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Impulse AQ Limited *** Hair Pin *** All Metal Mode

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Here is a very short video, I don't have much time right now.
But I would make you more videos with all the targets in the wet sand and on the wet sand for see the differences.

I start with the hair pin in ALL METAL.

All ferrous targets are recognizable in ALL METAL mode


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Yup, the same audio tricks that work for all other PI detectors work for the Impulse, and with the same limitations. If I had the inclination to do videos I would put one together showing the good items that can be passed by ignoring double blips, but for properly oriented rings versus hair pins, it does work quite well. When I finally get out again with the AQ I will be ignoring such signals to focus on clean deeper signals. I’m also aware I might be passing on some gold chains, ear rings, pendants, and certain rings on edge, all of which if properly shaped and oriented can cause a double blip signal. But the odds are very much in favor of the hair pin, and as long as rings are truly the main goal, they can be treated as a trash signal. But that is not a 100% thing but instead a calculated risk.

Long story short if you ignore the tones and mute modes the AQ is a very powerful PI detectors, and all the same audio tricks and tells we have used for decades on other PI detectors also apply to the AQ. 

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15 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Yup, the same audio tricks that work for all other PI detectors work for the Impulse, and with the same limitations.

Yes and no, because the faster a PI (Pulse Per Second) the more audio information there is if the detector does not integrate the signal too much.

With the Foster SSV3 at 10,000 PPS it was easier to recognize the pulltab than with any other PI.

You have to be above 4000 PPS to start to recognize the double loop of the Pulltab, and you need a very reactive detector with a weaker integration.

It's funny because we see it with the video editing software, we see the sound signals different from each other.

With a fast PI (weaker integration) /  > 4000 PPS in ALL METAL / AUDIO RESPONSE :



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All this is valid inside the sand and not in the air, nor placed on the sand.

Recognition is optimal when the target is at the limit of depth.

To get there, you just have to lift the serchcoil up to the audio signal loss limit for identify.

When you get used to it during research it goes very quickly.

Google (Android 10.0)

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You are singing to the choir Alexandre and misunderstand if you think I am not aware of and appreciate these things. I’m in full agreement that the AQ is wonderfully descriptive in its all metal response. I am always however keeping in mind two audiences. Those who know PI detectors, and those who do not. Using all metal modes and reading targets for size and shape is not totally unknown even to people who operate VLF detectors in all metal mode. It’s an old PI trick and the AQ may be better at it than most, possibly even the best. But discriminating items by size and shape is not the same thing as standard VLF discrimination. Orientation is key, and for demonstration purposes ideal orientations are always chosen. The method in full time use requires skill and judgement, and at best is always a bit of a gamble. There are valuable items that will deliver similar responses and those items will be missed when relying on these sorts of audio tricks as a discrimination methodology. That is just a fact, an important one, that I refuse to leave out.

You and I are 100% on the same page as regards AQ. The difference is you are presenting the best light only... I will be also be mentioning the caveats. I am a firm believer that the best way to introduce a new detector is with realistic cautions included, because not everyone reading these forums is a knowledgeable and experienced detectorist. They deserve to know both sides of the story, not the best case only, everything is just right narrative.

The reality is many people will never be able to develop these kinds of target reading skills. Perhaps they have poor hearing, or simply no patience. They need or want detectors with a clear tone difference or that ignore trash entirely. PI detecting is a specific skill set, and huge numbers of VLF detectorists try PI detectors and go back to VLF for these very reasons.

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Yes but beware, the IMPULSE AQ is not made for the amateur, it is designed for an experienced prospector, and people who want to find more gold with a more advanced and more complex search mode.

It has never been said otherwise, if you want ease and display of conductivity you will need an equinox or a BBS or a DEUS or others.

But with 60% less sensitivity in the best of cases, on wet sand.
L'impulse AQ is not a coinshooter.

The philosophy is this:

Either you wait after the gold which is inaccessible because too deep comes back to the surface thanks to the sea, at the risk that someone detect before you with a more powerful detector.

Either you decide to spend more time learning, digging etc ... But you find before the others and after the others ...

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Absolutely understood and agree Alexandre! You made this detector for me, and I thank you very much. However, the dealers and marketers that are the ones that will actually be selling the final version of this detector in the long run will not be so up front as you about all this. They want to sell detectors, and will take money from anyone that has it.

There will be those that will say most anything to sell a detector, and some will sum the AQ up by saying it will go deeper then anything else while offering new, state of the art discrimination. Which is not entirely untrue, but is misleading. So while it is true the AQ is made for knowledgeable, serious detectorists, it is inevitably going to be sold to and fall into the hands of those who do not understand it.

My goal is to make sure people do know this is a serious, powerful metal detector that can do great things for those who understand how it works and apply themselves to using it properly. Anyone coming from a PI background I think will be extremely pleased with the AQ. It is the VLF people moving to PI for the first time I am in guard for. Trust me, things have already been said on forums the last couple years that have set the AQ up for unrealistic expectations. See example here.

This forum will the place where people get the full story if they wish, and statements like the one you just made are very important in making sure the AQ gets into the hands of people who will understand it and appreciate it. So again, I thank you! ??

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2 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Trust me, things have already been said on forums the last couple years that have set the AQ up for unrealistic expectations. See example here.

Steve, you completely misunderstood my posts. You jumped to the conclusion that I was clueless about Pulse Induction and the Impulse. 

I've been casually following the development of the Impulse AQ for many years. It's getting so that in order to post here, a person has to give a long explanation of what they know in order to be understood. Try not reading between the lines so much. I know very well that the Tone ID on the Impulse is very crude compared to a VLF. I also have owned two PI machines and understand the tone quality involved when discerning targets.

I was just trying to understand what these Tone and Mute settings do and how they perform. Maybe I didn't communicate it very well.


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