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GaryC/Oregon Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    Florence, Oregon Coast
  • Interests:
    All types hunting, coin, beach, relic, nugget, ghost towns, park, field, scrapes, construction zones, ski/toboggan areas, campsites, parking strips and any local history.
  • Gear In Use:
    Minelab Manticore, Minelab Equinox 800, Fisher Impulse AQ Ltd. (sold), Minelab X-Terra 705 (Sunray Gold Pro headphones), Tesoro P.I. SandShark (sold), Minelab SDC 2300 (sold), Minelab GPX 4000 (sold)

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  1. Basically it boils down to how strong of a marriage you have (assuming you are married or with a significant other). Metal detecting soaks up a very large amount of time. Especially if you have success with it. When I show my finds to my wife, she reminds me she doesn't need a metal detector (she finds loads of coins in parking lots and the Coin Star machines!!!!) GaryC/Oregon Coast
  2. Well his location is shown as Calif. I would think so. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  3. I can always count on Tom and Compass to find the good stuff. If that happened to my beach here in Or. it wouldn't reveal any coins because people here just don't sit on the beach much, too cold. Now 60+ miles north is a different story. Thanks for the update. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  4. OK, What are you Santa Cruz, CA. guys finding. That storm surge is crazy good! GaryC/Oregon Coast
  5. Gotta love those beautiful girls with their beautiful bling. Looks like she has lots left to lose! Nice job. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  6. Just let it be for a few weeks. It will come to you, eventually. It has happened to me before. Just don't sell the house yet! GaryC/Oregon Coast
  7. Some of my best finds were from under houses, especially houses that were removed except for the foundation. Lots of coins and marbles end up down the floor heater vents. Really like your cigarette packet find. Sold a log cabin beer can I found under a house in the 70's for $50.00 bucks. Lots of money back then. Now it's worth $1000.00. Gotta love that old stuff. Nice finds!!! GaryC/Oregon Coast
  8. It took me two years, mostly because I was in the WRONG club (not helpful people). Once I found a dedicated bunch of people in the RIGHT club who had detectable claims to hit, then it only took six months of limited hunting time. Still have stretches of skunks!!! GaryC/Oregon Coast
  9. You will probably never solve the "hit and run" posters problem. I just like seeing the answers to the questions myself, when a knowledgeable person answers it correctly. Ya, a Thank You would be nice. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  10. Ya, I'd chuck that ancient scale too after that 666 showed up. Looks like it has served its purpose and you could use an upgrade! Nice finds! GaryC/Oregon Coast
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