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Deus 2 Carbon-fiber Shaft Project Update...(updated 8-27-22 With New Pics -- Fully Assembled Shaft)


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5 hours ago, steveg said:

palzynski --

The introductory price on my shaft will be $229 USD plus shipping.

Also, thanks for the information/specifications on the Deus Lite S-Stem -- the lighter alternative to the standard Deus stem.  So, yes -- while my shaft is a hair lighter than the standard Deus shaft, it is not quite as light as the Deus lite.

What I can say, is this.  First, if I made my shaft shorter (Deus length), obviously it would be lighter, as you noted.  In fact, building my shaft to Deus standard shaft length, would reduce my shaft weight by almost an ounce (0.9 oz.)  I can do that, for any customer who doesn't need the extra length.  At "Deus length,"  my shaft weight would then be reduced to approximately 15.4 oz.

In addition, the Deus shaft uses neither an arm cuff pad, nor an arm cuff strap.  Eliminating those from my arm cuff, would remove another half ounce (0.55 oz.).  This is also something I can do, for any customer that doesn't need a pad or a strap. So at that point, my shaft would be reduced to 14.85 oz. -- and would be within 0.85 oz. of the weight of a Deus Lite shaft (and just over an ounce and a half lighter than the Deus standard shaft).


Ok long story short this carbon shaft looks very interesting , its weight is similar to the XP stock shafts but it is much longer especially for the rear shaft which means a much better "sweeping cumfort" ... Again tall guys will appreciate , the current XP shafts design is definitely not for them ... ?

It is a little expensive but this is normal for such a sophisticated carbon design ...

When you say 229$ you mean shipping to Europe or US only ? thx

Btw  a 2 part version would be even lighter because you would save a camlock weight ( probably around 1 oz )


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palzynski --

Yes, my biggest disappointment with this shaft is the expense.  I always try to offer customers the best possible prices that I can.  But, this was a VERY expensive shaft to design, as each part (lower rod end, remote control mount, handle, and arm cuff) had to be designed from scratch, several molds had to be purchased in order to produce these parts, etc.  So, that drives up the cost significantly.

Think about it this way...compared to my Equinox straight shaft, this shaft has three additional components, right off the bat, that the Equinox shaft does not require -- the remote-control mount, the S-handle, and the arm cuff.  While the cost per piece of the remote-control mount is not high, the injection mold that will be required to produce this part will be costly (initially, this will be a 3D-printed part).  But, the S-handle and the arm cuff require not ONLY expensive molds to produce them, but even once the molds have been purchased, they are expensive parts to produce (due to being carbon fiber, and not plastic).  For these reasons, the cost on this shaft is higher than I would like, and I will likely have to raise the price more, eventually.  But, I wanted to get it out there at the lowest possible introductory price.  And no, that price does not include shipping to Europe.  In the U.S., shipping will add about $21 USD ($250 total price), but obviously more to ship overseas -- probably around $50 USD for shipping to the UK/EU.

And YES -- a 2-piece shaft WOULD be lighter; about 1 1/2 oz. lighter due to the elimination of one of the cam locks.  And I can CERTAINLY build a 2-piece shaft for anyone who does not require the collapsibility that the 3-piece offers.  I know many users like the way the stock XP shaft collapses for travel, and so I wanted to maintain that ability for those who like it.  BUT -- for those who don't require it, and are happy with a two-piece shaft, another approximately 1.5 oz. can indeed be shaved from the shaft just by eliminating the upper cam lock.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks nice Steve.

Locking mechanism for remote?

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6 hours ago, F350Platinum said:

Looks nice Steve.

Locking mechanism for remote?

It's being worked on as we speak; the measurements/specs are in the hands of my producer now, and they are working on the drawing...



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5 hours ago, CPT_GhostLight said:

Wow, that's dead sexy, Steve! ??

Thank you!  ?


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Thanks for your reply.  So far, the field testers have found the grip to be quite comfortable; my thought is that if anyone wants anything rubbery or padded, it can be added via "grip tape" or other similar options (such as used with sporting equipment, etc.)  I use a "fishing rod grip wrap" on my Equinox, and really like it.

Unfortunately, my lower rods will not be compatible with the stock shaft.  The XP shaft uses "trapezoidal" tubes, and mine uses round tubes, so the two are not compatible.  My apologies on that...

Thank you!


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