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    No need to be a stranger here!

   And bad luck with the ticks! One of the few evils of the Great Outdoors! So hard to see, and protect against!

   Good pick, and plenty to learn here for the Nox 600! There are also some great books to be had!

   Gerry (as in Jerry, not Gary) of Gerrysdetector.com, is one of the great dealers that I've dealt with here! And there are other great one's too! Steve H. is no longer a dealer, but pretty much knows them all! Some lean towards gold detectors, and give great service, including lessons! But are also multiline dealers, and know other's equipment equally as well! And Steve G., of Stevesdetectorrods.com, makes beautiful carbon fiber detector, and scoop shafts! 

   Make sure to register your warranty! Minelab has great warranty service, if needed!

   Hope that helps! Keep us in the loop, for how it goes!??





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On 4/11/2021 at 10:16 AM, rvpopeye said:


I found the site in the fall so readin' up didn't cut intah my fishin' or detectin' time too much and shovelin' the white stuff was low on MY priority list way behind monitoring the correct amount of heat from my buddy heater !!!  Still not even close to bein' able to say "I Read It All" either.... everybody just KEEPS POSTING !!! Skuh kuh kuh kuh 

Cap sez  hope ya find the perfect new detector and mind the coil like you just set a pot. Oh Ayuh.


Are you perchance a DownEaster?

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20 hours ago, F350Platinum said:

Those are .308 blanks. Are you hunting a military rifle range?

?? ty for that answer. I hadnt really paid em much mind other than the necking,as i was studying where entrance ways etc may be and or what mayve came 1st. Naval rifle range or p.o.w,s? Together? Yes it is a p.o.w site,im havin limited success findin location specific info on this particular 1,thisun didnt house the officials but id think thered still b few coins or relics to b had and lots an lots of practice on purrrrfect plugs,after we dry up lil bit. Ive done more walkin lookn last few days as try to go with the flow of mother nature. Im not native to this location,they once boasted of the worlds largest pickling company here,along with turpentine an timber,matter of fact i found what appears to used to b purty good size turpentine distillery yest by looks of refuse an concrete pads. There was literally a small hill of ol collecter pans an scrap iron. I tried lil detectin where it was drier to no avail,except fer broken whiskey jug an ol rootbeer bottle and a lil copperhead,it wasnt rainin so it was all in all just a most enjoyable day,and ima do same thing 2day. Only diff is,i have no planned destination this morn,except to see whats over yonder. Thought bout beach but,ill wait lil bit an see if the better half mite b interested in a few days at beach,may even bring the pup. Kinda waitn on creek waters to recede an warm lil,bcuz thats what i think i like most bestest. I spent all my life at sea,or biggest part,nowadays im partial to freshwater an shade? cupla col beers. No worries mate. Gday?

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Ps ty for the reminder about warranty. Also i saw yall conv about scoops an carbon fiber etc in classifieds. I reckon ill b needn 1 of the kool scoops with scicle handle,for sand. Any ideas on gitn say coins off hard clay with very lil sand or gravel? Lol other than divin

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Oh ayuh Chummy , ya gotta handle on me home area.

We call uptah th' coast by Canada Downeast  but close enuff.

I kin talk like this too but don't much 'cept fer tourists. OR on forums,,,,justah leave no doubt , there arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr a toucha pirate in there sumplace I gess.

Lotsa scoops ta pick frum  yup yup.  I got a smaller one cuza my bad elbows.... 

Looks like you found sum good spots ta dig up cool stuff , keeper lookin' and nice pics , we duz like pics !


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    Holy cow!! Between the two of you guys, I'm going to need an interpreter!! My head hurts!! ?


    That's an awsome piece of wood/art/history, that could be worth a good bit of money to the right collector!! Mounted "as is" on a nice base, and with a good backstory! And shopped out to an independent gallery! That is, if your willing to part with it! Nice find!??

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Big Treasure today? 20210419_181958.thumb.jpg.8717593fd8c11298b735f0e07a647648.jpgi went back over a parking area used since early 80s that id previously dug with BH Tracker 4 mod that id gotten 17 bucks in pennies dimes quarters as well as cupla sterling rings. There were only 3 nickels in that amount. I think 3 diff hunts. 2day i used nox 600 an dug every target from 11 up in field 1 factory. I thought id surely have bunch of nickels. Nope. Not a 1. And only 1 2005 lincoln as only coin found. Rest was pretty much what i figured as trash with BH but wasnt sure. I myself find that surprising. I later expanded my catch of can slaw pull an poptops on diff farm where the i think the hired help traded labor directly for beer in cans,which they then drank at random across 40 acres,with added entertainment of rippin square tops off as they went? i did find a lil bunch of wild pigs that may soon add entertainment,seems nice cool wx this wk may even help✌

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