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Something To Think About With The Legend

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As a lot of you know I have two Legends, my initial first Legend was 1.04 when I received it, it was one of the first Legends to hit the U.S shores in the very first shipment to arrive in the U.S, my second Legend was 1.05 and I purchased it to try to teach my wife how to metal detect, but she has been unable to grasp metal detecting even though when I first started she would detect with me using a AT Pro and she actually became pretty good at finding things when we would go out and detect, but now with her having severe Dementia all she can do is pretty much sit and kind of watch me detect, this post is not about my wife and her medical issues, but just a little background building up to what those with a earlier Legend needs to ponder upon.

My first Legend, I use and used as a tester unit prior to installing any of the updates in my second Legend unit, again my first Legend was a 1.04 version and the second one was a 1.05 version, my 1.04 version Legend I used to test all three of the Beta Test versions, my second legend I had updated all the way to 1.09 and tested and compared all the Beta test versions to the 1.09 Beta test version 2 was the only Beta test version I had seen problems with initially beta test versions 1 and 3 I seen no issues at all in my Legend that I ran the Beta test on, The Beta test version 3 that particular Legend ran better than ever on, so when 1.11 was released I installed it on my Legend that I had done all the testing with and compared it again to my Legend that had 1.09 installed on it, (Something Was Off) with my test Legend it was no where close to the same as what I was seeing in Beta test version 3, tones sounded like crap, depth was no where close to my Legend that was running 1.09 and when I state the depth was off I am not talking a little bit it was way off, target IDs were all over the place with my test Legend, I also could not use the LG24 coil on my test Legend because it was so unstable, it was a little better with the stock coil but still not correct on that particular Legend, I ended up reverting that test Legend back to 1.09, and everything seemed to be back to normal tones were clean TIDs were more stable and and I was able to use the LG24 coil on that Legend now as well as the stock coil, so I have had my test Legend running 1.09 for a while now, my second Legend which was 1.05 and updated to 1.09 I decided to do yet another test using my second Legend as the test unit I updated it to 1.11 and everything ran fine with that particular Legend, (I thought what the Hell) LOL I was able to run the LG24 coil and every coil I have for the Legend ran great, TIDs were stable, tones sounded completely normal depth was great everything was great with that particular Legend running 1.11, my thoughts were I will just run one Legend with 1.11 and one with 1.09, after all 1.09 has just a few less features than 1.11 so I ran with that for a bit, (But inquisitive minds want to know)and are never settled until all things are checked and checked again LOL

here is what I found
Out of curiosity I went to the Nokta site to see if they had an updated download for the 1.11 and updated updater tool, in all appearances nothing had changed but I went ahead and re downloaded the software 1.11 again, here is where I discovered that the download I had on my PC was a smaller file than the files I had just downloaded, not by much but the software packet that I had just downloaded was a larger packet, so I Extracted the files from the newly downloaded software, when I do this I put them on my desk top so I do not have to search my files for them, so when I attempted to put the new updater tool on my Desk top a pop up came up and said the files already exist do I want to replace I clicked replace and let it do its thing, even though the updater tool that was already on my PC was the same v1-8-win and the new download is v1-8-win something is different I do not know if the previous download glitched and missed some of the files or if Nokta changed something in the updater tool or what, with the new download being a larger file I decided to once again install the 1.11 on my Legend that would previously not run correctly while running 1.11, all I will say is (What A Huge Difference) that legend now seems to run like what I was seeing in 1.10 Beta test version 3 tones sound clean and clear,TIDs are stable and the depth is back to what I was seeing in Beta test version 3, also the stability now seems better than ever, I also re installed the 1.11 on my second Legend even though it seemed to work ok I felt because of the Larger file packet it would be best to re install the 1.11 just to make sure, and it even seems to be running better with better depth and more stable TIDs.

the point of this thread is to make any one that is having similar issues after installing 1.11 on their Legend, with lost depth, unstable target IDs, tones just not sounding quite rite, and other issues you may want to delete the files that are currently on your PC and re download and re install the 1.11 just to see if it helps because it did on both my Legends, also do not forget to perform a factory default reset if you elect to do as I have done.
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Very interesting observations -- thank you for reporting!

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12 minutes ago, glacialgold said:

Very interesting observations -- thank you for reporting!

I will tell you had I not ran a comparison of the older files and the newer files I would have never knew the file packet was larger, because in all appearances they look the same just glancing at the two

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Glad you are lined out now on both units.

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