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Killer Salt For Zed


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Greetings. The Gpz 7000 is virtually a dead horse in ground that are saturated with a high salt content. Either salt lakes or just grounds that have a high mixture with salts will give the ZED a bad case of the howlees.

The tracking on the ZED is slow and unforgiving in salts. Over highly mineralization the ZED works great and proper adjustments it will do what's it designed for to find Gold. For those who are going to be searching very salt saturated soil or lake beds then you may want to stick with your 4500 or 5000's.

The Gpz will find gold down to a 0.05 gram and does better and deeper, but it does have it short fall but one hell of a good detector.


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Yep some areas of lower salt content you can detune and operate the ZED. However in the land of down under you are wasting your time that due that areas like the great salt lake Austin out of Cue W.A. is totally unforgiving and even areas away front the lakes are zed killers. The ZED mimic a PI unit in sound but acts more like a super VLF on steroids. A 5000 with a 14"DD will shine better than a ZED in salts. Another problem is after a good rain in the(outback) the ZED picks up salt pockets near bushes and an other ghost hole!

Certain grounds that contain high amount of salts will certainly think you have a deep one and unfortunately a lot of digging for nothing, but use something like a backup 5000 to check hole to saves a lot of wasted time and digging.

maybe here in the USA is nothing compared to wonderful bad and nasty ground from the land of plenty of Yellow.

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We maybe don't have the most extreme salt, but Nevada has some pretty salty ground. If your standard is that the detector must be silent over the salt or it's no good, then yep, you will be disappointed. If your goal is to find gold, you will find that by slowing down and adjusting the machine it will find gold very well. Some months ago Steve found a patch in salty ground. He took most of an ounce. I rechecked it with an SDC and got one tiny piece of around a quarter gram. The GPZ had cleaned the patch really well.

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I am glad to know that the ZED is capable of hunting salty ground here in USA . WESTERN Australia grounds are so extreme that each new area hunting opened up new challenges.All I can say is that serious hunter needed 4 things.. a ZED ,5000,2300 and a good walco pick. I won't get into about the Sandstone W.A.area with all the banded iron ore.Its the other extreme of the spectrum.

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