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Detech Concentric 18

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I've taken a bit of a renewed liking the to my GPX 5000 at the moment, it's threshold is music to my ears after listening to the death metal rock concert the GPX 6000 produces and now it's winter the beaches are devoid of people and prime for the picking.  Our beaches don't have all that much junk other than the targets like bottle tops and pull tabs that I'd be digging anyway with a VLF if I was chasing rings so using a PI on the beach here isn't such a bad idea for the superior depth and beaches being easy digging,   I've walked over 200 meters up and down a beach a few times in the second biggest city in the South Island and the spot was only a few km's from the city center and not hit one target at all, the beaches are just not covered in trash like some places so a GPX is a good choice of detector.

it's about the only reason I have a small regret of getting rid of my QED, it was a decent light weight beach PI that could use GPX coils.  This is why this Detech Concentric seems worth the investment, it's only one decent not even good ring find to pay for itself.  We also have a lot of black sand beaches and more mineralisation on the beaches than we do on land in most cases even the beaches around here without going to the west coast's near pure black sand beaches are more tricky to deal with for a detector than the gold areas nearby so using the GPX makes a lot of sense.

This 18"  Detech is much cheaper to buy from Bulgaria which is cool, even though it's got a long ride to get here it's significantly cheaper and being so light for it's size should make a decent beach coil.

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Simon, the Detech concentric coil is good on the beaches but only with the GPX5000 Salt Gold timing. On the Salt Course timing of the 4500 you just can't null out the salt signal. This is true also for many mono coils. You can get it to work with a few setting tweaks, but a Salt/AI coil or a DD coil in Cancel mode will run dead silent. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Let us know what you think of it once you've got some miles on it!

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1 hour ago, phrunt said:

Let us know what you think of it once you've got some miles on it!

I will.  but I haven't taken it out of the box yet.  The heat wave is not over yet.  Right now it's 9:30 p.m. and the temperature is 43 degrees Celsius.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The heat wave has finally given us a break and I took the opportunity to test the detech cc 18 coil today. I was using it with extra sensitivity and a 20 euro cent coin catches it perfectly at a depth of 40 cm.  in both mono and double d.  and to say that the discrimination mode also works in mono mode (we all know what the discrimination of a pulse is like).  I got the same small wires that I got using the commander 11 double d and that I didn't get with the detech spiral of 15, in this aspect the spiral is superior but it is also quite a bit heavier.  quite stable and super light for its size.  definitely a real killer for coins.  In short, very happy with the purchase.  It remains to be seen how it behaves against gold nuggets but I imagine that it has to work quite well too

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