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  1. Screen stopped working today for no apparent reason. 1st the display went then the backlight was flashing. The detector still works but can’t see anything. Any ideas how to fix this problem. Thanks
  2. My nokta Impact won't display the pump coil message or make any beeping sound when trying to ground balance...Track is off..Any advice would be appreciated..
  3. Hi all, Just to change things up from all the Simplex chatter of late, I wanted to share why I still love my Impact, and a few differences compared to some of the other Nokta/Makro units. Multi with 20 kHz. Nokta Makro have had a few machines running at 19 kHz, but for some reason, I can get bad interference around here, not all sites, but usually parks adjacent to houses. To be fair though, Freq shift usually sorts it out (I did run the Fors Gold+ as a shallow coin plucker for a while) but 20 kHz is a little quieter than 19 kHz which is great. Only the Anfibio Multi also offers a 20 kHz option. No real drama on the Multi Kruzer though, as I'd just use 14 kHz anyway for general coin hunting. AA Batteries. While I do like the light weight of the Kruzer/Anfibio with the internal batteries, I don't always remember to recharge them. On the Impact I run rechargeable NiMH batteries, but if I turn it on and the battery bars are telling me it's low, I can just whip in some Alkalines and I'm good to go. Also, having some of the circuitry and batteries right out past the armrest provides excellent balance. Of course this can also be achieved with the optional AA pack for the Kruzer and Anfibio series. Now the Racer 2 is lighter than the Impact and balances nicely with the batteries under the armrest, but it's 14 kHz only, and lacks a few features that I like, so don't have one in my personal arsenal. I have thought about getting another R2 and keeping a 7" concentric strapped to the end of it, but I might wait to see what optional coils come out for the Simplex. Oops haha DI3/3-tone. 3 tone in the Kruzer and Anfibio series is lightning quick, but sacrifices a bit of depth, unless you get the Sens on 90 or higher. I like that the Impact doesn't have this dual recovery split, it may be a touch slower, but it is still more than fast enough in my sites. I can also set the Sensitivity where it suits the site, and don't have to worry I may be losing depth if the Sens is below 90. The next logical step for Nokta Makro (on their higher end machines at least) would be a user adjustable recovery. Night search light! Again a feature on the Racer series, but not present on the Kruzer and Anfibio line. I do most of my beach searches at night, so having a unit with a built in search light is a real bonus. Another plus to the Impact, and re-introduced on the Simplex, arghhhh I just can't not mention it ? Concealed cable! The only unit in the Nokta/Makro line-up to have a concealed coil cable. Just gives the Impact that sleek look, and also don't have to worry about the cable getting scratched up in scrubby terrain, or accidentally hitting it with my digger! The draw back though is you can't really interchange coils between the Impact and Kruzer/Anfibio as the Impact coil cables are a little shorter. But I love not having to fiddle around with velcro wraps. Just slide the cable up the shaft, screw it on and you're away. More modes than you can poke a stick at! The Impact has the full suite of search modes. Actually is doesn't have 5-Tone mode as found on the Anfibio (Multi & 14 models), but it has both Gen and Gen Delta modes as well as another Impact exclusive......VLX modes. These are lower gain modes, for a quieter detecting experience. I have found they also perform well in mineralised soils. Even some of the suburban areas have heavy clay soils, and VLX1 works great. VLX2 is a low gain 4-tone mode, but is slightly deeper than VLX1 but still offers improved stability, and target ID's are very stable as well. VLX2 mode is probably the best all-round mode on the Impact, particularly if you have mineralised soils. Wide armrest. Just another one of those personal things which I don't envy manufactures on, trying to make a detector to suit everyone out there! The Impact armrest feels great for me. It is also nice and thick, so doesn't flex like many other plastic armrests found on other detectors. Trigger switch! When you get used to a detector with a ground balance/pin-point trigger, it is so hard going to a panel controlled one. It's not the end of the world, but the trigger is so natural. You ground balance more often just because it is so easy. Anyway, I better stop there, as this is getting quite long. If you've got this far, hopefully you've learnt something you didn't know, and at very least, got you thinking about what you like or don't like on your current detector.
