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Summer Goodies!


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Some of Nature's golden goodness this fall. Pictures shot on my second-to-the-last outing.


Gold-bearing stream that gave up a few goodies.


Gold is certainly valuable, but the beauty of the mountains and the accompanying streams, truly priceless!




All the best, and thanks to all of those that dropped in, much appreciated,



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Thanks for sharing everything Lanny.  You obviously did your homework.... you’ve got some terrific looking gold there, and as you indicated, working it in that kind of country is certainly priceless.  Kudo’s!  ⛏D⛏

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Great gold Lanny! What was the total weight? I wish I could get my Son interested in gold detecting. Heck, even my wife for that matter. Neither one of them understand all of the benefits those of us who hunt nuggets receives from gold detecting. Especially the memories and family bonding.

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9 hours ago, dgatleyDP said:

Thanks for sharing everything Lanny.  You obviously did your homework.... you’ve got some terrific looking gold there, and as you indicated, working it in that kind of country is certainly priceless.  Kudo’s!  ⛏D⛏

Thanks for dropping in to leave a note, much appreciated.

A bad day of nugget shooting in the mountains always beats a bad day at work, right? (The old cliché of a bad day of fishing always beats a good day at work doesn't quite apply for me as I enjoy my work, but there are bad work days, so the bad nugget shooting day will always win.)

Thanks for appreciating the photos, and all  the best,


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7 hours ago, goldseeker4000 said:

Great gold Lanny! What was the total weight? I wish I could get my Son interested in gold detecting. Heck, even my wife for that matter. Neither one of them understand all of the benefits those of us who hunt nuggets receives from gold detecting. Especially the memories and family bonding.

Hey! It's been a while. Nice to hear from you again, and when your family is involved there really is nothing better because you can't really fake chasing the gold as it's hard work! So, maybe one day your family will come around.

No single nugget is over 13 grams . . . .

All the best,


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21 hours ago, Lanny said:


Some of Nature's golden goodness this fall. Pictures shot on my second-to-the-last outing.


Gold-bearing stream that gave up a few goodies.


Gold is certainly valuable, but the beauty of the mountains and the accompanying streams, truly priceless!

Hi Lanny… thanks for sharing your gold nugget finds from this season to date. I imagine you are still searching productive bedrock sites, similar to that depicted below, until Old Man Winter finally closes it out for this year. Reading your excellent prospecting articles at http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/metal-detecting-gold/69-bedrock-gold-mysteries.html over many years, we understand your boundless enthusiasm for prospecting the elusive yellow metal and appreciate that you love doing it in those remote wilderness settings. 

I quoted your scenery photos because they made quite an impression. These could easily have been taken from the various areas that we frequent, whether in the rich silver-bearing areas to the far north or the beautiful Muskokas of central Ontario. In particular, the photo with the bridge over the lovely rock-strewn watercourse reminds me of a nearly identical place on the Big East River at Arrowhead, Ontario, where we’ve endlessly hiked and collected rocks and minerals down through the years……………….Jim. 


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Hi Jim! It's been too long. Great to hear from you, and I love your bedrock shot. 

In your role as the silver king, do you ever stumble across any gold specimens while out chasing the grey metal? Just curious, as I saw some dandy gold when I spent some time in Quebec. So, I also imagine that the scenery I witnessed on the Canadian shield (all of the little lakes, the forests, the beautiful streams, etc. are indeed similar to your beautiful Ontario, and I too see a lot of parallels to the mountain scenery we have here in the west, but without the high mountains, of course.

All the best, and thanks so much for dropping in to leave your always appreciated comments,


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Just for fun:

My old prospecting buddy, that's now in his late 80's, holding some of the golden goody fines some gracious miners let us heft before they transformed the gold.


Some coarser stuff.



Some of that gold added to some more of the take, transformed into some doré bars.




image.thumb.png.688875ad007e6a18c1f56790bb83405d.pngThe spillover goes back for another round . . .

I'm going to miss chasing the gold due to the oncoming winter freeze-out.

All the best,



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1 hour ago, kiwijw said:

Sure is pretty Lanny & a sight to behold. Thanks for sharing. You are getting me all amped up to head on out there, but I got some chores to do first.

Jim: Thanks too for some beautiful autumn, as we call fall,  shots. Very scenic. Gosh...you, me & Lanny.....bit like being back on TreasureNet. :cool:

Good luck out there.

JW :smile:

JW and Lanny… back in the late autumn of 2011, after two plus months in the northern bush hunting native silver, I had posted to TreasureNet about something or other, can't remember just what it was now. Both you guys dropped around to ask me how the prospecting season had gone. Without too much elaboration, I described the season as the best I’d ever experienced. You may recollect that I later wrote it up as an article entitled Electronic Prospecting in Silver Country which subsequently earned a Banner Award. 

You guys were as enthusiastic in your responses as if you’d been right there working beside me. You made a lasting impression on me of what constitutes real friendship. At that time, I commented that “you guys are the very best”. Those enduring feelings of admiration and friendship for both of you have not diminished one whit to this day………………..............Jim.

PS: Just lately, rocks and minerals have attracted more of our interest. The wife and I are packing tonight to head north for several days to the southern boundary of Algonquin Provincial Park to search primarily for large titanite, green and red apatite, and hopefully gem quality tremolite crystals. It’s late in the season, but we are determined to go regardless of winter conditions. :smile:



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