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Warning For Mining Claim Owners

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With that many closures one would think it was another administration error like last year… maybe?

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Thanks for the update. I saw a note in the last MLRS data dump mailer that they said something about deleting names, wasn't sure what they meant by that exactly.

Haven't had time to catch up on all this stuff yet.

I hope the database isn't gone entirely? I'll have to check it all out when I get home. If they are planning on getting rid of the database entirely like you said, then I'm going to fight them on that one.

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I didn't say they were planning on taking away the database jasong. I wrote that the online database access is gone now. It's been gone most of the day. Right now I can occasionally get a response from it but it fails more times than not.

Here is the actual impact of the BLM's redaction of claim owner names.


237,692 owner names removed. 91% of all names including historical records.


And here is what a case file serial register page looks like now.


You will find those replacement XXXXs in all the BLM records now - not just mining claims. If there was a claim transfer XXXXs same XXXXs for NOIs and POOs. New owner or drop an owner XXXXs.

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I just checked one of my CO. claims and it's been CLOSED. I sent the claim paperwork on 7/26 called BLM in Sept and they said they didn't have the personnel to handle filings. I received my stamped/approved filings dated 5 Nov and my claims were marked Abandoned/Forfeited on 17 Nov.  Will the CO. BLM office fix their late processing and correct this?


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I just called the CO. BLM office and they said it may take another week before the BLM site is updated and corrected. They have received hundreds of calls this week regarding CLOSED claims!:sad:


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10 minutes ago, cobill said:


I just checked one of my CO. claims and it's been CLOSED. I sent the claim paperwork on 7/26 called BLM in Sept and they said they didn't have the personnel to handle filings. I received my stamped/approved filings dated 5 Nov and my claims were marked Abandoned/Forfeited on 17 Nov.  Will the CO. BLM office fix their late processing and correct this?


I have no idea Bill. The BLM has beconme very uncommunicative after years of a good relationship. We used to work with them closely on several projects including the MLRS. We didn't even receive notice of this data redaction until a week after they had done it.

If I were in your situation I would put my concerns in writing and send them a copy by registered mail. I think at this point it's going to be up to individual claim owners to get the BLM to correct their errors.

Good luck and keep us posted.


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Thanks. Keep us updated if there is any kind of permanent alteration, or ongoing outages. I view the MLRS, or equivalent, as a critical and necessary government service and one of the things I consider my tax dollars well spent on. I also consider it critical for not just small scale miners, but the mining industry in general. I also view the proper management of our mining claims as critical to operation of our government and if the BLM is having a breakdown somewhere resulting in ongoing cancellation of valid mining claims, then IMO it needs to be brought to the attention of the proper people outside of the BLM and I will do just that.

Some states like Wyoming depend on mining for a majority of $ not just their royalties and tax revenue, but also for their labor market and general economy. Thus, it's much easier for a person like myself in a place like Wyoming than it is in almost any other state to get the ear of people that can make a difference in stuff like this, if not get it fixed entirely.

If you are able to get clarfication on what exactly their budget shortage is, or the exact reason for this disfunction please update us again.

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