said about the different kinds of gold....as I know there is plenty more of it out there to be collected. It's not as rare as you seem to think. I hate to say it..but in fact. I'm sorry you don't get out and explore more gold bearing regions. I also realize selling detectors is not your main income, it's kind of a side hustle. Hopefully (it can't be too far away), you'll have more time to play and venture into the invisible to many PI's gold. It's a lot of fun and very rewarding. I do commend you for your time and comments though. And I still enjoy BSing with you and Dawn on the rare times we get to. No hard feelings either way and who knows, maybe I'll have egg on my face. It wouldn't be the 1st time, only time will tell.
  18. Whatā€™s all the excitement about a $1500 PI when my beloved GPX-6000 does just fine on tiny gold. My recently acquired (used) GPZ-7000 easily puts my back into traction bars while I swing a boat anchor and dig beyond the depths of modern man with a handheld pick, to get the rarest of gold, a 1/2 ounce nugget. Why do I say rarest of gold. Because the majority of folks in the US who put a 2nd mortgage on their house to purchase a GPZ-7000.. has yet to find that half ounce nugget. Now Iā€™m taking pain pills to manage the beating from the ZEDā€™s capabilities and lack of ergonomicsā€¦ as well as from the old lady who seen the credit card bill. We know this new AlgoForce E1500 is not going to perform any better than what many of us here on DP already swing. Or do we??? Who wants tiny bits, specimens and reef gold anyway? Do those kinds of Au even classify as gold and register to those around us? Most folks only know what a solid gold nugget looks like, right? Show them anything else and they just role their eyes and wonder why you spent $4000, $5000, even $6500 or the crazy few (more than I realized who would), spent $8000 and up to $10K. Which begs me to wonder again and out loud this time so I can hear myself. What am I missing? Well, Iā€™m the odd duck here in the crowd most of the time anyway. I pretty much speak my mind and offend a few when doing so. When it comes to using a metal detector, I seem to be a lone wolf in my style and desire to swing. I say that because I swing many states, and pursue a variety of treasures. I do like to specialize in gold though and since I enjoy the hunt and travel, I make the time to reach far places while trying to collect a variety of gold occurrences. Iā€™m not the norm, for that is a sure thing. I like collecting all gold that can be found with a metal detector. Andā€¦I seem to find my share of gold, a great deal of the others miss. Is it because they are lacking knowledge or skill and possibly both. Iā€™m not sure? I do know that my finds have increased substantially since I learned the importance of how different kinds of gold responds to detectors and their technologies. One of the things that immediately caught my attention about this new detector being released, was mentioned by our friend Nenad. On 1/25/2024 at 11:51 PM, PhaseTech said: If you want to find small gold as well as specimens and reefy gold, then the AlgoForce E1500 is worth a look. Iā€™m licking my chops and counting the eggs (golden eggs) my roster is going to provide me. How about you.
  19. Glad to see more of your videos and updated testing with live action finds. Being the 1st to find gold with it in your area is a nice chest bump to you, well done my friend. Keep sharing with us the goods/bads.
  20. I've been in contact with Alex and he knows me from many yrs of promoting gold detectors and working with previous Engineering. It's just going to take some time to get them to US. Hopefully not over a year, like some manufactures.
  21. Simon, Your honest and up front raw video, comments and testing is fantastic. Not many folks get as excited as you do for so many detectors and or coils. Your enthusiasm towards helping so many people in finding different tools for the gold hunt is exactly on par with the top few in the US who do the same. Passion my friend is bleeding through. Hopefully my Staff/I will be able to find one some how and get it to well known and hunted out Rye Patch, NV. I'm keeping an open mind in realizing a USD $1500 GPX-6000 detector is not a USD $6500 PI or even a USD $3400 SDC-2300. But the added features it provides, the multiple of affordable coil selections and it's ergonomics will shine. If we find some gold at Rye Patch, then we also know it will shine in other less hunted areas. Interestingly, I enjoy hunting specimen gold and especially the kind that many PI's from the past can't see. Having a detector with it's sensitivity and ID system should be a game changer to the pocketbook. Just think of how many folks who can now afford a Pulse Induction detector and still have the money to fill the gas tank and go. Thanks again my friend.
  22. Come on now Doc. I've watched you hunt and you're no Spring Chicken. Besides, how much ground do you need to cover in a day in that wheelchair? You remember those good old days when you could be on your knees in a 10' area for half day (2 to 3 hrs for us old farts) hunt and be grinning ear to ear as you sniped another dink with a small coil on that VLF. Pic of my happy customers finds using really small coils. And they didn't have to walk very far. Glasses may be needed. Any gold no matter the size...is always good for beginner customers. You/I both have many happy customers with their SDC-2300's and small 8" coil. And you/I both know this. It's not how much ground you cover in a day, but how good you cover the ground. Going home with any gold...is always better than going home with excuses and an empty kangaroo scrotum bag. I think this option of a value priced PI gold detector is going to be a smash...if not, then a splash... and we go back to our overpriced detectors. At least we are getting options. Cheers my friend and good to see you on here again.
  23. Nenad, Sorry I'm late to the party as I was chasing gold in Caribbean again and just got back in the US yesterday. I'm very interested in this new detector as an End User because I enjoy hunting specimen gold that many older PI machines miss. I'm also interested in selling it to my customer base of 30 yrs. At the price point and it's mentioned abilities, I see many happy faces. All along many of us have wanted "detector options" for Pulse Induction machines, but at a better price point. It sounds as if this machine will fit in nicely with the focus it's been designed for. Hopefully everything comes through and the FCC gets things moving here to the US. Shipping with no battery is a smart move actually and will save the company time and money. Looking forward to learning more as this is the 1st I have heard of it.
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