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Eagle Spectrum Parts?

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Hey guys, I have a pretty good idea what the answer to this question is going to be already but what the heck. Have an eagle spectrum i've used for years and love this old machine, however, the LCD screen is beginning to fail and i'd love to find a replacement to keep this old girl running. Does anyone know of a new old stock or used display screen that might be available for this old eagle? I know whites is long gone and their repair centers have long since depleted their supply of screens for this machine but am just grasping at straws here in the tiny hope that someone may know of this part laying around somewhere. E-bay is a dead end as well. Sadly, without a new replacement screen this old eagle is destined for the scrap heap. And that is a real shame to lose this old friend

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eBay is not a dead end, it is probably your only hope. As in put in an automated search, and wait a year. Problem is you would end up buying a complete used detector, not the parts you need. Simply finding the parts only would be near impossible, unless you could find a person with a dead detector, and the odds there are even lower than finding a used one.

Best bet might be to sell it for parts to help somebody else in your situation, then pick up a used one to replace it. But it will take time. I do see them for sale on eBay now and then, but obviously not all the time.

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As the Admin stated eBay is probably the only hope you have and you will probably end up buying a complete machine rather than the parts. With that in mind I might be listing one on eBay at some point. The one I have is the Eagle Spectrum 'Jimmy Sierra' special edition. It differs from the normal Spectrum in that the control box is not mounted on the stem but is worn over the shoulder in a Cordura case. Basically all the good stuff of the Eagle Spectrum in a lighter package. I haven't been selling on eBay since they changed the rules which I didn't agree with but I have a heap of stuff to get rid of so thinking of starting up again. Then again if you are in America the postage may be a problem as I'm in N. Ireland! I've attached a photo in case you have never seen this edition of the machine as I know I can't find any online!

Whites detector complete 01.jpg

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