  4. Hello, All. Dave in Ohio. I've been fairly pleased with my Impact since purchasing the pro-pack from KellyCo last year. My negative issues this far have been minor: another short person's detector--Could someone please build a detector that extends far enough? Couple of inches of cable and some extra shaft? Not that big a deal, though a taller detector would be nice. My issue now, though, is significant: When I've been detecting for an hour or more, my detector suddenly goes nuts. It starts jumping through numbers and making all kinds of noise. Point it at the ground--crazy. Point it at the air--crazy. Power off and on--the same. New batteries--the same. Changing frequencies or adjusting isat--no change. Lower gain, different coil, switching programs--no help. When it starts to happen, I know it's time to go to my backup detector. So? Any ideas or similar issues? Any help much appreciated. And yes, I also got online and updated.
  5. Some random notes, and if you don't know what I am talking about as regards some detail of this machine or that I apologize. Well, I finally updated my XP Deus with 11" coil to the version 4 update. Then I hauled it and the Nokta Impact with 11" and Teknetics G2 with 11" out for several hours of cross checking coin type targets. The G2 is a Gold Bug Pro variant running at 19 kHz and I put it up against the Deus at 18 kHz and Impact at 20 kHz. I acquired the G2 new recently to use specifically as a benchmark unit because I am very familiar with it and because in my opinion it does 19 kHz as well as it can be done. I spent hours swapping machines as the hunt machine, then cross checking the undug targets with the other two. Lots of settings tried, with the main goal to try and find some deep fringe type target or target in trash where any machine can get a clear and definable edge. Well good luck with that. All I mainly did was impress myself again with what a little powerhouse the Gold Bug Pro/G2 is for the price. It is fairly mineralized ground but not the worst, 5 bars out of 7 on the G2 Fe3O4 meter, ground balance about 86. The only real "aha" moment was in learning the Impact really likes to upscale shallow small foil when in 5 kHz mode, but shoves the id back down to where it should be at 14 kHz or 20 kHz. All the machines like to upscale deeper aluminum in this ground. All three seemed to get tricked in much the same way on certain targets, like a deep pull tab reading like a dime. For gold hunting purposes I do not mind machines upscaling low conductive targets, and in fact the Impact 5khz mode may have a benefit in nugget detecting because it does want to push light foil (and therefore small gold) higher. But for coin detecting upscaling aluminum is annoying. Pretty much par for the course however for mid to higher single frequency machines. I found running the Impact in VLX1 was nice as I could flip over just one click to the Gen(D) mixed mode program for a dramatically different read and better target definition. Target id numbers in my ground are slightly higher in the "expanded ferrous" modes like VLX1 and VLX2 compared to DI3 and DI4. The Deus V4 Gold Field program does seem to pack some extra punch now, be fun to get it out nugget hunting once the elliptical coil hits the streets. The new Deep mode really seems great while the new Hot mode is, shall I say it, interesting. First time I have used the X-Y screens also. The G2 is what it is, almost no controls but it gets the job done with what it has, and good solid id. Deus and Impact in the other hand have countless options and programs to try, but by and large there is no magic bullet. Three great machines, I can hunt with any of them. It will take a lot more hours to sort it all out. I find when running machines that are all hitting the VLF Wall that it is the "other things" that get my notice. The Impact is obviously the heavier of the three (4 lbs 4.7 oz / 1946 grams), although very well balanced, so I give the feel on my arm award to the G2 (3 lbs 1.5 oz / 1404 grams) and the Deus (2 lbs 4.0 oz / 1020 grams with 11" coil and control box). The G2 and Deus are neck and neck in the comfort department FOR ME* but the G2 feels ever so slightly better to me, I am guessing because the coil is lighter on the G2. The G2 slays both the Impact and Deus for speaker volume if run without headphones, but on the other hand it has no volume control so would be too loud for some situations. Been awhile since I ran a Gold Bug Pro / G2 unit and caught myself when switching from disc mode to all metal when cross checking at one point and forgetting that the "big number" changes from target id in disc mode to ground phase in all metal mode, so I was looking at the ground phase instead of the little speedometer thinking it was target id for a couple goes. That one quirk always had me liking the F75 versus the Bug in all metal. I wish Fisher made a 19 kHz F75! *On arm comfort is a very subjective subject. In particular it has a great deal to do with the size of a persons hands plus length and thickness of their forearm, and their height. You really can't take any one persons word on this subject as it is like buying hiking boots. What fits one person does not fit another. It is not all about detector weight by a long shot. Balance is very important as is the all important hand grip. I am 5' 11" with forearms on the thinner side and smallish hands. For instance, my forearm really bounces around in the large Impact armrest area. The Deus armrest which may be too small for some fits me better. For me personally, the 3.5 lb Teknetics T2 / Fisher F75 is the most comfortable detector I have ever used. It is superbly balanced and something about the hand grip that narrows to the top as it cants forward really makes my hand happy. I can squeeze the armrest shut to fit my arm. So if you find the F75 to be a great fit for you, my comments apply to you. If you hate the T2/F75 setup then what I have to say is less important.
