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  • Interests:
    Metal detecting for coins and jewelry in the sand and water.
  • Gear In Use:
    Xterra Pro / XP Deus I / XP Deus II

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BeachHunter's Achievements

Gold Contributor

Gold Contributor (5/6)



  1. Welcome aboard! Best of luck.
  2. I bought the Deus 2 with a 9” coil based on how much I liked the Deus 1. I have both HF Coils (9” Round and the Elliptical HF coil) for my Deus 1 and love detecting with it. I feel fortunate to have both the HF coils. The Deus 2 I haven’t had that much time on it but feel the D2 is also a tremendous detector. Best of luck with the new detector!
  3. It’s like guitars. If you keep them in their cases, it’s hard to enjoy them. Like OBN mentions only a few and not the whole treasure horde. Best of luck!
  4. Welcome aboard! Best of luck.
  5. Welcome aboard Mark. Best of luck!
  6. Welcome to the forum! Best of luck with the new Metal Detector.
  7. Welcome to the forum. Congrats on the gold!
  8. Welcome to the forum Mark. Best of luck!
  9. Welcome aboard Goldbug. Best of luck with the new detector!
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