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Wishing Nokta Would Create A Modular Metal Detector Like The Legend With Plugin Upgrades!


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I feel the age of the Swiss army knife detector is already upon us.   Nowadays, nearly every high-end detector on the market is feature rich with little real comparison between them all.  What I would like to see is modular metal detector created by a manufacturer like Nokta, where you can buy plugin upgrades which change the machine into a higher preforming detector without having to purchase a completely new unit.  Something similar to the old modular Treasure Baron units designed by George Payne.

Imagine just needing a few coils and plugin upgrades to access a wide choice of frequencies and features without having to own multiple detectors for different styles of hunting?  I suppose a sort of green orientated metal detector that utilises resources to the fullest capacity possible.  I also feel detector manufacturers need to make swapping out the built-in battery a simplified process.  So that the purchaser of the metal detector can fit the new battery themselves, similar to the new procedures suggested for mobile phone batteries. 

I think Nokta are a very innovative company who aren’t afraid to push boundaries.  And I feel if any of the metal detector manufacturers out there can bring us something totally unique to the market similar to what I have suggested, then it is Nokta who have the skills and knowhow to make such a concept a reality.  I also believe Nokta deserve more accolade for producing affordable metal detectors, which places high-end detecting technology into the hands of more detectorists at an affordable price.  The Nokta Legend epitomises their promise of not accepting paying more for less!   

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Hi Guinea.

Doing something as you suggested, would likely cause profit to plummet. Profit is made by new detector models, and selling coils that typically won't work on the previous models.

Ditto on Nokta changing the industry. I'm looking forward to see what they come up with for their next flagship detector.


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Yeah, I understand perfectly what you are saying about profit Digalicious.  But personally, I think Whites had a good business model when they made some of their coils interchangeable.  Alas, the metal detecting industry appears to be more cutthroat than ever nowadays.  So, hats off to Nokta for always offering their customers real value for money!  

Regarding the anticipation of the next flagship detector from Nokta.  If Nokta's past achievements are anything to go by, I think it will definitely be something very special indeed!    

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2 hours ago, Guinea1 said:

Regarding the anticipation of the next flagship detector from Nokta.  If Nokta's past achievements are anything to go by, I think it will definitely be something very special indeed!    

I hope it's a detector that can distinguish between aluminum trash and gold jewelry! I know, I know. I'm dreaming ?

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I'm looking forward to their PI machine.

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7 hours ago, Guinea1 said:

I feel the age of the Swiss army knife detector is already upon us.   Nowadays, nearly every high-end detector on the market is feature rich with little real comparison between them all.  What I would like to see is modular metal detector created by a manufacturer like Nokta, where you can buy plugin upgrades which change the machine into a higher preforming detector without having to purchase a completely new unit.  Something similar to the old modular Treasure Baron units designed by George Payne.

Imagine just needing a few coils and plugin upgrades to access a wide choice of frequencies and features without having to own multiple detectors for different styles of hunting?  I suppose a sort of green orientated metal detector that utilises resources to the fullest capacity possible.  I also feel detector manufacturers need to make swapping out the built-in battery a simplified process.  So that the purchaser of the metal detector can fit the new battery themselves, similar to the new procedures suggested for mobile phone batteries. 

I think Nokta are a very innovative company who aren’t afraid to push boundaries.  And I feel if any of the metal detector manufacturers out there can bring us something totally unique to the market similar to what I have suggested, then it is Nokta who have the skills and knowhow to make such a concept a reality.  I also believe Nokta deserve more accolade for producing affordable metal detectors, which places high-end detecting technology into the hands of more detectorists at an affordable price.  The Nokta Legend epitomises their promise of not accepting paying more for less!   

I would argue modern VLF induction balance detectors with simultaneous multifrequency are already now like swiss army knives, excelling at multiple different situations and tasks using a single tool, all you need to do is select the right program from the job and the right coil.  Nokta has also probably been the most proactive in listening to users and providing firmware updates for free to Legend that ADD features and don't just fix existing problems.  I think only XP has eclipsed Nokta in terms of increasing capability of their Deus 2 SMF platform by introducing the very deep seeking (and very expensive) two-box coil add-on (the compatible platform firmware update was free).  Nokta is also leading the pack in value (Performance per unit cost), so anything that further erodes that thin profit margin might not be in their best interest, as has been previously mentioned.

But, as has been posted many times over on this forum, we have basically squeezed just about all the performance juice out of the VLF induction balance detector platform at this point.  You may be able to introduce some form of AI into the signal processing algorithms to get some more incremental performance, but you really aren't going to get a much "higher peforming" VLF induction balance detector going forward.  Performance has basically plateaued with combination SMF/multiple selectable single frequency features and high speed digital signal processing.  Like I said, maybe AI or machine learning can bring something more to the table but I still think the returns will be incremental.  And am not sure the holy grail of reliably differentiating aluminum bits from gold will ever be achieved even with machine learning.  It would be great if I am wrong on this.

If anything, I guess a practical (light weight with enough power and reasonable cost) hybrid detector that incorporates the ability to operate in induction balance mode or PI mode would be the ideal swiss army knife platform.  Maybe Nokta or someone else can come up with that going forward.

