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Gold Hound

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Everything posted by Gold Hound

  1. Hi guys Dave's book is now available on amazon again
  2. What hes talking about in the paper has got more to do with the conductive and ferro-magnetic properties of the different metals. The rx size of the winding the time constants of the target the depth of the target and the inverse square law and mineralization all dictate the result you'll get on a particular target.
  3. Cant wait for the new coil already got 2 years worth of area's to run it over! I can see it being a near permanent fixture on my detector.
  4. Sorry caligold you can't buy them as I make them myself. All of the ones you can buy only last a month or if I'm really lucky 2 months as I wear down the pick end very quickly on the bought ones. I make mine 450 long so I get to sharpen it multiple times before its to short.
  5. Thanks for the comment's guys good to know you enjoyed it!
  6. Hi AuWanderer There are no workings near by at all as this area is unexplored and in the middle of nowhere. Some up here may think they know where we are but i can tell you they will be way off as it is nowhere near where they will assume it is. The conglomerates are non-marine and are on a specific basement geology that i will not elaborate on as it always has gold and it took us a lot of work to figure out or tricks and techniques so we keep them to ourselves.
  7. Hi guys we released a new youtube video called ' mountain goat gold ' Hope you enjoy!
  8. Daves publisher Bookpal went broke so his book is temporarily unavailable. The publisher had the accounts with amazon, kindle, and many other distributors and because they went broke they are being shut down. Dave is in the process of opening new accounts with the distributors directly and he is contracting to a print on demand printing company that amazon use for the paper book. He tells me that it will be available in the next week or so on amazon(paper book) and kindle(ebook) I'll let you guys know when he has it sorted. Thanks for the interest guys and I hope that you can get your hands on a copy soon and that you enjoy it!
  9. Hi guys My friend Dave wrote Blood Gold Revenge It is based on the Palmer river Murder of Bruce Schuler For which Stephen Struber and Dainne Wilson/Struber were convicted of murdering Bruce and sentenced to Life. Tremain was unlucky enough to witness Bruce's Murder and this is what the book is based on. Lucky they didn't see Tremain or the other 2 witnesses or they would have met the same fate as poor Bruce! Dave's publisher went broke so there will be a short delay on printing. Dave is organizing a new publisher now so it will be back on amazon and other booksellers in a week or two.
  10. Yeah I hate melting them But I gota live! peaces between .4g and 40g usually get sold to a friend of mine who owns an opal shop, he makes beautiful jewelry out of them! But once they get lager they are not much use as jewelry peaces. And most of those auction places charge a 20% commission and scam you by selling it to someone they know for less than the real market value, then resell it later for the proper value. SMASH AND MELT!!!!!!
  11. Its not quartz its chert and iron that's why its crumbly and red, only had 3g of rock in it, its thicker than it looks too. But I'm a shizen houzen photographer!
  12. 2 more in the pipe line........................ I might even consider taking you out on a short trip Paul
  13. Cool I've been looking for a nugget disposal service
  14. Thanks guys Depth 750mm for the 72ger and 930mm for the 3ozer, can't wait to put the new 20in coil over this area. Yes its worth more as a specimen but you have to find a buyer I regularly smash bits like it as I couldn't be bothered finding buyers and dealing with the headaches associated with them. So far I've melted all of my finds that were over 5oz as they are just too much bother to sell.
  15. Found these couple of keepers with the zed DEEP 72g and 94g(au after melting)
  16. Yeah I kept one of mine when I sold my 5k because I knew I would never be able to get one again if I wanted to use a gpx series detector again. Ismael is a top bloke you only have to speak to him on the phone and you will soon learn that he will not lie or promote useless mods. He will freely tell you the limitations and what the mod is useful for. And he will go out of his way to help you if there is a problem with one of his products even if you broke it! He's a pretty successful prospector too he knows his stuff.
  17. Woodys mods are nothing but trouble and hype. Ismael is the guy you want to do any of your mods I have used a 2100 modded by Ismael and I ran his little ripper wireless system for years and years you can see it on my detector in our first vid on youtube. In about 6 years of use of the little ripper none of the cells ever failed and it charged in about 1.5hrs versus 4hrs for the ML one and the ml one was lucky to last a year before a cell dropped.
