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Alaska Gold & Resort Nome

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It’s odd for some it’s the accommodation and food portions but for me if I missed a few meals it wouldn’t hurt me.

 On the number of grams of gold is found you just don’t know how that’s going to come out. I remember one trip to Arizona after two weeks I couldn’t hold all the trash I found with both hands together. That trip not one fly speck of gold.

 The adventure of different everyday life has to be part of your trip.

 To answer a question is yes I’m thinking about going there this year. I’ve got to get my rear in gear if I am going. The down side I’ll be going it alone so I know zero people when I get there.

 I thank each of you for your reply be it good bad are indifferent.

 To me one week is a short time to be there but more than that gets costly.

 If I’m going I’ll let you know and do the same when I get back.

 My five pounds of gold I find may really be five grams with a true weight. I can’t help myself being from Texas.


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I went several years ago before they moved the Base Camp up the hill...accommodations look alot nicer. The hospitality of the owners, friendliness of other hunters, and some AMAZING local seafood was the best I've ever had, anywhere. I found one 6 gram iron covered gold nugget on the old Snowflake claim (loaded with iron, railroad spikes, etc.), my biggest nugget to date. Make sure you reserve an ATV, lot's of ground to cover and most spots are miles away. Plenty of mosquitos (bring repellant) and bring lots of cash...Betty sells large gold nuggets at the end of your week... in case you don't find some.

It's not the gold you find, it's the golden memories and friendships you make that counts.?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw the owners at a gold show 2 weeks before your post and they remembered me from almost 4 years ago.  I was talking with a friend tonight- I heard our group is planning to go again next year. Some from our GPA circle will not go back...not their thing, but like you said Chuck, it's the memories and  something that I personally will hope to do again. The nuggets I found there were some of my best ever and a husband/wife team from Montana who had never detected before bought a Gold Monster and pulled up on their 4 wheeler asking my partner and I how to make it work. After a few suggestions on startup, I pointed at a boulder strewn area above the wash I was in where I had just dug a 5.5 grammer with my 1000, they hiked up there and the wife was thrilled to find her first piece of gold ever under thevedge of a 4 foot diam. boulder- 1.12 ouncer. Needless to say they were hooked.  

It's not for everybody, but I found the adventure rewarding. When you're there tell Auggie what you want for the experience- I did in the first day arrival and he set three of us up on a special excursion that turned into an event the three of us had not experienced ...a sow with twin cubs 30 yards above us in the willow brush. We turned volumes full without headphones that day, shouted to each other regularly and she moved away quietly. Detected some nice gold there and I look forward to exploring that hillside further. Enjoy your trip - PM me what your dates are. A couple other friends may be up there this summer.  Mike

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On 3/29/2023 at 8:39 AM, Ridge Runner said:

I’ve been to Nome before and the lower part of Alaska but never been to AKAU Resort. The last time I went to Alaska I put over 12 thousand miles on that cargo van before I got home.

 I know a while back someone said they were going sometimes this year to this resort but I’m hoping someone has been there on here before.

 Of all things my wife is telling me I need to go but when I ask if she is going to pay for it she says you got the money. You would think if she really wanted to get me out of town she should be willing to fit the bill.

 Please let me hear from you if you been there .


Hey Chuck, I'm the same as you, my wife is insisting I get to Tibooburra this winter, she gets sick of me complaining about the weather here over winter. I'm going alone if I go, I know I will meet people when I get there so I'm sure I won't be camping alone. Just do it old boy. Cheers John. 

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 Do you really need to rent a ATV if you going to metal detect . Do they finish any transaction other than just from the airport?

 I’ve got to get my rear off this fence and do more than talk about going if I am .

 My wife is not in the best of health and that’s my first concern. Another is I got my eye on something and I can’t have it doing both.

 I knew I’d been better off being born rich than so good looking I could have bought anything.

 Hey John

 I said where in the Sam Hill is Tibooburra . Several years back I was going to take a trip down your way but after I found out how long the flight was and over all that water with me not being a good swimmer I said no.

 Thanks guys for your input.


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An atv is going to get you to  sites/claims efficiently with your back pack, rain gear and detector. Foot travel is fine for some areas close in to the lodge, but limiting if  you want to return to the lodge for a meal and immediately back out. I was in excellent shape for nonstop hiking for miles and so I did cover a lot of ground but still used the atv to cover the long distance to claims I wanted to detect. They didn't provide transport typically for the guests to the claims because the trails are rough. They did make a few trips to town for some tourist type excursions - get supplies/learn about Nome mining/Bering Sea Gold/ etc. I took 98 photos on my phone and used it to text my family and friends. I didn't know the area so I studied maps and aerials closely prior to going. 

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