  6. Version KKIM300517EN


    Nokta/Makro Impact User Manual, 2.36 MB pdf file, 40 pages Nokta/Makro Impact Data & Reviews Nokta/Makro Impact - Steve's Review Nokta/Makro Metal Detector Forum
  7. Tom(CA) and I have been working a site that we researched that's produced several 1850's - 1860's seated coins, and some rogue early 1900's coins, as well as a variety of period relics. We tried to get one more trip in before Old Man Winter completely shut us down, and it did in fact shut us down, but not before I finally, got something I've been looking for for a long time, and after watching others find them over the years (I saw Tom dig three!!!), I was starting to think it would never happen. Well it finally happened, and it turned out to be a good one, an 1865 San Francisco minted Liberty Half Eagle!! Here she is out of the hole: Here she is rinsed off: Here's a video of the hunt: Less than 100 known, Mintage: 27,612 Although the mintage of the 1865-S is quite a bit higher than the mintages of the S Mint Half Eagles from 1858 to 1864, it compares in overall rarity to the 1858-S, 1860-S and 1863-S and is only slightly less rare than the others. Almost all known examples of this date are well worn with VF and lower being all one can expect to find. The 1865-S ranks second in the entire $5 series according to average grade and I do not know of a specimen that would grade better than EF. The very few specimens that I have seen were rather softly struck and the mintmark was always quite weak. Thanks for looking, hopefully the next one comes easier
  8. Pictures leaked at this Italian website and elsewhere have been floating around the last few months. The Nokta Anfibio is basically what you would get if you crossed a Nokta Impact with a Makro Multi Kruzer. Besides being waterproof the new model has an external wrap coil cable instead of the internal routing used on the Impact. The prototype pictured is from March however and changes may be made before release so take all that with a grain of salt. Use Google translate to read the page in English (or whatever). I would expect this model to be released officially at Detectival in September. and it happens..... 9/20/18 New Nokta Anfibio metal detector announced Nokta Anfibio selectable frequency waterproof metal detector
  9. Does anyone here know first hand if there is any difference in the depth capabilities of the Multi Kruzer and the Impact. I am buying a new machine and depth and unmasking are the main things that I am looking for. Waterproof, salt water operation, and weight difference between the two really don't matter to me.
  10. I went back to Ohio for a week to show off our new little boy and see family. I begged and pleaded until Steph finally gave in and allowed a day of metal detecting. I took back the Nokta Impact and Fisher F22.. I'm not going to go into the F22 yet as I haven't written up an article but I will say the Nokta Impact did absolutely perfect. When I lived in Ohio I was mostly a relic hunter. Overlaying old maps and hunting in fields where old houses and other things once stood. I was really excited to see how the Impact would do. Well, it did better than I could even imagine! These sites are tough to hunt. Although little to no modern trash you have to fight the heavy iron debris to get to the good finds. Where the house or structure stood is where you will just find a ton of nails and iron, I call this ground zero. When I am hunting ground zero I have always used smaller coils with any other detector I've ever hunted with these sites. With the Impact I was able to run my 11 inch coil in even the heaviest of iron with no issues! I've talked about it a lot but worth mentioning again. The Iron volume setting is amazing! I was able to hunt with the iron volume turned way down or off. I preferred it on to know when I was in the thickest of iron but it was nice not to have to listen to it at full volume. As far as finds - I only managed a few buttons, musket balls and my friend managed a nice button and large cent. I found lots of small copper,brass and lead scrap. I have pounded the two sites I was at in the past. This past fall when I went back they were the only two fields around that the crops had been taken out of and this time they were the only two I could find that weren't flooded! I feel like I'm destined to be stuck in these two sites every time I go back!
