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Z, X & SDC


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Well, my Son did it and turned up with a SDC in exchange for my 5000 for Easter. Went off to try the SDC, left him with Z to compare with 5000 and new age coils, he was fairly impressed with performance of 5000 with the Elite 14" but in using the Z to compare he is now spoilt and talking Z Z Z Z only. Suspect the 5000 is history, regardless that the new age coils have increased the performance of the 5000, the stability of the Z has swung him.

The SDC, it is super stable and a small piece magnet, good fun and will complement the Z. It is the small coil gold detector for those pieces around boulders the Z just can`t get at, plus for those shallow pieces that recovering is time consuming for the Z.


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My wife and I agree.  We use them (SDC & Z) the same way.


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Hopefully I can now get my Missus out there swinging, I was really amazed at the SDCs, Z like handling of some pretty difficult ground. Ground that requires slowing right down with the 5000. Certainly they are a good pair whose strengths complement each other. Easter Bunny and GoG was very good to me.

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I no longer have an SDC and so am waiting patiently for a small coil for the GPZ. The small coil on the SDC not only gets into tighter locations but makes for much easier pinpointing when sniping small gold. In theory the GPZ with small coil should not only match the SDC for performance on small gold but should exceed it. The SDC as a pulse induction machine does a fantastic job but still has gaps in its detection ability because of the nature of PI technology.

There will always be a place for the SDC however. It certainly costs far less than the GPZ and weighs less. And that waterproof fold up stick in a rucksack design just screams cool. I really enjoy showing the machine to somebody that has never seen one. The SDC has an undeniable wow factor.  I do not think there is an easier detector to operate that I could put in the hands of a novice to find their first nugget.

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 Other than its WOW factor, as you state, it has it over the Z in one very Important area, because of the small coil, it can be worked around boulders etc etc where the experienced operator knows a small coil is the go. My SDC on its 3rd partial outing, (yesterday),(naturally Z does most work most days) has found its first patch, which the Z will be cleaning up. Without the SDCs small coil the indicator nuggets to this patch would have not been found, this ground had been worked by many VLFs, PIs and many operators over many years and been walked away from. Although a GM2, around 20 years plus ago, got the first indicator nugget. Just wasn`t enough detecting power to go further nor any subsequent PI until the SDC & Z team. The gold though small was deep out of VLF range in difficult ground, the SDC purred over. No doubt if the Zs coil could have been gotten on the ground it would have got these indicator nuggets plus more.

In my part of the world, I feel the SDC to be a complement to the Z as stated, in my experience the Z has proven to be the Alpha gold detector (no doubt) whilst the SDC is fast proving to be the Beta(more runs needed). It could be said it lucked onto this patch but that would negate many years of operator experience, persistence licks luck always in the long run. I suspect the folded up SDC will be a part of this operators armory, probably residing in the backpack on the longer Z hunts. Time will tell.

Just one question I ask myself, Why didn`t I get one before????????? Bloody stubborn old codger syndrome.

Come on ML, small coil for the Z pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!!!!!!!

If I sound excited, tis because I am. On Ya ML.

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