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Folks Who Are Expecting Equinox From Kellyco- A Story Here

Guest Tnsharpshooter

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Guest Tnsharpshooter

I was loading the dishwasher and heard something or somebody near the front door. 

I opened the door and saw the delivery guy walking off and a box at my front door.
It was my nox 800.
If I was anywhere else in the house I would not have known it. He didn't even knock on the door. Just threw it down and was leaving.
It would have been outside all night in the bad weather were having here in central Texas. 
Now, I am NOT trying to start a !!!! storm for Kellyco. I ordered the 800 from kellyco on 9/20/17. I received an e-mail from them today hinting on a shipment but no confirmation or tracking number. I wasn't expecting this at ALL, but am very surprised. 
If you ordered from them early, make damn sure you are watching your front door!

Would hate to see a person's detector get stolen.

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It’s weird. That guy and I ordered on the same exact day (Sept 20th), I was hoping pretty hard that when I got home, mine would also be on my doorstep... nope. Maybe today. 

Supposedly KellyCo is filling orders in order, but someone mentioned they ordered on Sept 21st and received theirs Feb 17th.  The whole thing is weird, but I’m in for the duration, and hope to get mine soon. 

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The last item I bought from Kellyco was when the Fors Relic came out.  I preordered one and after my initial confirmation email, I never received another message from Kellyco.  I had even sent them an email asking for a status update, and never got a response.  Like the person with the Equinox arrival....just one day out of the blue a delivery truck pulls in my driveway with a package.  And there was the Relic.  I'm trying to remember since it has been a couple/few years now, but I think it was Fed Ex that delivered it.  

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