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Nox Detecting Question

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Finally got my Nox 800 and have spent 2 days in the local parks trying to learn it. I'm getting frustrated because it seems like there is not much of any tell tale between iron trash and a coin. Occasionally Ill get that sweet 31 or 32 for a quarter but otherwise it seems like it is chirping constantly and when I do dig a weak 12 or 14 its a dime, nickel, or penny only 3 or 4 inches deep. First of all it seems like a coin that shallow should jump out more in the tones but its always a weak signal that I just have to decide to dig or not. What am I missing?

Secondly, 3 different parks and the thing seems like it is chirping constantly, I cant distinguish a good from a bad signal. Im running park 1 and park 2 doing the noise cancel.

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Try 2 tone.


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Put some hours on it.. Try 50 tones and learn to distinguish good tones. Check your vdi against the good targets you uncover. Nickels can be tricky because of tabs but after awhile you can usually tell it's a nickel at least 50% of the time

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If shallow dimes and pennies are reading 12 or 14 along with everything else you are describing, you may have a defective detector or coil.

Other than that, when in doubt, lower your sensitivity. When learning a machine you sometimes need to walk before you run. The default of 20 is  too high for many urban locations. I use 18 a lot and have had to go as low as 16 at one park. The sensitivity control has more direct impact on electrical interference on the Equinox than any detector I have noticed in the past. My old F75 was noisy no matter what. Equinox can be very noisy at 20, but totally quiet at 18. A couple point drop in gain can make a huge difference.

I am hoping it’s obvious you should do a frequency scan first before going to the next step of reducing the sensitivity when dealing with EMI.

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I have about 75 hrs on the Equinox and have never had a dime hit in the range you describe. Chirping can be a lot of things, as Steve has said, including sensitivity, EMI and a really trashy area. I hunt an old park where in all metal setting  I get 5 to 10 hits per swing so the detector is chirping all the time.  This detector sees a lot more in the ground than my etrac.

i would be concerned about high conductors showing 12-14



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Noise cancel, then ground balance. I balance by pumping and a little side to side sweep after. Just to see if the balance number will change.

As Steve has said lower the sensitivity. I run at 15 alot, some times even at 10. Even then I am punching down 8-10 inches easy. I find that the target id is a little more stable at 15 vs v 20. That could just be me, but it works.

Also don' jump between park and park two. Stick with park 1 for a awhile. You will get less frustrated. 5 or 50 tone i find is best. You should be able to call out what you are digging before you dig it. The Nox is that good. With the exception of the nickle range, that is a crap shoot.

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Taltexan 12 -14 are most often nickels.. Pennies from 20 -25 and dimes 23 - 26, quarters  27 -31 and 33 - 40 most likely silver

That's hunting in park 1 using discrimination and not all metal

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maybe its just because of the heavy trash. I cant swing it without getting signals of some kind everywhere I go. Just seems weird that no matter what coin I pickup it never stands out from the trash. Always an iffy signal, half the time there is a coin there and half the time there is not. I will keep trying though hopefully something will click

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