As far as I'm concerned, I am basically happy with what I do have as far as detectors are concerned (I have a go to VLF in the Deus 2 (backed up by the Legend and Manticore, but seldom pull them out) and have the Garrett Axiom as my go to PI.  So all my equipment puzzle pieces are in place. I really am not wanting for the next big thing and am mostly focused on figuring out where I can swing these things rather than purchasing more equipment.  Something, I would not have said even a year ago.

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11 hours ago, Guinea1 said:

I feel the age of the Swiss army knife detector is already upon us.   Nowadays, nearly every high-end detector on the market is feature rich with little real comparison between them all.  What I would like to see is modular metal detector created by a manufacturer like Nokta, where you can buy plugin upgrades which change the machine into a higher preforming detector without having to purchase a completely new unit.  Something similar to the old modular Treasure Baron units designed by George Payne.

Imagine just needing a few coils and plugin upgrades to access a wide choice of frequencies and features without having to own multiple detectors for different styles of hunting?  I suppose a sort of green orientated metal detector that utilises resources to the fullest capacity possible.  I also feel detector manufacturers need to make swapping out the built-in battery a simplified process.  So that the purchaser of the metal detector can fit the new battery themselves, similar to the new procedures suggested for mobile phone batteries. 

I think Nokta are a very innovative company who aren’t afraid to push boundaries.  And I feel if any of the metal detector manufacturers out there can bring us something totally unique to the market similar to what I have suggested, then it is Nokta who have the skills and knowhow to make such a concept a reality.  I also believe Nokta deserve more accolade for producing affordable metal detectors, which places high-end detecting technology into the hands of more detectorists at an affordable price.  The Nokta Legend epitomises their promise of not accepting paying more for less!   

Maybe a little off topic but as far as plug ins go I often wondered why Nokta hasn't offered plug in diagnostics. It would save time and money knowing just what the issue is and perhaps being able to rectify it without having to ship it. Minelab it too tightassed to get the stick out, hell you can't hardly get an update out of them. But Nokta on the other hand puts the customers concerns and needs in the forefront. Something most business models are sorely lacking these days. Not sure if it would be possible but in my mind if they can patch you an upgrade via computer then diagnosing issues with your unit should not be all that hard. Just thinking out loud.

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The concept of utilising AI in metal detector technology certainly has the potential to bring more to the table.  Or at the very least add some very interesting and flavoursome condiments to spice things up a little! 

In my opinion Nokta (Nokta/Makro) started nothing short of an industrial revolution in the metal detecting industry by always giving their customers more for less.  I remember the days when you used to have to purchase a coil cover separately for your new detector.  But Nokta always gives you the full-package and then some more!  Wherein, I have bought quite a few of their metal detectors in the past and been completely blown away by the quality of the protective covers for the machine which were included for free.  Covers which fitted the machine like a glove and were made to a really high standard.  Does anyone else recall the days of third-party covers which fitted the machine everywhere except in the right places?  It’s those little attention to detail which have always stood Nokta out from the crowded market place.         

Plus, I sure you I’m not a Nokta fanboy either and that I own other metal detectors aside Nokta products.  But I think the biggest let down I’ve ever experienced purchasing a metal detector before was the one that parachuted in from the sky.  I remember opening the box thinking the company had gone backwards regarding the robust build quality they were always renowned for.  Prior to purchasing that machine, I don’t ever recall having to purchase a better-quality stem, arm cup and 3D printed coil reinforcement parts!    

Perhaps the Swiss army metal detector is already in production.  But my money is firmly placed on Nokta bringing out a spork that turns the whole metal detector industry on its head in the very near future!    

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I'd prefer that manufacturers just sold parts, for example with my Equinox 800 I bought a new carbon shaft as I didn't like the budget shaft it came with, I then proceeded to buy an upgraded arm cuff, all was now well, so I purchased the accessory coils.  At this point, if all I could buy is another control pod I would be able to have a complete unit again by using the stock shaft, arm cuff and one of the coils seeing I have 4 coils for it.  

That to me makes sense as a customer and as a business, the business helps the customers by selling them only the parts they need, they still make money, they get sales they may otherwise not get as I'm certainly not going to buy another Equinox 800 just so I can do that, but if I could just buy the pod I'd do it.

They have to produce a bucket load of the pods anyway seeing they keep flooding and failing under warranty, so what's the harm in selling a few off rather than just always having to give them away, unfortunately they refuse to do it, I've tried.

If Nokta did this by just selling Legend control pods people may be inclined to do it to get a second Legend out of parts they have.  If a new Legend comes out yet still uses the same coils etc then Legend owners could just upgrade by buying the new Pod rather than being wasteful and buying an entirely new detector.   The Pods are generally where the heavy-duty changes take place, newer wireless chipsets, faster processors etc so they would usually need to be changed on a newer model, but the entire detector perhaps may not.  It could be a path a manufacturer could take.  It would certainly be a method of retaining customers and ensuring they go with each newer version of the detector if it's a simple cheaper process to upgrade over buying an entire new detector.

They could still have benefits to the newer model for those that want it over pod upgrades like new shafts, arm cuffs and other bits and bits and pieces to make a full upgrade appealing, but not a necessity.

There is no way in hell I'm buying an Equinox 900 package and getting doubles of so much stuff I already have, but if they would sell me a Nox 900 Pod I'd buy it now.

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