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  1. I’ve been using my 25 with an upper aluminum with no noticeable issues. Im left wondering if running a modded gpx and using the higher frequencies would cause a PI to pick up carbon rods? hope you enjoy your new coil!
  2. I think we would all love to have a chart like that, but variables in soil conditions make such a thing difficult. a nugget finder evolution 15” is a heck of a coil, so is the 12” evo.
  3. I wouldn’t hold my breath on the chances of an update 15 evo. (taken from lucky strikes gold on fb)
  4. I watched this video where the concept is addressed, however I am left questioning if the correct order is presented. My reasoning for skepticism is due to the auto/manual tune being placed on the Rx(receive) side in the presentation rather than on the Tx(transmit). My thoughts are based off *modified* gpx machines utilizing different frequencies being selectable via the manual tune to excite targets of considerably different time constants.
  5. What’s happening on the inside of these machines in regards to the order of events? I am not asking what order to set the machine up in, but rather what order is the machine sending and processing information in regards to timings, tuning, filters etc..
  6. In addition some concentric coils for the gpx-5000 would be quite nice…
  7. Wow, thanks for sharing your experience finding that beautiful nugget!!
  8. That’s some serious gold! Imagine the volume line of earth that had to be moved to get all of that.
  9. Gold Hound, your detailed post on the gpx 5000 settings is very interesting and much appreciated! Do you happen to have suggestions on resources to learn more about time constants used on the gpx machines?
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