  11. I recently had the opportunity to review the Nokta Impact. I'm not going to go into details but to say I fell in love with it is probably an understatement! One feature that really stands out to me is the Iron volume setting. When learning the detector I was really surprised I hadn't heard about the Iron volume setting before as its amazing! Iron volume has two functions. 1 - Instead of discriminating out iron you can adjust the volume from 0-5. 5 being the loudest and 0 turning it completely off. When I am relic hunting I run most detectors wide open of very close and listen to all that iron so I don't miss anything but it gets so annoying. With the Impact I can turn iron off, detector is still picking it up but I don't have to listen to it or I can hear it in a very low volume. 2 - it can also be adjusted from n1-n5 on notched targets. The volume can't be completely turned off but the volume can be very low. The advantage to all this is when you start discriminating and notching out targets most detectors will start clipping on targets, slow down a bit and lose depth. With the Nokta you can just ignore or hear those targets at a very low level.
  12. Hello everyone, i'm Mark from Italy. I'm an impact owner since aug.17. I'm using it every days but i'm experiencing a lot of problems with standard DD coil. Suddenly it stops working in some positions and progressively it stops working in any angle (no balancing, no sound at all...). I’ve already changed 4 coils because i’m still under the warranty period but i really want to solve the problem. My dealer has already sent me the new coil and stem but periodically coil fails again. So the question is: it’s only me? Is it a know issue? Thanks for any support! Regards Mark
  13. When switching between frequencies is it necessary to GB again or does the previous GB work for all 3 frequencies?
  14. Hi just bought a new Nokta Impact and wondering if Makro Racer 2 wireless phones will work on it ?
  15. Maybe Dilek will comment here as far as if and or when this newly designed lower rod will be made available for purchase. And its actual designation as far as part number or ID#. http://www.dankowskidetectors.com/discussions/read.php?2,135625
  16. From the Nokta Impact Software Update page... Software Update (03.11.2017) Download : R2_V1.16_V1.14 (System Software V1.16 / LCD Software V1.14) Updates Made : With this software version, the number of WiFi channels on your detector has been increased and an ''off'’ position has been added (shown with ‘’oF’’ on the screen). The “off” position is to turn the wireless connection off completely when the wireless headphones are not in use. This saves on battery power and avoids other wireless headphones accidently connecting to the detector. The new RED EDITION of the 2.4GHz wireless headphones will ONLY work with IMPACT Software version R2_V1.16_V1.14 or later versions. When you are not using the wireless headphones, keeping the WiFi connection of your detector off is recommended. IMPORTANT! If you do not have the RED EDITION of the 2.4GHz wireless headphones but an older version and would like to upgrade your detector with this software version, please check the WiFi channel of your detector first and make sure that it is NOT set to channel 4 or 5 but to one of the channels between 0-3 before uploading the software to your detector!
