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Steve's 2013 Alaska Gold Adventure

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WOW, just WOW! Great inspiration for us wantabees. Spring is on the way here at least on this side of the country so maybe we can make some finds also. I noticed the pick you use. Can you do a review of prospecting picks for us? I see sizes ranging from about two inches to maybe five inches at the hoe end. Your thoughts please.


Paul in Spokane

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Steve, I believe I have seen every piece of gold you've ever have found and posted photos of, at the beginning of this last entry for 2013, I was puzzled that I didn't remember ever seeing that "half pounder with cheese", and at the end of the story I read why, thanks for posting it!!!

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Excellent end to the story,and yes i found one of those deep minelab holes on our claim also ,i had a GB 2 in my hand and it sounded like a overload signal but i dug on it anyway for several minutes i ran out of room with my pic and decided it must have been garbage, i figured i would come back with vlf at a later time. I remembered last year to go check it again 2 years had gone by now, signal was gone and it wasnt much deeper than when i quit digging on it. I will always wonder what that claimjumper pulled out.

Hopefully a 5 gallon can. No i dont want to know now i shouldn't have forgotten this lesson.

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Hi Steve,

What a wonderful and fortunate conclusion to your story!

I believe it is being the eternal optimist that helps keep most of us going, with that vision of the "big one" we all hope will be the next signal we hear.

Thanks once again, for allowing us all to once again dream of what is possible if we persist in the search!



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