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GPZ With Russian 17 Inch X Coil : First Report

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Enough, no more X coil reports until I get my 2nd X coil, Davesgold just got too many orders...…………..nah just kidding, they are the bees knees no doubt.

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So the coil Ferrite balances OK? I presume you were using High Yield Difficult? Give General Difficult a run on stick and knocks and see how it goes. I also presume this is a Spiral wound coil?

Not stirring the pot here am genuinely interested and value your feedback.


X Coil 2021 News

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16 minutes ago, Jonathan Porter said:

So the coil Ferrite balances OK? I presume you were using High Yield Difficult? Give General Difficult a run on stick and knocks and see how it goes. I also presume this is a Spiral wound coil?

Not stirring the pot here am genuinely interested and value your feedback.


Gidday JP,

Did not even bother with the ferrrite, haven't for  about a year now. To be honest, I have not seen any improvement / difference between using the ferrite or not, when testing over buried targets, or general prospecting.

I was using HY Normal for most of the time, just to see how much ground feedback I got. The ground where I was varies from medium to nasty, with lots of hot rocks and hot pockets of clay. A bit of ground noise where I got the 2 targets, but the two targets still jumped out ! Other areas the ground was too noisy to run normal, so went to difficult and HY.

Tried a number of different settings, including general difficult, which is generally my go to for raw prospecting. No bump sensitivity at all. Same with general / extra deep. These coils have excellent build quality !

The coil is a super D similar to Minelab, not spiral wound.

EMI was also good too, considering the wet and windy weather we have at the moment.

Cheers, Rick

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1 hour ago, phrunt said:

Norvic, what size are you getting for your second?

Yeah I`ve the 10" on order, son has a 12" on the way and as we prospect together suspect because my arm "aint what it used to be" I`ll swap the 15" for the 12" as my general coil. Judging by the performance of the 15" on both small scraps and deep larger pieces I`m pretty excited as this season has already been given a big X bump. Got this old codger swinging with new vigor.

Like you AG I`m using normal but with general,  the X coil handles normal much better then the 14"ML does, but it`s 4 years old and had just an odd knock or two in its life. Normals the go no doubt if the ground allows.

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Anyone have time to build a patch cord for this Xcoil rig——-Asking for a friend who cant solder for ,,,,,,—-lol 

Davsgold—he’s been trying to raise you out there by email to see if you know anyone. Who could help him .... he has his coil sitting here....in WA



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Heh, Nurse Paul you may have to get BB to deliver emails to Davsgold, he`s doing an Emu ( arse up head down) and why not there`s gold out in them thar hills whoops flats...….

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2 hours ago, Norvic said:

Heh, Nurse Paul you may have to get BB to deliver emails to Davsgold, he`s doing an Emu ( arse up head down) and why not there`s gold out in them thar hills whoops flats...….

Or it could be because a “Coil Not Connected” problem is too scary to deal with?????

12 hours ago, araratgold said:

Gidday JP,

Did not even bother with the ferrrite, haven't for  about a year now. To be honest, I have not seen any improvement / difference between using the ferrite or not, when testing over buried targets, or general prospecting.

I was using HY Normal for most of the time, just to see how much ground feedback I got. The ground where I was varies from medium to nasty, with lots of hot rocks and hot pockets of clay. A bit of ground noise where I got the 2 targets, but the two targets still jumped out ! Other areas the ground was too noisy to run normal, so went to difficult and HY.

Tried a number of different settings, including general difficult, which is generally my go to for raw prospecting. No bump sensitivity at all. Same with general / extra deep. These coils have excellent build quality !

The coil is a super D similar to Minelab, not spiral wound.

EMI was also good too, considering the wet and windy weather we have at the moment.

Cheers, Rick

Rick, the idea behind the Ferrite is to calibrate the detector so it does not make a noise on X signal in the ground (of which Victoria has huge amounts). When X signal is present it adds additional noise to the audio akin to not achieving a correct Ground Balance, it also means your ‘G’ Balance will try to compensate thereby causing a ripple effect to the general behaviour of your machine. If anyone refuses to use the Ferrite then I HIGHLY recomend they use the Auto Ground Balance mode. 

As an example every time you visit a location your machine will behave slightly differently depending on where the X balance ends up which then affects the G balance, this might explain why some targets are still present (although you have mentioned not finding anything of note for some time at the location).

Using Auto Ground Balance also opens up another can of worms in the form of Salt and Saturation signal, Salt will be problematic on any larger coil on GPZs, Saturation signal is very bad on the X coils. Any of these signal responses WILL throw the X balance out!! This is why I advocate the USE of the Ferrite and to use the SEMI-AUTO mode at all times. Edge of detection targets really benefit a lot from having a correctly set X balance through the use of the Ferrite, after all this is what the GPZ 7000 is all about, DEEP gold! Why allow any sort of noise into the signal train when you have the option of removing it? 

Out of curiosity are you using Audio Smoothing at all? Also Volume, Sensitivity and Threshold levels would be interesting? 


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