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Hello From Norcal.


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Hello all. First off I'd like to thank you all for the addition to the site. 

I'm joining you all from Sacramento, California. Beyond some family camping trips to various camp sites when I was very young, I have been entirely city raised.

I have recently been mulling over the idea of starting to head out with my brother in-laws and teenage sons and do some gold panning and some metal detecting - partially to break the monotony of being trapped in the city, but also as a bonding experience for us all. For the majority of us, it has been many years since any of us have been out of the city, either camping or just out in nature. So acclimating from being in the concrete world to open spaces will be interesting for us all, but is something we are all willing to do.

I've read different forums and watched loads of YouTube videos and think I have a general idea of what to look for, where to go, what to buy and how to use it when it comes to beginner prospecting - but I do realize that being in the wilderness and the reality of what occurs while prospecting is much different from written text and edited video, so I am not jumping in blind. My main concerns - beyond rattlesnakes and other potentially hostile wildlife - is us unintentionally infringing on someone's claim during our outings...well, that and the potential of stumbling on someone's illicit pharmaceutical business in the woods. So if anyone is from the same area, I would very much appreciate some localized feedback on where to go, and what to expect. I'm trying to steer clear of the "commercialized" panning experiences and hit places that really kind of jump into panning (and possibly detecting) head first.

Until we all head out on our maiden venture, here I am, reading through the miscellaneous stories, adventures and lessons you all have been through and enjoying it very much. For now, I'm saving up the remainder of my pennies to grab a decent metal detector and enough prospecting equipment for us all.  Thanks again for having me. 


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Welcome to the forum and glad to have you here with us.

Should you need anything about detectors don't hesitate to ask as there are plenty of people here that will have the answers for you.


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Welcome from East Texas. Glad to hear of your plans, especially for the boys. A man was not intended to be cooped up all the time.

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Welcome to the wilderness !

On your first night expect to be eaten alive !

Well , by mosquitoes at the very minimum..?

Seeking guidance here is a very good first step towards your goal. Lots of info already posted . Steve's Guides is a good place to begin.

Ask questions as they come up and good luck out there detecting !


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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome, Golden_Republic!

The easiest way to feel comfortable that you're not stepping on toes (of a claim owner) is to join a local or national club.  The Gold Prospectors Association of America (GPAA) is a national organization with a lot of claims in California.  Not being from your area I don't know the local and regional clubs but someone here does, and you can always do an internet query to find them.

Panning and metal detecting are rather different adventures which do compiement each other.  You mentioned avoiding pay-for-play sites (and other panning sites for beginners) but your attitude may be overly cautious in regards to learning to pan.  Like most things, having someone show you the ropes is usually better/faster than trying to figure things out on your own, and that includes YouTube video watching.  After getting some confidence you're doing things right you'll be way better off when you venture out on your own or try to add some expertise from videos.

You are fortunate to live in a gold-rich area.  Enjoy the (carnival) ride!

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