  17. At one time before its release I had been interested in the Nokta Impact. Speculation ran rampant and I got sucked into the vortex. I already owned a Red Racer and a Gold Racer so I knew that Nokta/Makro made good detectors. As so often happens life intrudes on our metal detecting plans. In the last year I have not detected near as much as in years previous so I had shelved my interest in the Impact. Yet recently I have been able to detect more so I went ahead and acquired one. As usual, I first read the manual(what a geek). While the Impact is a more complex detector than either the Red or Gold Racer, the excellent menu tree and my perusal of the manual had me up and running in short order. At my first opportunity I took the Impact to a location that has had a serious pounding with the Deus, CTX, and who knows how many other detectors. I started detecting with the stock elliptical affixed to the stick. Although the Impact weighs about 4 Lbs. I thought it was nicely balanced so swinging it did not overly fatigue me. This machine has a mode for about any type of detecting you would want to do but on my 1st day I only tried 4 of them. GEN D, DI99, DI4, and VLX2. After a couple hours trying the different modes and learning the tones on the Impact I had found some non-ferrous items that were missed by all other machines but nothing that was a keeper, mainly miscellaneous bits of brass and copper. I thought it was time to switch gears so I threw on the 7" elliptical. I had previously been running mainly factory presets in the various modes but with this coil I wanted to gain back some of the depth I knew I would lose with the smaller coil so I bumped the sensitivity up. I worried about increased EMI but with this coil running hotter, EMI did not cause me any problems. I really like this tiny elliptical. It's the perfect size for working in the iron while still getting more coverage than a 5" or 6" round. I took this little football coil into the heaviest iron at the site and once again while I was able to pluck some non-ferrous targets out of that mess I found nothing to write home about(story of my life, LOL). I did try out the 15" coil. Honestly I am not a big coil guy unless I am swinging a PI and going for max depth. I love working in the iron with VLF's so usually a small coil is welded to the dirt end of whatever machine I am swinging at the time.This 15" is a coil I would use for very specific circumstances only as I would need to wear a harness if I was going to swing it very long. With the 15" mounted up to this machine it was very nose heavy and my arm hurt in no time at all. The wireless headphones seemed to work well. I did not notice any lag that would affect target recovery. A few times I thought I detected the slightest lag in heavy iron, but it was near the end of the day and honestly I was getting tired and probably a little cranky. Likely my imagination. At the end of my first day with the Nokta Impact I was favorably impressed with most aspects of the machine. My main gripes were 1) while well balanced it is still 4 Lbs. I am used to a Deus so when you grab this detector you wonder why it can't be lighter. 2) The tones are very digitized sounding. Some people may love these tones, me not so much. 3) The wireless headphones do not have a long enough adjustment band for me to wear them comfortably with a baseball cap. They rode up on my ears and irritated me. A few days later I decided to do a shoot out between the Impact and some other detectors I have to see how they performed with iron masking. This test was not done to rigorous scientific standards. LOL. Just a test I did for my own information. I can't post all the individual settings and results. I had to come to work on a tugboat and I forgot and left all my notes at home. I will give a quick synopsis of my findings. I hope some one finds it useful but it is just my own opinion. Others are likely to have different results. My friend Chuck(Strick) will post photos of the test for me because he is a good guy and has that down pat. The machines tested were; CTX 3030 with 6"R coil. Red Racer with OOR coil. Deus with 9" LF coil. Deus with Elliptical HF coil. Impact with 4x7" coil. I made sure the dirt was clean of targets befor flipping over a rubber welcome mat and inserting a 1926 SLQ and a 1855 seated dime into holes in the backing. I did this so the square nails I placed near the coins were slightly elevated over the coins. I manual GBed all the machines except the CTX. The dirt under the mat is kinda hot. It lights up most of the bars on the Deus FE meter. The results of the test were surprising to me. First that the CTX did so well in comparison to most of the other detectors. On the first scenario( quarter with one small square nail and one big square nail), all the detectors except the Deus with HF coil could generate a diggable signal on 25% +/- of angles swung on the target. The Deus with HF coil could get a diggable signal 360 degrees around the target. On the second scenario(dime with 3 nails), all the detectors except the Deus with HF coil could not generate a diggable signal from any angle swung. The Deus with HF coil could generate a signal 360 degrees around the target. As I said before I was a little shocked the CTX did so well in the quarter test scenario compared to most of the other detectors because I have seen the Red Racer, and Deus HF and LF coils eat it alive when comparing signals on live relic digs on un-dug targets in heavy iron. I thought the Red Racer would do better as I have also seen situations in which the little OOR coil on the Red Racer seemed almost magical on targets the Deus LF and other detectors have failed on. As far as the Impact is concerned I felt its performance in these two scenarios on that day in that dirt was was nothing to write home about but to be fair it did as well as any detector besides the Deus with HF coil. I was hoping for more as far as separation/unmasking ability from this detector with the 7" coil onboard. But I must say that a detectorist that I respect very much and I believe is a straight shooter tells me the Impact with 7" coil does beat the Deus with HF coil in some scenarios. Anyway, on that day in those two scenarios the Deus with HF coil spanked all the others. I am sure other detectorists will have different opinions or results and that is fine by me. I don't own stock in any of the companies manufacturing these machines. In summation I would say I do like the Impact. It has many fine features and I know I need way more hours on it to leverage all of its capabilities to my advantage. In my world the CTX is my park and lawn machine. The Deus with the HF coil has become my main relic machine for heavy iron. I love the Deus for its light weight, speed, and versatility. But now there is a new kid in town- the Impact. LOL . When I get time I know I will enjoy learning the nuances of this machine. I am looking forward to spending more time in the all-metal modes and some of the other modes I haven't explored yet, like Deep mode.
