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Nokta Impact V1.16 Update Available

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From the Nokta Impact Software Update page...

Software Update (03.11.2017)
Download : R2_V1.16_V1.14 (System Software V1.16 / LCD Software V1.14)

Updates Made : With this software version, the number of WiFi channels on your detector has been increased and an ''off'’ position has been added (shown with ‘’oF’’ on the screen).

The “off” position is to turn the wireless connection off completely when the wireless headphones are not in use. This saves on battery power and avoids other wireless headphones accidently connecting to the detector.

The new RED EDITION of the 2.4GHz wireless headphones will ONLY work with IMPACT Software version R2_V1.16_V1.14 or later versions.

When you are not using the wireless headphones, keeping the WiFi connection of your detector off is recommended.

IMPORTANT! If you do not have the RED EDITION of the 2.4GHz wireless headphones but an older version and would like to upgrade your detector with this software version, please check the WiFi channel of your detector first and make sure that it is NOT set to channel 4 or 5 but to one of the channels between 0-3 before uploading the software to your detector! 

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I have just joined the forum as it has some good INFO on the Equinox . But I have an impact .

Bit of a balls aching task upgrades ?? These days you would think it could of made it easier ??? I cant do it as not into computers . My son tried to down load the 3/11/17 upgrade but it will not down load onto my lap top ????? The earlier version will tried that and it does load ??? but that's what is on my impact now . Any thoughts why the new upgrades will not load ????????  Any help appreciated .

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Hmmmm... if you mean download to your computer, I just did that with the file and no problem with my PC. If you mean it did not load properly into the Impact - that I can't verify but I will see if we can't find somebody else who can.

A regard headphones the update has this warning:

"IMPORTANT! If you do not have the RED EDITION of the 2.4GHz wireless headphones but an older version and would like to upgrade your detector with this software version, please check the WiFi channel of your detector first and make sure that it is NOT set to channel 4 or 5 but to one of the channels between 0-3 before uploading the software to your detector!"

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