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E-z Pinkins Dry-vac Back Pack Manual


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Hello, recently I've been given some of my  Uncle's things that he used while prospecting in California from the 1970's until about 1995 in the motherlode area, I only panned as a child and observed stream dregding so this is all new to me.  I received an E-Z Pickins dry vac back pack.  It's missing a few things so it needs work, but it has a manual of 27 pages in fairly decent shape.  If anyone wants a copy I'm willing to make them one cost of materials and a small processing fee for my time.  I have a copy of Dry Washing for Gold thats 81 pages if anyone is searching for that publication.  Thank you.





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Welcome Cheryl,

Thanks for the offer! Are you planning on getting back into the hobby? Do you plan on repairing and using it! That would be cool!

Good Luck??

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  I wish you Good Luck? with both! Tons of experience with both on this forum!  Question away!??

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Welcome to the forum.

There is a book by Chris Ralph called Fist Full Of Gold. I snagged a copy and gives a great over view on prospecting. Might fill in some of the missing info you may need. Best of luck out there!

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Cheryl, Welcome to the forum!!! I'm sure within a short period of time you'll have lots of answers to all your questions. I can't wait to here some of your stories about your childhood adventures.

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