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They're not aptX LL so they will have a fairly noticeable lag when detecting targets if you were to want to wirelessly connect,  atpX LL is a fairly obscure audio technology not widely used, but "was" used in detectors and their headphones prior to being discontinued/superseded as it had a suitable latency (speed) of audio so when you were sweeping over targets the sound matched the target location as accurately as possible, the higher the latency the more likely you'll struggle to find targets accurately.

Now with newer model detectors Minelab have moved off aptX LL seeing it's an older discontinued technology, for example the Equinox 900 now no longer uses atpX LL but the 800 does.

In your case you're intending to plug in with the line input so doing that this neckband you've found will be fine and have better latency than the aptX LL anyway by now even using wireless.   They should do suit your purpose fine.

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