  18. Editors Note - this thread was split off from a previously existing topic. I already knew your comments were for your own personal use but if you did not want people to comment on them why post them in the first place? That Aussie guy on youtube also had a sdc 2300 so he was no dunce with Minelabs but it just did not work for him or just had too high expectations.I also respect his right to express his feelings publically as we live in a free society- in Australia anyway. I would quickly have criticised the Impact on any forum if it did not meet my expectations,but there is nothing to criticise except the headphone jack which protrudes too far out from the main housing and can be easily stepped on and the cord is too long.Maybe Minelab could have made the GM 1000 easier to use on goldfields just like my Impact.In my experience there is no smoke without fire.There has not been one post on how the Impact performs on goldfields except mine on any forum and I feel that is a real shame as that is where it excels. I am sure the Impact not only works for me but for plenty of other people too.I found it a little heavy to start with but after a few days with my new arm muscles it seemed light and very well balanced for me anyway and I am getting on, so it would also suit other novices and retirees.There is certainly a lot of resistance towards the Impact in Australia. eg. no Impact tests in the world or Australia in 2 months on goldfields since it came out, but when the GM 1000 came out there were posts about it in goldfields that week.
  19. I just won a Nokta impact and don't know if I should sell it and buy the minelab equinox or not. Any suggestions? Which detector do you think performs better?
  20. Sure impact is allrounder but not depper than at max impact does well on hot grounds as well as garret at max operating frequency give nokta high end but on the other hand it fail in dapth test against garret at max but both achine are good in every point of view the biggest point of both machine is nokta runs on three frequncy 7khz 14khz 20 khz so its all rounder but nokta enginear forgot what garret just make an all terrain waterproof metal detector with 13.6 khz submersible upto 10 feet at last my thaught is sure nokta is used for gold prospective but at max with all terrain can be also allrounder i dnt know y nokta made a great product but did a small mistake that is waterproof i am sure in future they also gonna make impact waterproof then the sell of their product will be higher no other detector can compare with it then
  21. Over on PA a new Impact user is asking for help because they can't get it to go deeper than a few inches and the only thing that I could come up with was to use a concentric coil, because I have not used one out in the field/beach, And a dealer was really trying to sell me one today but not without making ***hole comments about my machine and the CTX when I asked him how it compared to mine, anyways here is that link to PA if anyone has word of wisdom to help out, John. https://www.prospectingaustralia.com.au/forum/viewtopic.php?id=23481
  22. I had somebody ask me to test a couple gold nuggets on my Nokta Impact - preferably a 1 gram nugget and a 2 gram nugget. The person wanted to know the VDI number for each in the DI2 mode and Deep mode. This by accident may be very informative possibly for people who do not know exactly how VDI numbers are generated. The short story is they are a combination of the target conductivity and the size of the target. In other words, silver is more conductive than lead, so two identical items, one made of lead and the other silver, the silver item will have a much higher VDI number. For two items made of silver (or lead, gold, whatever) where one item is larger than the other, the larger item will generally have higher VDI numbers. The Nokta Impact is unique as far as I know in that it has two different target id (VDI) number scales that are used in the various modes. The Impact VDI scale runs from 0 - 99 but as I said there are two different ways the scale is divided. One set of modes uses 0 - 15 as ferrous, all else non-ferrous. The other modes use 0 - 40 as ferrous, all else non-ferrous, expanding the ferrous range. I did not want to sort nuggets all night so came up with a 0.90 gram nugget and a 2.03 gram nugget, both from the same Nevada location, and both of similar shape although one is obviously larger than the other. Here are the results... The 0.90 gram nugget using the DI2 0 - 15 equals ferrous scale has a VDI number of 37. The same nugget in the Deep 0 - 40 equals ferrous scale reads 63. The 2.03 gram nugget using the DI2 0 - 15 equals ferrous scale has a VDI number of 32. The same nugget in the Deep 0 - 40 equals ferrous scale reads 56. Here we have a smaller gold item giving a higher VDI number than a larger gold item. How do we explain these results? Gold nuggets are not pure gold. These nuggets are probably around 85% - 90% gold. The rest is mostly silver. Here is a strange fact. Silver is more conductive than gold. You would think adding silver to gold would raise the VDI number. However, reality is pure metals conduct electricity better than alloys, and so adding silver to gold actually lowers the conductivity and therefore the VDI numbers. In this case the size, shape, and most importantly, alloy composition of the larger nugget is causing it to read lower than the smaller nugget. This is a great example of why if you are looking for gold nuggets you at a minimum dig all non-ferrous targets. And because weak nugget signals (very small nuggets or large nuggets deep) in mineralized ground can read as ferrous, the only truly safe approach is to dig everything. Here is a photo of a large variety of gold nuggets and some coins I tested with the White's DFX, which uses the same -95 to 95 scale as many White's detectors. Again, you can see that size and VDI numbers do not correlate due to shape and purity differences. In general the paler gold has higher silver content. Click on photo for larger version.
