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X Coil Questions

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Jeff, agree with you totally on two counts. one. don`t make a patch cable if your not comfy or capable of doing so and two I`ve not used a QED so I cannot comment but I will not attack you because you do use a QED and speak positively of it.

Steve, of course it is your forum and of course you copped shit over X coil, but you weren`t the only one. I cannot be accused of shit fights on OZ forums as yours is almost the only forum I post on except for one that now seems to have been vacated by shit stirrers. But if my stating my perspective on your forum is not welcome please just be direct and say so, I`ll move on reluctantly because I`ve enjoyed my time here, sadly I`ll exit but with no drama. If my content is not welcome here say so, you know my content as I`ve been here awhile thus are informed.

Whoops Chase you got in before I`d submitted, exactly I understand Steve`s point.

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2 hours ago, Jeff McClendon said:

As far as the QED, I have one. I paid for it. I did not pay much attention to what the now ex-dealer said before or after he became an ex-dealer.  The QED I have works quite well with smaller coils. Is it even close to a GPX 5000........NO. Is it better than a Whites TDI for me.....YES  so far. I don't have enough hours on it yet to compare it definitively to the SDC 2300 except to say that it is tons easier to swing and coil changes including DDs are easy.

If anyone wants to borrow it just let me know. 

And to clarify Jeff... a good running QED works, and your reporting is not in question. Yet reading the stuff popping up now, lots of others did or are having problems now. And this is like version 4, but only now we are hearing this stuff? I'm not casting stones, just seeing again why I test stuff for myself.

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3 minutes ago, Norvic said:

Jeff, agree with you totally on two counts. one. don`t make a patch cable if your not comfy or capable of doing so and two I`ve not used a QED so I cannot comment but I will not attack you because you do use a QED and speak positively of it.


I would have no problem with the making of the patch cable. I spent many years sitting at a bench all day soldering board level parts before all of that got automated. Being dumb enough to become a professional musician I was also dumb enough to not realize that I wouldn't be able to support myself monetarily just through music. I just don't see the point in my world. In your world, you have an entirely different situation which I respect and understand. I have no problem with your decision to make the necessary mods for using X coils.

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On 4/25/2021 at 10:15 AM, Norvic said:

Steve, of course it is your forum and of course you copped shit over X coil, but you weren`t the only one. I cannot be accused of shit fights on OZ forums as yours is almost the only forum I post on except for one that now seems to have been vacated by shit stirrers. But if my stating my perspective on your forum is not welcome please just be direct and say so, I`ll move on reluctantly because I`ve enjoyed my time here, sadly I`ll exit but with no drama. If my content is not welcome here say so, you know my content as I`ve been here awhile thus are informed.

I'm being as direct as I can be. I'm letting people decide for themselves if they are my friends or not, because I sure as heck can't tell the difference apparently. I've always been a sucker. I've hired hundreds of people, been ripped off by oh so many of them. Many I did like a lot, a few I thought were friends... before they slid the knife between my ribs. People I defended.... until I found out they were stealing from me.

So who are my friends? Are you my friend Norvic? People think I'm hiding stuff... I'm the guy that comes out and tells the world he is an ex drunk! I'm old, I'm secure, I owe nobody anything, and nobody has anything on me. Nobody can tell shittier tales about themselves than I can. You can't buy protection like that; I earned it. :smile:

The problem is I get along with anyone, and I am non-confrontational. Trust me, I can confront as good or better than most. I just hate it is all. So this place is supposed to be where I can avoid confrontation. I still trust until screwed, and that is usually how it goes, but I won't change now. I'm your basic kind hearted trusting soul who in my career was forced to be anything but, I hated that, to the point where killing the pain with the bottle nearly killed me.

It's easy, here I am, letting it hang out, guts and glory, and screw anyone who thinks its anything but me being me. And if that's not your cup of tea, I get it. I just don't care if people like me or not as long as its me they are liking or not liking. Don't like me for the right reasons, not made up stuff. :smile:  I am a busy guy, and the x coil drama so middle school I could scream. I'm a genuine really serious person at one level, and I've had enough. I'm interested in these coils, I'd like to discuss them with people, I'm clearing the air to do just that. Anyone wants to play, be an actual adult instead of middle school player... then stick around and let's talk. :smile:

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41 minutes ago, Norvic said:

Jeff, agree with you totally on two counts. one. don`t make a patch cable if your not comfy or capable of doing so and two I`ve not used a QED so I cannot comment but I will not attack you because you do use a QED and speak positively of it.

Steve, of course it is your forum and of course you copped shit over X coil, but you weren`t the only one. I cannot be accused of shit fights on OZ forums as yours is almost the only forum I post on except for one that now seems to have been vacated by shit stirrers. But if my stating my perspective on your forum is not welcome please just be direct and say so, I`ll move on reluctantly because I`ve enjoyed my time here, sadly I`ll exit but with no drama. If my content is not welcome here say so, you know my content as I`ve been here awhile thus are informed.

