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Northlander #2 Claim

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Hello! I'm thinking of going out to Northlander #2 on Sunday, and I'm looking at google maps and have a few questions for anyone who may have been there before. I'm looking at google street view and seeing that there are two options to get to the claim...one is a dirt kind of pull off thing and another one is a gate. Which one is the actual entrance? If it is the gated entrance, is there a way to get in? Is it unlocked for GPAA members? (I am one) or do you have to contact someone? Thanks so much!

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So I went out there today. Just as I thought, there was a gate with a lock. The dirt trail led to the creek, but got pretty dicey after while. I did some more research, and ther is an RS2477 route that goes up to the Ken and Brian claim. How in the world do I find out who has the key to that gate? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Alaska Mining Claims Mapper http://akmining.info/

Mostly forest service with state land transfers. Red claims federal, blue are state. Northlander #2 is the state claim MC712966.



Full case abstract at http://dnr.alaska.gov/projects/las/#filenumber/712966/searchtype/casefile/filetype/ADL/reporttype/abstract/landflag/y with mailing address of claim owner. Or look up his phone number. Or ask Brian Berkhahn at Alaska Mining & Diving if he knows how to contact him. The Forest Service and or State may also have information on access.

Since this is a GPAA listed claim you really should get in contact with the local GPAA chapter http://www.alaskagolddiggers.org/

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I got an email back from the GPAA just now. They said that they've been working on getting it unclocked. They're not sure on the status so they said to check with Joe Demarre, the head of the AK GPAA. I'm currently tying to find his contact info. Thanks for the help! 

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6 hours ago, TintedSnow said:

I got an email back from the GPAA just now. They said that they've been working on getting it unclocked. They're not sure on the status so they said to check with Joe Demarre, the head of the AK GPAA. I'm currently tying to find his contact info. Thanks for the help! 


I found this doing a search, it wasn't on the GPAA website and I think it's from 2010 but I also saw the same number on another website dated 2013 so I don't know if it's a current number but hopefully it is.


GPAA Kenai Chapter President – Joe Demaree (907)283-7808

I also found this on the GPAA website, doesn't look like Joe's e-mail but maybe "Debra" can get you in contact.







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TS, I was at Northlander #2 this past summer.  I too found a locked gate at what I thought was the entrance, but walked up and it led only to a power substation or something.  I went back down the road(away from Summit Lake) and took the first gravel road just past the creek. It backtracked a short ways and then doubled back to the creek. I think you can use this road to access the lower end of the claim.  The road continued further, but was very wet and I did not go further.  I thought this would lead up to the Ken & Brian claims.  This road may have a gate further up, I don't know and if this was the road you were on, sorry for any confusion, you may have travelled farther than I did.  I set up a little highbanker up at the first creek access, but was not very successful.  Would love to hear how the K & B claims look, if you make it that far. Good luck!


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