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TDI with Noise Reduction Mod

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There are things that can be done to the SL to improve it and I am pretty sure Digger Bob has them done to his units.  The reason I say this is because I modified a SPP and that unit was sent to Digger Bob for him to evaluate.  Bob has some of the worse ground in his back yard that approaches that found in OZ.  What he found was the modified SPP ran smoother and was easier to ground balance.  He probably knows if all newer SL's are modified or not.  

Now, there is a guy making 4 Li Ion cell batteries for the SL that increase the gain so it is much closer to the TDI.

My buddy can make mods to the SL also and one of those mods is to change the filters so it is more like the Pro.  This makes the detector a little more responsive to small gold. 


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Thanks Reg,

Could your buddy also make my Tesoro 4 inch 5 pin coil work with my Tesoro Compadre in place of the 5.75 inch coil and reduce the cable length to maybe 18 inch from 3 feet?

Will the detector have to be retuned? Steve had a thread going on more powerful discriminating pinpointers and I was thinking this might be a good combo for cheap? If nothing else, I can set down by parking meters and detect the loose change in the grass....without needing to stand up much..

I had to give up Radio Control model kits 10 years ago, cause every time I looked at a bright shiny part, I would see a blob in the center of my vision for the next hour. My eye doctor didn't seem the least bit concerned or helpful? Old age aches and pains are sure no fun, even for us 50 year olds....all my buddies with 4 inch gold dredges have sold them off in favor of 2 inch or less even tho the little ones used to be dismissed as toys. Heck, I gave up on 5 gallon buckets of gravel in favor of 2.5 gallons and now down to 2 gallons....to carry to the sluice...


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Hi Tom,

I talked to my buddy and he is not familiar with the Tesoro schematic or pinout so he really doesn't want to tackle your project. 

You might try to find someone who has an Eric Foster ferrite probe he built for the GS 5 and then try to find a used coiltek switchbox and use that combination if you still have a TDI or SL detector.  I know that probe has decent depth.  Tuypically, you can detect 4" to 5" on a dime size object but it will detect small nuggets too.


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  • 7 years later...
On 6/10/2015 at 1:18 PM, Rick Kempf said:

A couple of recent posts referred to the whites TDI – so I thought I'd pass along the following.

Last week I purchased a secondhand TDI from a guy who had sent it in to have Reg Sniff's noise reduction mod done - along with replacement of the op-amp.

I had a TDI previously and the difference between that one and this one is like night and day. My old one had a warbly threshold that drove me nuts and made it very difficult to use the sensitivity higher than about 2/3 of full. My house is EMI hell, the neighborhood has underground utility service and the transformers sit on the ground. Even mildmannered VLF's like Whites Classics go nuts here at full sensitivity.

This TDI has a silky smooth threshold with just an occasional blip at full sensitivity (12). It also air tests 17" on a nickle with the standard 12" DP coil! That's 4" more than I ever got with my old TDI here at the house with the same coil.

I have been playing with the silver coin hunter trick with the high conductor mode selected and the GB offset to kill all ferrous. It really works - with the GB on 4, I hear no iron - and a quarter that I buried down 8" about 5 years ago gets a good signal with 2-3" air gap even using a 10" elliptical Coiltec mono.

Now I need to find a dead Bigfoot coil and build a mono PI "Bigfoot".

The mods were $125. Reg could probably furnish current details.

Do you happen to have any pics of that main board on the TDI I know this is an old thread but the circuit that reg used he never told anyone what he used so I can't find anyone who knows how to do this mod.

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Best thing is just buy an SL, do whatever of Reg's mods that weren't done at the factory, build a 16v battery pack, and that SL will equal the original TDI easily, with a very smooth threshold.


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