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Nox And Terra Beach Find 27-05-18

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Yesterday was nice and warm at around 24 c and i heard that someone over a week ago lost a Gold ring in the sand and low tide but being the sand doesn't show till a bit under 1 m low tides i doubted i would find it but had to have a look anyway . I took the Nox on the Anderson shaft and took the Terra box and coil in the rucksack. I got to the beach not long after high tide and worked the tide out , it was very quiet . When the tide was out at around 4.30pm and i couldn't get onto the sand because of waves i gave up . I will search there again on a longer tide . With the Nox i had £5.62p and a 2 Euro coin .

I then changed machines and did the tops , before doing so i checked to see if the Nox would work and yet again it wouldn't stay stable so that was that . I am thinking its all the people with Mobile phones and there is less chatter than if few people are about so Terra had to play . I changed over and went in for the kill hoping for plenty of fresh losses . But again this year is showing just like last year the rapid decline of cash . I found £13.53p and a 1 Euro but in past times i would have tripled that at least . I finished at 8.30pm after over 8 hours . My bald head and forearms were also red with Sunburn .

Not sure what to do today "Monday" , might go later for low tide but not sure if it will be worth taking the Nox . The weather is warm again although there is threat of thunderstorms but i dont care about that . 

I am going to have to find some new beaches , with coin hunting getting harder and my beaches tending not to be the best for Gold i will have to travel further . Will see what the Summer brings on my local beaches for the next month first.



38) £5.62p and £13.53p FOUND 27-05-18 EQ - XT.JPG

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The fresh water lakes here are played out as our swim season is June thru August and they get hit hard.  Found a beach last week where the sand moved out enough to reveal the older stuff.  Scored a 1912 V Nickel at waist deep so I'm going back today with the WP headphones and hit the deeper areas.

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I was going to go today , the weather is very warm and sunny but i ate a big bowl of Cornflake earlier with somewhat dodgy milk so i dont know if my "personal disposal system" will be working right later LOL And out in the Sun earlier i developed a Migraine and the Sun and dehydration causes them too so we'll see .

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On 26-27 May 2012 , similar weather as yesterday and crowds . I did 3 back to back searches with the Terra of the time "not this one i have now" and found the following £96.73p  on the evening of 26th then i went back very early next morning and found £95.14p and then in the evening another £47.45p and a Silver ring . Dont have pictures , lost them all on a previous laptop . Now i back everything up on a stick . Theres not a Rats 5 pointed star's chance that those sort of targets can be achieved these days .


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Parking here is done by phone as well as other means , debit cards and contactless are killing cash . Even Bus travel can be paid by card and all the pre paid tickets dont help. The words Pound / Dollar and even Euro and others will all become meaningless one day and everything will be digital. Then people will have no value for money as they wont see it , they will overspend and get into debt .

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I am only detecting the beaches for two years now, but I also experience what you do.. less money on each hunt. Two weeks ago there were 6 detectorists on the same beach at the same time.. not much left over. I think I found ~120€ since having the nox. Not too bad, still no swimming season.. but I‘ve been out almost 5/7 days - how ever, it still makes fun ?

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