  23. Got delivery of a Nokta Impact detector early June after it was unpacked by Nokta at the shipping point and the latest software version installed and then repacked.Two week delay but worth it.First impression of the unit on the first day of use was one of amazement on how stable it was on our very heavily mineralised ground on our goldfields.I had reservations before that it would be tough going for the Impact but happily these did come to reality.The auto GB was very easy to do and the unit only needed to re balanced every 15 minutes just to make sure.I would recommend this procedure in very heavily mineralised soil. On the second day I was mostly using the GEN mode and on the fourth day I got sick of digging up all the hot rocks and turned up discrimination in GEN mode to its minimum setting of 01.That way I got normal tones when sweeping at normal speed on hot rocks but when checking out the signal and sweeping slowly I got the iron low tone.As a novice user I did not have to change the settings except to increase the frequency to 20 Khz more suited for gold,as the settings are optimized for each mode.Isat setting was left at default of 06 and gain at 70.In the discrimination modes the extreme patches of mineralisation which were 2 feet in diameter gave a target response,but in GEN mode these came up as a broad patch and not a spiked signal so were clearly not genuine targets.It may be possible to eliminate this target response in the disc. modes by altering the settings so I would appreciate getting any feedback from other prospectors on this subject.This VLF detector is clearly marketed by Nokta as a coin and relic hunting detector for use in parks and on beaches but can also be used on goldfields for hunting nuggets.Fitting the larger 16 inch Im40 coil will give more faster coverage of terrain but in heavily mineralised ground it would not necessarily give greater depth although from previous experience adding a 16 inch coil on an old Whites detector turned it into a mean nugget hunter in the days when larger nuggets were still plentiful..Further I would like to point out that higher frequency machines are better for finding sub gram nuggets but in heavily mineralised ground are more unstable.Fitting large coils on these machines may incur penalties such as higher instability in these conditions.I did encounter a huge patch of extreme ground on top of a hill only once in 30 odd hours of detecting but switched the unit to COG mode.Unfortunately I could not continue in COG mode as we spent 2 hours on top of this hill and my wife got cold and wanted to leave.I had found a 1/4 and 1/2 oz. nuggets on top of this small hill previously with an old Whites detector so must investigate this patch further with the COG mode.This hill produced lots of surface nuggets during the goldrush and the west side has been surfaced down to bedrock on the top and to pipeclay on the side of the hill,so basalt lying on top of pipeclay.Further south towards a small town called Dunolly there are numerous shallow gullies which produced lots of large nuggets and also dozens of gold reefs.Even further south just north of a large town called Maryborough there are diggings at Simons where diggers had to penetrate a layer of basalt to get to the numerous nuggets which were lying on top of pipeclay.A large nugget was found near Dunolly 2 months ago by a prospector which was about 4 kilograms in weight.At Maryborough there is a main street full of shops built over the main lead which is estimated to still contain lots of gold.At Wedderburn a town at the northern tip of the Golden Triangle residents ripped up the main street in the 1950,s looking for gold.Such is gold fever.
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