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An ATX Proposal

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Apologies in advance for cross-posting.

I think that probably anyone who has used the ATX on land realizes that for "non-combat" dry land operations, the whole armadillo thing is way overkill. By the way, does the "A" in ATX just stand for "Armadillo" - just askin' 'cause I grew up in South Texas.

But what to do? Why would Garrett spend a bundle to develop a land only version - only to undercut the sales of the ATX at a lower price point? Doesn't make much sense. On the other hand, the accessory coils cost a huge amount because they are built like Queen Victoria's sewer pipes!

I have a modest proposal. Give us a series of elliptical mono coils for prospecting use. A nice 6 or 7" , a 10" and a 14". Make these to fit either a light rod with the ATX hip or chest mounted, or give is a light stem assembly of "non armadillo" type similar to what Paul (CA) has developed.

They can have their cake and eat it too. No new $1500 land detector now, to cut into the sales of the $2000 or so ATX, and lots of lovely aftermarket coil sales.

Also, by the way, the sling doesn't work worth a darn for me. I am 5'11" and slim. The part that goes under my arm cuts off circulation in two minutes. The bit that goes across my shoulders and neck has an unpadded connection right where it bites into my scrawny neck. I just bought a ML Pro-Swing harness which should do just fine.

Just so nobody gets the wrong idea, I love my ATX and am very excited about the new possibilities it offers.

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First off Rick, sounds good to me!

You are however making an assumption. There is an expectation a dry land ATX would cost less. Makes sense because a dry land version would cost less to make, right?

There is no law says it must be so. What if Garrett came out with a very well designed 3.9 lb. dry land ATX tomorrow and it was priced the same as the existing ATX? New purchasers could simply chose which they want for the same price. I suspect most would choose to get the dry land version. The waterproof capability of the ATX comes at a definite cost in weight and other factors. In fact, this is a case where I would pay MORE to get the light weight version! There are plenty if examples whereby smaller, sexier, and high tech costs more than old fashioned and large. The bottom line is the ATX is not overpriced no matter what box it comes in.

There is also the reality of the ATX leveraging off the shelf hardware. A dry land unit would actually need some work to develop a new box and light weight coil set and so in theory would cost more to bring to market than the ATX did.

I have always been my best test customer. I would buy a light weight dry land version of the ATX tomorrow if it were available and not complain at all if the price were the same as the existing unit.

Just food for thought.

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G'Day Steve,,

As most people already know this is their Civilian version of the AML-1000 and I think its a great looking machine and would love to Own it But the Only issue is in the UK they Lie about the MRSP because the retail Price here is $3271.80c which means flying to the US and buying it for me and the same goes for the GPX at $6707.60c,,

I have wanted this machine or atleased the AML-1000 for the last 3 years but they were not bought here and now it is here its just way over the top price wise,

Thank God Whites have kept the door open,, Lord i Envy you guys,

Take Care,,,,John

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Don't get me wrong, I would like to see all detectors cost as little as possible. I was talking more from a theoretical perspective.

I admit to being very spoiled. Detectors cost less in the US, and I never pay retail. I can always just call my old shop and get one for about 10% over dealer cost. I have had a lot of detectors given to me free in return for providing feedback good or bad about them.

But back to the subject. I could really use a properly designed lightweight ergonomic ATX. If the price came down in the process, all the better! No matter how you look at it Garrett deserves credit for putting out some significant power at a very competitive price with the ATX. I am certain the military paid a whole lot more for the AML-1000! Hopefully increased competition will help keep a lid on prices or start bringing them down in the future.

I would expect we will see lots of used ATX detectors available at lower prices used very soon as people who get them thinking they are something they are not sell them almost new.

Ricks idea of light weight rod and coil assemblies for the existing model has a lot of merit. Aftermarket opportunity calls!

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G'day Steve, Back on 4/26/2011 Ronald Hitchler sent me an Email of the price for the AML-1000 and it was $2398,which was the US full Government discount price (QUOTE, Saving $400.00 UNQUOTE)


I am so impressed with this unit (ATX) and you Holiday Success that Im now tunnel visioned about it, That weight is an issue  but would Carbon-Fibre be durable enough for our enviroments, They are a fully self contained unit is great because you can get away from it while your diggin and the only thing that I wounder about is although the battery life seems quite good on the ATX, the AML runs for between 30-40 Hrs, So does the ATX have more power??, 


Anyways Steve Congrats on our new home, I been AWOL because of heart troubles,take care



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Hi John,

I hope your heart troubles are treatable and under control. Health is everything.

Garrett at http://www.garrett.com/cmerwsite/recon_pro_aml_1000_tech_specs.aspx quotes the Recon at 14-16 hours but of course that is manufacturer best case stuff. The military did a study at http://www.arl.army.mil/arlreports/2010/ARL-TR-5282.pdf comparing battery life on several demining detectors. The Garrett Recon-Pro AML-1000 comes in at about 10 hours in the study which is about what I have experienced with rechargeables, alkalines should get closer to Garrett's figure. Interesting to note in the study of all the detectors the AML-1000 fared the worst as taking the most batteries at the highest cost to operate for 50 hours.

Long story short the AML-1000 and ATX appear to have about the same battery life. However, battery life is a poor indication if any indication at all of detector capability. I have never used the AML-1000 but have no reason to believe that in non-motion mode the detectors are roughly the same for depth of detection. My ATX has very little useable extra depth in non-motion mode, if any.

All I can tell you from personal experience is this. The Garrett ATX is a very good ground balancing pulse induction metal detector. It has become one of my key units and I very much look forward to getting out and using it. The weight for dry land detecting will be an issue for most people and I highly recommend using a harness. But weight aside it is an excellent detector circuit that runs more like a VLF than a PI. It has excellent EMI resistance and a steady, well modulated audio response. The tones and modulated audio allow for a great degree of audio discrimination capability for those inclined to hunting by ear. I am not trying to sell you on the ATX but it is a detector worth consideration for those who truly understand the benefits and downsides to pulse induction detecting. It is because it is such a good detector that I keep harping on Garrett producing a lighter weight version. If it was mediocre I would not care.




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I hope this works but this is one of the documents that they sent me and I got the houres mixed up,,,,Sorry about that as they infact claimed 15 to 20 hours per supplied pacl =2off

Rest easy Steve I want this machine like I need oxygen and your Holiday just confermed my ideas,

Im doing ok but Im trying to get them to opperate on me again,, heck I was 54 yesterday and I still got my bucket list to take care of,


I dont know how you add the attachments of the Doccuments they sent me,,,does'nt matter anyway but I still got to buy one just the same, I just cant help myself,

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