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Protecting Your Gear

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I was reading an Aussie forum and was shocked to read the following, hits home pretty hard.

Anyone have any ideas how to protect your gear when out swinging?

empty.gifPoor choice led to bad luck.

Post  IDAufinder Today at 6:02 am

I haven't posted for quite some time but have been reading some very interesting posts so I thought I would share an ugly one. I had hoped to share some good news along with some pics of the finds I should have by now but I got bit by the nasty thief bug!! I finally had everything I needed to retire to the gold fields of the western U.S. and start beeping to my hearts content but I made the poor choice of taking all my cash with me. On the second day out I was out in the middle of nowhere Nevada and had hauled my detectors, coils and my Honda CT90 out to a spot my Dad had told me about to do mostly scout work and a little beeping and at the end of a long day I got back to my camp trailer to find my lock cut off and my door pried open. Crying or Very sad  Some thieves had got in and found my money and stole some of my electronics and it was obvious by the tracks that they were on ATV's. The thieves got away with $5500, my little tv, a 4000 watt inverter and my satellite system.  I had almost bought a small safe to lag bolt to the floor under my bed but I didn't (I'll have one next time!!). So I learned a big lesson, don't trust a padlocked and dead bolted door to keep your valuables safe!! The good news was that I had my Minelab and all my coils and my Gold Bug 2 and coils plus my 3 guns with me and enough cash on me to make it back home to Idaho.   I am now working to get my finances back enough so I can retire to a life of chasing the elusive nugget again and I am hoping by the end of May that I will restart my dream.
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It's sad that there is sh***** people like that. As far as securing valuables in a camper vehicle is concerned, I don't really think there is anything that is foolproof, especially if they are approaching on ATV.

  • You could do your best to make it as difficult as possible to enter, good deterrence is often the best protection (The fact is that had everything been secured in a small safe, chances are they would have just walked off with the safe.)
  • A.) Don't carry cash B.) Don't carry cash C.) Don't carry cash...I know a lot of people don't trust banks, or it is inconvenient, the truth is that this is the safest place for your money.  
  • Don't use padlocks - if they can't get at it with bolt cutters, one or two good blows with a hammer and these things are usually gone. 
  • The best solution is to keep as many of your valuables on your person as possible - use a waterproof otter-box/pelican case etc stashed in your pack (Gold, cash if you have to have it, all personal documents.) Plenty of crackheads out there that are more than eager to relieve you of your valuables when you are not around, not very many people are ready to elevate that to armed robbery.



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It depends on how you protect/hide it and who knows where it is.

I knew an old timer who slept with 80 pounds(yes, pounds!) of gold under his bed.  I think I was one of two people that he told where it was.  As it was, he had a family friend(the other person) talk him into  "safekeeping"  it for him once when he got ill. When he got well, she wouldn't give it back to him! She said she had a lot of debt and needed it.( he said she was a gambler)

He was a little upset (I would have been more than that) but just said..."Oh well, the fun was in finding it"

Moral of the story is, you can lock it up or just "sleep on it" and still lose it.

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5 hours ago, Rege-PA said:

 I am now working to get my finances back enough so I can retire to a life of chasing the elusive nugget again and I am hoping by the end of May that I will restart my dream.

Sorry to hear of that.  There are always a few low life's out there just waiting for some easy money to steal.  I was at a minors camp in AK and they had a serious anti theft policy. You steal something and you get caught, you may not leave AK.  Needless to say the camp was pretty theft free! 

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2 hours ago, Roughwater said:

Sorry to hear of that.  There are always a few low life's out there just waiting for some easy money to steal.  I was at a minors camp in AK and they had a serious anti theft policy. You steal something and you get caught, you may not leave AK.  Needless to say the camp was pretty theft free! 

You should avoid those minors camps... Stop pretty theft. :rolleyes:

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25 minutes ago, AU_Solitude said:

You should avoid those minors camps... Stop pretty theft.

Glad they didn't steal your humor.  Maybe I should have said "Miner" instead of Minor.  Might give one the wrong impression. :biggrin:   An English major I'm not.

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22 minutes ago, AU_Solitude said:

You should avoid those minors camps... Stop pretty theft.

Glad they didn't steal your humor.  Maybe I should have said "Miner" instead of Minor.  Might give one the wrong impression. :biggrin:

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Just a suggestion,

A motion activated door bell or alarm coupled with a UHF radio set up on voice activation and a second UHF on yourself to hear the alarm. It would let you know about movement in camp. It doesn't help if your 20 minutes from camp but the thieves don't know how far away you are.

Hope it helps stop that pretty minor theft ;-)



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I've had some petty theft around my camp in the past and unless someone stays on site every minute (unrealistic) it may happen, but I have found a way to deal with it somewhat. I always leave a bottle of Wild Turkey on the camp table and cheap bottle of wine in the cooler.....each a 50/50 mix of booze and piss. Whenever it disappears at least I get some satisfaction, have a drink on me  dirt bag.

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