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Cordless Headphones

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Hello All,
I was curious about how much power an external speaker draws, versus the use of headphones, most specifically, in the case of the SDC 2300. I am told that normally, headphones do draw less power than external speakers.

There has been some talk with regard to the headphones, length of cord, and the new connector that is used and the SDC 2300, but I'll leave that to those who want to dig a little in some other forums...

Where I go gold detecting in Nevada, the wind blows constantly, loose fitting headphones can contribute to failure to hear faint targets while the wind blows. That being said, I visited Costco in the past few days, walked by a display of Walker Digital 360 Muffs (headphones), that are supposed to deal with wind noise, all the while amplifying surrounding sounds by up to 9 times. The cordless headphones cost $40 bucks or so, so I thought I might give them a try as there is no cord to hang up on anything and perhaps if they seal out sounds of wind well enough, it could be money well spent.

I bought a set, installed supplied AAA battery in each earpiece, tried them on in the house, turned on my SDC 2300, adjusted the threshold to the very minimum, and found that the headphones DO seal well, in fact as good as my high dollar headphones. Add to that the fairly quiet threshold could be magnified to a much higher level than I could ever need.  BEST of all, I am not connected in any way to the machine.  In addition, they do have a Noise Reduction rating of 24 db, so loud unexpected sounds are dealt with, so as not to damage a persons hearing.  Each earpiece has an volume control, which is a real PLUS, when looking at headphones.  

I will try to get out today, and see how well they work. I have thrown a whole lot more than $40 on a lot of things and got less... So far, I am a happy camper.We'll see.

Have a great day!


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Gary - I have done the same, only I have not past testing them in my yard. There is a delay between the transmitter receiving the signal, the wireless transmission and then the headphones receiving the transmission and converting that to sound you can hear. If you swing quickly, the difference is significant. As you slow down to pinpoint, you will see the delay becomes insignificant. I figure its something you have to get used to.

Let me know what you think.



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I will try to get out and do more testing.  Right now lots of drama in the family, children buying a upgraded home, moving into it, sick relatives, on and on.  Mostly the reason I have not been crossed any state line or even close for 3 or so years, but, being the optimist which I apparently am, bought a spanking new SDC 2300, as you may have well noted by now.


Now that I see you have teamed up with Mr. Herschbach, I am worried that what quantity might be left of the small bits remaining on patches we all have hit for so long.  In my mind's eye I will see parallel chain lines from you two cris- crossing those expanses in the Northern Nevada desert. :(


I need to catch up with Chris and Wilma, to see how they are doing in their recent digs.  I should call them and tempt them with some fresh organic blackberry honey, and maybe some Carolan's Irish Cream.   :)


Best wishes. I hope Steve will be able to see we at least have been somewhat pro-active in keeping this fine forum rolling.  He never did comment about the need to take a stickery lariat to put around his sleeping bag at night, to keep the rattlesnakes at bay... I am getting tired and goofier than normal...





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Hi Chris and Gary,


Chris, what Gary is talking about is not wireless Bluetooth headphones, but headphones that amplify surrounding sounds. Basically huge hearing aids. The idea in Gary's case I assume to amplify the rather weak SDC 2300 main speaker audio output. I am curious to hear how it works out for you Gary. Really not a whole lot different than my putting in my hearing aids except for the ability to have the headphone tune in on specific frequencies, like that put out by the SDC speaker, while ignoring other noises, like perhaps the wind noise. Interesting idea.


Not exact but similar product from same manufacturer http://www.amazon.com/Walkers-Game-Alpha-Power-Muffs/dp/B003DWPAQ6/ref=pd_cp_vg_3




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