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First 5 Times Out With D2


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I've settled into FAST, which is just SENSITIVE with Pitch mode square tones and Reactivity of 3. I'm mostly coin-shooting in modern parks just to learn the D2's nature right now. I've used DEEP HC and RELIC and found a couple of silvers at my roadside carnival, but those modes are only practical on a less polluted site. Get into aluminum trash and you're in for mental overload. I can't tell silver from clad since they seem to ID in the same area. Perhaps with experience there will be some kind of audio tell.


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58 minutes ago, Johnny Phoenix said:

I've settled into FAST, which is just SENSITIVE with Pitch mode square tones and Reactivity of 3. I'm mostly coin-shooting in modern parks just to learn the D2's nature right now. I've used DEEP HC and RELIC and found a couple of silvers at my roadside carnival, but those modes are only practical on a less polluted site. Get into aluminum trash and you're in for mental overload. I can't tell silver from clad since they seem to ID in the same area. Perhaps with experience there will be some kind of audio tell.


Johnny, I used pitch a little but not liking it yet. To me it is basically a 2 tone program... iron and everything else, right? Trouble that I had with it was that there is very little info with it. It is either soft or loud or louder depending on size and depth. So then I have to look at the screen every beep to have an idea what might be under the coil., right? At 75 years old I do not want to dig or look at the screen every beep. Do you have any tips on using pitch? thanks, gene 

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3 hours ago, Johnny Phoenix said:

I've settled into FAST, which is just SENSITIVE with Pitch mode square tones and Reactivity of 3. I'm mostly coin-shooting in modern parks just to learn the D2's nature right now. I've used DEEP HC and RELIC and found a couple of silvers at my roadside carnival, but those modes are only practical on a less polluted site. Get into aluminum trash and you're in for mental overload. I can't tell silver from clad since they seem to ID in the same area. Perhaps with experience there will be some kind of audio tell.


 Maybe modern trash is different than thick iron(assuming so) to some guys. I must be not seeing what you and others are elluding to on this. For me I use filters silencer mid to jacked,bottlexap 4,notch to 40 if I'm not relic hunting and tones are delightful! Foil,slit of thin stuff or non can slaw has a mush to them atleast some do. If your coin shooting specifically notch to 58. 62-78 trash mostly be gone! Of course there are bigger gains to be had finds and unit learning not doing that! Pitch will hit non-ferrous if it can be hit that's for sure what I see testing but I just cant use it knowing the nuanced audio is so lightyears better than any I've used,heard!  

        Metal detecting nwga using pitch notched like that for coins btw


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I preface by saying I'm in the learning phase like nearly everyone else. I have a program I set up that notches out everything from 8-58 and 66-78. I based it off of a suggestion of another member here, but not the life of me can't remember his user name. Anyway, I call the program PIGBANK and it's based on FAST with the above notches, 6.8 discrimination, 3 Recovery, bottle cap reject of 4(?) That range covers everything from IHP up to large silver. Iron still sounds off, so it's an indicator how contaminated the ground is. If I have any complaint on the D2, its how compressed the 'good" coin area is, 89-95 and more narrowly 91-93, where I've found pennies, dimes, and quarters in. 85 or so for zinc. Has an early wheat come in at a 79, but was using 40kHz due to electric cattle fence interference.

Putting it into practice, I look for a small, clean, consistent tone and use the ID do make the final decision to dig. If you slowly pass the coil over a target, you will hear an uneven audio response on junk targets. Since the machine doesn't overload on cans, size and ID in relation to proximity are some clues. A near-surface quarter will not change ID much as you raise the coil several inches. A can, on the other hand will change 3-4 ID points depending on how close you are to it, as well as still sound off with the coil 10" or more above it. Also, a slow sweep will indicate how large it is. Deeper cans are a little harder, and I've dug a 15" hoping for a reward. Nickels are the hard one for me, as they ring up 63-4 but sometime sound broken like aluminum scrap, beaver tails, and some pull tabs. The third part is amplitude. The deeper coins have all been notably quieter, but still gave a usable ID. 

This is for coin shooting in busy/very busy ground: heavy discrimination; listen for a clear, clean sound; small target footprint; check ID as final step.

I only have a dozen hours on this machine due to inclement weather, but I can already tell the D2 is going to be a great addition to my detector collection. I'm not at all concerned if it's the deepest: it's light and super easy to swing, portable, really fast in trash, and highly adaptable. I'm not going to get rid of my other detectors, as they all have their strong points, but the Nox may have just become the new loaner, which was the F75's job until a couple of weeks ago...


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went out for a while today to a new field. I tried the 1st program.. General. only tweaks were raining to tones in the 2nd and 3rd tones. I can't believe how quiet it was especially at Sensitivity at 95!!! When I'd go over something good I knew it right away. Not much in the field but got a couple of horse tack buckles, a small musket ball and lots of can slaw. Towards the end of the field and after about 3 hours I got a pretty decent  1873 IH...   The only thing that I had trouble with was not finding where the heck was the setting to pair the MI6... This menu system really befuddles me. I am liking this machine more and more. over and out for now.

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32 minutes ago, martygene said:

went out for a while today to a new field. I tried the 1st program.. General. only tweaks were raining to tones in the 2nd and 3rd tones. I can't believe how quiet it was especially at Sensitivity at 95!!! When I'd go over something good I knew it right away. Not much in the field but got a couple of horse tack buckles, a small musket ball and lots of can slaw. Towards the end of the field and after about 3 hours I got a pretty decent  1873 IH...   The only thing that I had trouble with was not finding where the heck was the setting to pair the MI6... This menu system really befuddles me. I am liking this machine more and more. over and out for now.

With puck off, turn on RC. Select the wireless phones icon. Then push and hold the - button on the puck for two seconds when prompted. Done. 

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