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Any Idea Fossilized Bone?

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I’m not sure where this came from, I think we were in China visiting friends in a carving studio I don’t remember where exactly? 

but it sits a a windowsill with other rocks and to me it looks like bone but just a guess?

Anyone have a guess?



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It looks like what is called a "limb cast" to me, which is a piece of fossilized wood/branch. Google image search here. 

Limb casts can be palms, or all sorts of weird early trees/plants that don't exhibit the "tree ring" type growth we'd expect.

But it also kinda looks like fossilized antler too. I'd take it to UNLV paleontology department if you happen to be driving by sometime. I'm not good enough with fossils yet to really know specifics 100%, so I take a lot of stuff to the scientitists.

Anyway, whatever it is I'd say it's a fossilized "something". 

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1 minute ago, jasong said:

It looks like what is called a "limb cast" to me, which is a piece of fossilized wood/branch. Google image search here. 

Limb casts can be palms, or all sorts of weird early trees/plants that don't exhibit the "tree ring" type growth we'd expect.

But it also kinda looks like fossilized antler too. I'd take it to UNLV paleontology department if you happen to be driving by sometime. I'm not good enough with fossils yet to really know specifics 100%, so I take a lot of stuff to the scientitists.

Anyway, whatever it is I'd say it's a fossilized "something". 

Thank Jasong, I confess seeing your Dino bone and it made me remember this whatever it is, for no good reason the shape always reminded me of a section of ulna bone. Could have been any animal too, tree palm antler root, UNLV’s a good idea if it’s anything worth their time I’d get an answer, if it’s not …that I’ll be my answer.


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I'm pretty certain it's a limb cast. I've found a handfull of them thinking it's also what you are diagramming there too, but every time I was wrong and it was ID'ed as a limb cast when I took it in to the museum and had the experts look at it.

But yeah, definitely get a 2nd opinion if you can. There is a natural history museum in Vegas too, they might have resident paleontologists like the museum near me has. A bunch of people sandblasting bones out of rock in the back of the museum, always seem happy to have someone walk down and show them something new and get their opinions, I've learned a lot from people like that. 

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1 hour ago, jasong said:

I'm pretty certain it's a limb cast. I've found a handfull of them thinking it's also what you are diagramming there too, but every time I was wrong and it was ID'ed as a limb cast when I took it in to the museum and had the experts look at it.

But yeah, definitely get a 2nd opinion if you can. There is a natural history museum in Vegas too, they might have resident paleontologists like the museum near me has. A bunch of people sandblasting bones out of rock in the back of the museum, always seem happy to have someone walk down and show them something new and get their opinions, I've learned a lot from people like that. 

Looking at the limb casts it sure does, I think you nailed it. Jasong thank you

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1 hour ago, jasong said:

I'm pretty certain it's a limb cast. I've found a handfull of them thinking it's also what you are diagramming there too, but every time I was wrong and it was ID'ed as a limb cast when I took it in to the museum and had the experts look at it.

But yeah, definitely get a 2nd opinion if you can. There is a natural history museum in Vegas too, they might have resident paleontologists like the museum near me has. A bunch of people sandblasting bones out of rock in the back of the museum, always seem happy to have someone walk down and show them something new and get their opinions, I've learned a lot from people like that. 

Mostly my wife was happy it wasn’t something scary like a bone, lol.

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Klunker, I can’t remember a time I haven’t enjoyed reading your opinion right or wrong… I also can’t remember a time i thunk it was wrong looking back, your eloquence could as they say sell ice cubes to those living in climates requiring warm clothing and polar bear protection. I hope no polar bears are offended.

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