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GPZ 19 And General / Difficult - Will It Miss The Bird Shot?

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 I would hesitate tuning a detector to weed out bird shot and tiny bits of trash. It's the small gold that pays the bills until I find the larger gold that make the profit. As far as ground coverage goes the added weight of the 19" coil will subtract from the time in use which = less ground covered. So we're right back where we have always been-  detect an area change coils and detect it again. That being said I will still probably get a 19' at some point.

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30 minutes ago, klunker said:

As far as ground coverage goes the added weight of the 19" coil will subtract from the time in use which = less ground covered.

I don't see it that way. Whether I use the 19" coil for two hours or four, I will be covering more ground in those two or four hours than I would if I were swinging the 14". That would for me only happen as a rule in open flat terrain.

My specialty is eking out bread and butter small stuff. I get that part. I have specific uses where I am only interested in larger, deeper targets. That is the reason for my question.

Looks like I will have to get one myself to find out.

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Hi Steve, I always seem to get  signals from bird shot and tiny rubbish no matter what settings i have on the Zed. If anyone has setting to eliminate tiny rubbish without losing depth on big slugs I would like to hear them.

I think I am getting better at avoiding rubbish by using the signal responses the Zed gives. The Zed signals seem to give my brain much more info on the target and its depth compared to the 4500/5000

I detect a lot of farm paddocks that were not worked by the rush miners and where the surface is full of bullets, wire etc.

Nearly all the gold is at least 6 inches down. By ignoring all double blip signals, and surface clangers and listening only for the deeper signals I can find gold amongst a lot of surface trash. While you could miss the odd shallow nugget, you will cover a lot of ground and not waste 3/4 of you detecting session digging trash. I find the Zed signal response/pitch/broadness is very good at giving you an accurate read on the depth of a target. Sometimes I ignore all shallow signals and only dig the deep signals that are invariably 1.5 to 2 feet deep...if in a spot where deep gold has been found.

This obviously only works with the Zed, on undug ground where the gold is at depth, on mullock heaps I dig every target.


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Are you using the 19" coil?

I am doubtful that surface trash can be eliminated without losing some depth also on larger targets. In theory it is possible but in reality it does not seem to work out that way.

Yeah, it is fairly easy to identify most surface trash with the GPZ 14. Double blips and a boot scrape do it most of the time. But where I hunt those can be small surface nuggets also.

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1 minute ago, Steve Herschbach said:


Are you using the 19" coil?

Yes I am, but for the places where the gold is only a foot or so down the 14 is the best coil for being able to discriminate out all shallow and double blip trash targets. 

Ps Nails and flat wire give the 4 blip signal and can be ignored also. curley wire and other weird bent metal often give a turkey warble signal and I do dig them in case.....because of the nice specimens I have found that give the turkey warble signal 

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I am sure people will laugh at this but in the past I have considered making a special skid plate that adds space enough between the coil and the ground to eliminate signals from tiny surface targets. Yes, that gives up depth, but I figure a 19" coil with a spacer skid plate might still get as much depth on larger stuff as the 14" coil but without hitting the tiny trash.

Maybe the answer is just an SD2000 with a trash can coil. :smile:


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 Wow SH. Open flat ground? Is there really such a place? do you have to pay to go there? jus kiddin'. I have spent very little time with the 19" but I believe some bird shot could be eliminated by lowering the sensitivity but it would still make me nervous.

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32 minutes ago, klunker said:

 Wow SH. Open flat ground? Is there really such a place? do you have to pay to go there? jus kiddin'.

I do love northern Nevada. I can never express enough how after living a lifetime in Alaska it is like dying and going to heaven. Most people look at desert country and see desolation. Alaska may be prettier to look at but just try trudging across a few miles of cold, wet mosquito infested muskeg and warm, dry country starts looking a whole lot better! And in Alaska that tundra covers everything to depths that make open country detecting near impossible. Here, just swing a detector forever in any direction I point myself!



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