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Who Here Is A Switch Hitter?

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All I know is whatever you do, do not ignore it. I detected so much one year I developed tendonitis in my right arm. It was very painful, and at work it hurt to even use a mouse on a computer. I had to adapt to using the mouse left handed and pretty much laid off serious detecting for nearly a year. Beware digging with a pick and overextending - it can get you also. The good news is with a proper harness and bungee setup I do not get tired. I can run a heavy detector on a harness for far longer and with less strain than using a much lighter detector for shorter periods of time without a harness.

The manufacturers need to do their part. Any detector weighing over five pounds should come with a decent harness setup. Someday somebody is going to cripple themselves using a detector that came without proper ergonomic protection and proper warnings about the dangers of repetitive motion and sue - and win. Then maybe we will get more and better attention to ergonomics.

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I had to switch hit with a sledge hammer Sunday morning. Concrete filled blocks are hard! Talk about being tuckered out.

I'll sometimes switch out for about 5 minutes but I loose all coil control when I do. So I only switch long enough to give the arm a chance to relax and stretch a bit. Even just a few minutes helps. Sometimes it helps just to shorten the lower rod a notch.



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