Whoops Chase you got in before I`d submitted, exactly I understand Steve`s point.

If you think Steve's original post was saying do not post your opinion about X-COIL, then, no, you completely missed his point.  Steve's only point was people should 1) post with complete transparency - the good, the bad, and the ugly and 2) we should try to avoid drama - although that is hard and takes a lot of personal self control, and humility as we are all imperfect human beings subject to human nature.  That was his point...

You Cherry Picked one quote regarding his personal issue with the X-coil while completely ignoring the following:

4 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Anyway, back to X Coil. I just want to let people know discussion of them is welcome. What is not welcome is berating people for being concerned over the adapter. That should simply be the default position for wise people. “Do this at your own risk.” Concerned care, not panic.

It really seems that based on your other post, you somehow did not read, comprehend, or intentionally chose to ignore the above when you said, "If my content is not welcome here say so."  and "What the Z coil Saga on DP has taught me is I can not be bothered giving my views on products on DP again."  I don't begrudge your opinion on the X-coil - it makes sense for anyone who has the skills to weigh the risks (which ARE lower for someone with the requisite skills) for the performance payoff.  The problem is that many skilled folks somehow can't comprehend how something that comes so easily to them can be so difficult for others so it is chalked up to carelessness and "not being able to follow simple step-by-step directions".  Well...step-by-step directions don't teach a learned skill, such as soldering which includes proper equipment, materials, lead prep, temperature control, and of course being able to read a simple wiring diagram.  Miss any of those pieces you have at best, a non-working coil and at worst a damaged machine.   But Steve wasn't even drawing the line there.  He doesn't care if you shrug and wonder why people can't solder or read a diagram, his bar was don't berate people who are uncomfortable with pursuing the mod.  As far as I know, you did not do that.  So there is no reason to pack up.  BTW making this personal about you IS creating drama.  And I am also guilty of it for explicitly pointing it out.  So I'm willing to take the heat for that.  I just couldn't let it just hang there...sorry. 

Bottom line:  If you really get what Steve has been saying above, then there is no need for you to make the decision to leave.  Sorry, again.

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Are you my friend, I don`t know you any more then you know me and like you I`ve been ripped off by many as has anyone with our age. A friend to me is someone I can trust and finding someone you can trust takes time. Truly we haven`t got time in life to find out if you are my friend, thus I`ll qualify by saying you are my forum friend. Unfortunately that is the only answer I can give you honestly plus you would be a fool if you believed all who say they are your friend are indeed your friend.

We can`t be friends if we can`t have disagreements, for that would be dishonest, thus I disagree with you because I believe the patch cable is simple to make and say so.

Chase you believe I cherry picked I sure did, what I believe is not correct from my experience, the rest I went along with because that was Steves perspective but as you illustrated in your first post I sup[ported his point. 

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I know this also. I speak in generalities. People then zoom in on some portion and assume it's about them. "Oh, Steve thinks I'm being middle school" and then get all pissed off. No, I'm just protesting middle school behavior. If you own it, if you take that on yourself, that's on you. I'm not sitting here thinking names and various petty BS that people must ascribe to me. If I'm addressing you personally, you will have ZERO doubt about it. Otherwise it's just me talking generalities, because that is my normal mode of expression. Don't take it personally! If you do, then own that. It's on you.

I never said the patch is not easy to make. I said people are human, the risk exists. You insist it is risk free for anyone that attempts it? Really? Frankly, that's not a reasonable position.

Edit. OK, I said it's hard. Let's agree its easy. Makes no difference. Easy for you can still be hard for somebody else. It's about anticipating that others might not have the happy experience. Is that hard to get?

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1 minute ago, Norvic said:

Chase you believe I cherry picked I sure did, what I believe is not correct from my experience, the rest I went along with because that was Steves perspective but as you illustrated in your first post I sup[ported his point. 

Ok.  Thanks for replying and giving me your perspective.  I guess I tend to look for opportunities to try to resolve misunderstandings instead of wedges to try to drive folks apart.  Just thought I would point things that I thought were overlooked.  Guess I was wrong.  Wishing you the best.

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On ya I don`t take what you say personally, even forum friends don`t do that do they? Actually I don`t see our online discussion as anything but clearing the air from a bad online experience that we were both "recovering " from. I have no intent of moving on unless I`ve moved on or I feel my input is not wanted. To me it is good that we are having this conversation with others online putting in their bits.

There is fundamentally a difference between our opinions here, my opinion on the whole X coil drama was it was cunningly blown out of all proportions by motives outside both your and mine but that is not the issue for this thread, that issue is in the past and belongs in the pastas I see it.

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