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Photo Gallery Open For Business

Steve Herschbach

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If you look at the menu bar topside there is a new button marked "Gallery". This is the new forum photo gallery.

I take tons of photos, which I do use in posts and for stories on the forum. Even then however huge numbers go unused and unseen and I think that is a real shame. So I did this mainly for me to have a place to put additional photos that I can link to in threads both future and past.

A good example is my Steve's 2013 Alaska Gold Adventure where I used a lot of photos. But many were never seen, and so I am now putting up a bunch more in a gallery album here to get the ball rolling. 71 added so far with a bunch to go, and that is just one trip!

Each forum member can create their own album or multiple albums based on subject. The photos can be linked to and used elsewhere. The software has a few glitches but works well once you get the flow down. Here are some tips to get started. And before I forget, my apologies to those of you who found and were using the gallery before I made it public - some stuff got lost doing the forum upgrade getting it all ready for prime time.

I have set the limits pretty high but if you look at my gallery I am pretty much sizing everything to 1600 x 1200 (4:3) and it works well. You can try other sizes and shapes but that is a starting point. If you have issues I will try and tweak based on feedback.

Before you start, review the security warning about uploading files with location information

1.      Go to Photo Gallery at http://www.detectorprospector.com/forum/gallery/

2.      Click Add Images button in upper right.

3.      Select Category “Members Albums”.

4.      You can Create New Album or Choose Existing Album.

5.      To create a New Album choose a name like “Steve's 2013 Alaska Adventure”.

6.      Add a description for your new album “Steve drives to the town of Chicken in Alaska's Fortymile country to metal detect for gold in June and July of 2013.”

7.      Choose photos to add to your album or add them later. If cropping or resizing 1600 x 1200 or any 4:3 ratio delivers good results.

8.      After adding photos you can give them captions and descriptions. Everything can be edited later. If adding bulk photos and adding descriptions to multiple photos hit the arrow “>” on the right side to step through each image until done. There is a bug and if you try and go backwards info seems to disappear, so just go through one at a time until done. Fix stuff later by editing individually if need be. If you want to add copyright and credit info it can be added to all images at once in final step instead of one at a time, a great time saver.

Photos can be commented on and even given a star rating if you see ones you really like. Enjoy!

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You use an Android phone Ray?


If you hit on Steve's No1 -  Go to Photo Gallery link above, then when that page loads (it should show Steve's Gold Bug and other of his Album pics as he was the last person to upload .....Just scroll to the bottom of the page and the Bar says ADD IMAGES - .....Hit that and follow the prompts to name your own Gallery and upload away. You can add and load heaps at a time.


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