  18. I played around a fair bit with different shafts and found that the post handle with a shaft that has a slight curve in it was the most comfortable. The curve is best if it lines up with your second knuckle when holding the grip as this is the center of your arm, so it gives you the most control with the least effort and torsion when swinging. If you've ever tried a the fisher in Steve's picture above you would know what I'm talking about, they got it pretty spot on BUT where it fails is it dose not fold up to a compact easy to transport package. If the manufactures had ever listened to us prospectors they would make every detector so it can fit in a back pack when collapsed/folded up. Who doesn't want the convenience of their detector fitting in a backpack????? And while there at it they can make them all milspec IP64 waterproof!!!!!
  19. Do ya wanna hear the whole story from woe to go or just see my share of the Bigun.
  20. I agree about the Deus design being the one of the best but its because of its comfort + how it collapses down into a very manageable and easy to transport package with no disassembling required. Minelab also got it pretty right with the platform on their Gofind range, but the handle needs to be more comfortable and the coil needs to be center mount but the collapsible design I like a lot. I think that the larger manufactures need to consult people who use their products all of the time and listen and try new prototype platform designs out in rigorous field use, even if current electronics installed in new platform just to test usability of the platform in real field use. It doesn't appear that any of them do this in regards to platform design as if they had have given the platform to multiple creative full time users of their product who would use it every day for a period in the field then report back on how it performs and suggest Ideas to improve the platform they would end up with a real ripper of a platform! And not have all of these problems we all whinge about!!!! For example I have talked various people at minelab on numerous occasions and given them some really good ideas in the hope that they would pass them on and improve their future products and I'm sure many others have as well. But it always seems to fall on deaf ears! I think the core problem is that most manufactures employ university trained professionals in their product design team and that these professionals have hardly ever used a metal detector before they got their job. If I was in charge of platform design at one of these company's I would only employ one such professional mainly for his skills in materials and applying and selecting the right materials for the design. And a team of experienced creative users that really know what they are doing in the field and get this team to come up with a design incorporating the best ideas and in conjunction with the materials expert come up with a few prototypes and put them through rigorous field testing and develop the best design that way. Ohh yeah got a bit carried away I'm a post grip man!
  21. Take a look at the Holterman specimen 5000oz Au content. I found my biggest ever, a specimen as well not to far from Hill End where Holterman found his. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernhardt_Holtermann Here is a photo of the gold after crushing a smaller specimen that I found on my way to finding my biggest specimen Which was MUCH larger. I kept the the small 2oz solid crystalline bit on top of the ingot as a memento
  22. Hi Paul Yep you'll definitely shed some LB's on your beast! I can't believe they don't sell the CRF150F in America! I would have thought that you would have a massive market for that size bike over there?????? I wouldn't worry to much about one of your trigger happy American cops or other policy enforcers pulling you over in the desert, or are they that bad. Once I had the cops try wave me down on a bush track (probably because I don't wear a helmet which is illegal in oz) I just waved back then turned off the track and went down the mountain bush bashing. Found new workings because of my detour and cleaned up!
  23. Hi Vic Transmutation is very interesting to me and I have a full assay laboratory and have run a few experiments of my own and transmuted copper into silver and gold using special catalysts that I prepare myself. It is however not economical to do so for profit but very interesting and maybe I'll be able to make it economic over time with some tweaking. I believe this type of reaction is why we always find Iron, gold, silver, copper and other minerals together in the same deposits as they are all made from each-other and that Iron being ferromagnetic has something to do with why its the catalyst. I also Built a very large precision magnifying lens set that captures 4msq of sun and concentrates it down to a 2mm lazer lens and this is concentrated into a carbon crucible inside a special camber that I fill with inert gas. Had some very interesting results zapping different elements in it but its an EXTREMELY dangerous piece of kit. It is that powerful that when I turn it on it makes a cracking noise like a whip because it burns the air! I can only turn it on for 1 second even then it vaporizes the element and burns straight through the crucible, and would burn straight through the chamber if I didn't have it set up to capture the beam and diffuse it like I do. Science is FUN!!!
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