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  1. 12 x 7? I had to chuckle at the kiwi 20 cent coin. I look forward to following your progress with your modded 5000. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. D4G
  2. I am actually gobsmacked at how Paul turned to sh-t on you guys when you put yourselves out with worry looking for him. D4G
  3. Yes, it was a great coil. But mine became very touch sensitive over time. D4G
  4. I certainly saw a few moons.... Nice finds Mitchell. D4G
  5. Why leave proven good gold that the crew were all set up to work to "find" gold?? Gold that might not be there at all despite old mates quartz specimen piece. And the gold rich quartz reef in the canyon that seems to have vanished. I am getting a bit suspect about this Paul character. He seems a bit too shady to me. Maybe his plan was to lure the crew away from their workings so old mates "team" could clean it out. D4G
  6. Interesting. But hadn't Paul spent a lot of time prospecting in there on his own prior to "meeting" you guys? D4G
  7. That coin is actually a 10 cent piece. The first of the then new decimal currency. Hence the 10 on it. Think you will find that Greggs made tomato sauce & other sauces as well. Seems strange to have coffee in a screw top bottle. Being a screw top bottle I don't think that makes it old enough to be a relic. Depends what you call "old". If it was a three piece bottle or a hand blown bottle or a torpedo bottle then it is getting into the relic age. Do a google search on those three types of bottles & that will give you an idea of their age & their use here in NZ. Gold rush era bottles. D4G.
  8. I wish you luck. Man, there are some a...holes in this world. Gold brings the worst out of many people. D4G
  9. Didn't you find two bits of gold on your maiden voyage with the Algoforce & the sadie coil? I don't recall seeing any further posts from you on any more gold finds with the Algoforce & any other coils used. Have you tried any other coils on it or have you not been looking for gold with it since? D4G
  10. What do you do with the fish you catch? Eat them I hope. Not just catch, kill & throw away. D4G
  11. Gold is a four letter word too. I am sure there will be someone interested in chasing that quartz leader. It may lead to another Kalgoorlie Super Pit. D4G
  12. Thank you. Was waiting for the journal to catch up to where things went pear shaped with the forum melt down. I was up to date at that time so good now to be back on track up Dreamwind Canyon. Look forward to the continuation. D4G
  13. Awesome. How exciting. Do you have access to a Gold Bug 2 with its small sniping coil or a Falcon MD 20 which would be ideal for testing that vein. See the link & check out the testimonials. https://falconmetaldetectors.com/ D4G
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