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Another Consistent Cw Relic Hunt. Plugging Away Day,3rd Day With Success A Iron Ring? New Bullet Variant!?

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This is the haul -3 modern .45 slugs and of course a few mushroom tipped nails(not many,I dont even like mushroom tips!).  Wondered off in the bush away from fort earthworks thingy mabob to my own demise! No success,got back over whr there are many many bullets still in dirt(walking over my filled holes every trip and pulling others within feet. Also just overwhelming with metal in a pretty large area(earthworks I have not been back in it,its just to much). Again lost time going away from my hole only to start the jonesing(I need bullet!) And get after the damn nails(if your seeing 85 on hit or miss signal it's a mushroom tip or just skinny nail) imo! 

    Settled down finally after to many metal bombed holes(pinpointer going bananas every direction) yes I balance it! Dug smart scraped every find in pic in maybe hour n half! Just like other thread "no need to guess or chase sketchy broken signals,every good find solid as can be!"  

      If anyone knows about iron rings? Tell me things! 

      If anyone knows what flavor bullet these are!? Tell me things,please! 

      Have a great night,happy hunting






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Jo        This is the total find hoard of 3 evening hunts combined time somewhr 8-10 hours best gestimate! I'm off work at 530,dark at 830 so it's close enough!

         The bullets imo are cut game pieces are really cool to me! I've dug a stretched(nice castle) chess piece squared above rings and stretched a bit a really nice obvious soldier art at a fort in alabama! These few here even the cleaner are cut and rounded edges,real effort for them to be nice by some soldier! I feel like I'll get a few more because I think every evening I've gotten one so the set may have been lost(dumbass me did not note and circle,would have been helpful!). 

     The carbine or 54ish cal bullet is a first for myself and I love it just dont know the make and model or even vin number. I think just from google picks and 5 minutes it may be a smith carbine, I'll get to the bottom of it this evening when I yet home(real home!). 

     Just thought I'd encompass all digs of note from the earthworks area! And anyone with "wonder if this boy(38yr old) is digging on parks"? Thoughts!? No I'm not and although I'd skirt the edge as everyone would, I'm way to paranoid for actual park/battlefield/preserve beeping! Private/public/Gods land only for me!;) I respect choice of land owners 100% if they tell me no I dont go! I only throw this out as I was asked privately so I guess that's a thing!?  

        I do lots of research( no less than thousands of hours) on civil war movement,locations,skirmishes you know the deal! I love uncovering things not widely known and there are many instances left to work after finer details if they can be found I want to find them! It's crazy to think how many times I've went over the exact same materials trying to catch something leading down a rabbit hole to answers I seek! Here and there solid answers (atleast very high percentage gestimations) based on random diary,so and so said blank,lowly unknown officers reports,civilian words heck anyone serious about research will know what I mean! 

        Whr I live the oldest map is 1891ish with any real road placements,towns and so on. It's a postal map and details are non existent to actual roads it's like they did it just to say "road/town" here. Sadly some talk about that map as its 100%fact on many subjects when the roads dont have curves!?:/ crazy I know! 1932 earliest fact based evidence map! I've been scowerying skirmish reports,foraging anything I can find down deep rabbit caves! Our historical society is so status driven theyve written roads in stone or landmarks, I found reports from union side calling a road a name in one place with 2 landmarks (1 is absolute) referenced clearly showing depending on side doing the writing the bread trail can be very easy to misinterpretation and if not careful your historical society may read certain things and except oh yeah that landmark is here so this is now set in stone to! Atleast the instance I'm referring to I know without doubt they have it wrong because I've read it clearly from several officers involved in the skirmish, one side of the fight just called roads differently than the other,misspelled,wrote and talked differently also shouldnt be a surprise to a logical man/woman!

    Any info or opinions on the carbine (maybe) bullet would be much appreciated. 


 Goodluck,be safe,be happy








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Also ring is brass its non magnetic anyway.

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Awesome finds and each has it's own story. That ring is very intriquing and probably has the most interesting story. Since most of the common foot soldiers in the day came from poor families, I can imagine it was quickly fashioned for a hasty wedding just before Johnny goes marching off to war never to return, and the ring remained lost in that spot until you found it almost 160 years later. Very cool find!

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Nice bunch of finds. CW relics are some of my favorite finds. A lot of people can't get excited about digging bullets, I could dig them all day as long as there is some variety to be found. You found a nice variety of bullets. Congratulations! The carbine bullet you are referring to is a Smith carbine if I'm not mistaken.  

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26 minutes ago, CPT_GhostLight said:

Awesome finds and each has it's own story. That ring is very intriquing and probably has the most interesting story. Since most of the common foot soldiers in the day came from poor families, I can imagine it was quickly fashioned for a hasty wedding just before Johnny goes marching off to war never to return, and the ring remained lost in that spot until you found it almost 160 years later. Very cool find!

Yes and your little story changed up perspective for this ring to me so that's awesome!  I once found a crude silver ring alongside .36 cal colt in alabama! Thanks man

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18 minutes ago, abenson said:

Nice bunch of finds. CW relics are some of my favorite finds. A lot of people can't get excited about digging bullets, I could dig them all day as long as there is some variety to be found. You found a nice variety of bullets. Congratulations! The carbine bullet you are referring to is a Smith carbine if I'm not mistaken.  

        I'd rather dig relics atleast as of now I would no questions about it! I'm super happy with each and everyone, I can understand the thought line of same old digs if a guy had a thousand plain .58 minie and just desired some spice! Same applies to after the kids go to bed,gotta put in effort for spice although bullet variants are not in our control! Lmao 

   Love it,love the smith,need moar!

   Thanks abenson 

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Has to be some buttons around,I'm gonna bring nox800 back with me to identify button sigs in ground! I'm only digging 80/81 mostly! Every 85,86,89 broken sig had been iron in this spot so if it flashes higher than 83 I've been moving on! Many more beeps to investigate,dig the bangers then I'll move to learning more on the harder beeps by that time ill be deus 2 highly efficient.

  Yesterday hit several solid 75's I know dig all solid but that's not accounting for my lust for lead! I'd mentally break with leaving bulletless knowing they be there and I'm just a swing to unbroken beep away from building the mental health I need!:) kinda serious though,as fact checkers would say "mostly" true! Limited time and my impatience/passion for the lead are a battle within the battle! Working on it all!

         I'm certain most know the wierd "mushy or floated out audio on some aluminum?" This machines sound quality is awesome and the main driving factor I wanted it! Have always considered D1 but cal used nox as a all around over deus 1 and its depth limitations or supposed always kept me from it! Expense is big also but I'm super happy I pulled the trigger on the D2! If it's not quite field hunting I'm not sure I'll ever grab my nox800 just because ever again! For science,testing  for sure but I dont see it happening other than those reasons and that says alot about my confidence.    Some dont get along with ol'noxy but pre-D2 I could go anywhere,hunt with anyone and like my chances for the W. From dead ringers to edge of detection I could once call my digs with very high% with the nox! Could again just outta practice,my hunting buddy past away so prior to D2 purchase I hadent been swinging much recently! Never stop chasing info of the soldiers gps positions though,especially the places I work alot and home!


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The 2 little bullets I thought were cut chess pieces possibly!?  I'm 99% certain thier Mississippi pattern rifle bullets 290some grain(measured,weighed 2 days ago) and in t&t book they match these damn near perfect on measurements and to the grain 100%. These were older style patterns some Confederate hung on to and cast their own it says! That's my take away,has anyone ever found any? Does anyone have an opinion on this?

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