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What Am I Doing Wrong?


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On 8/4/2019 at 1:41 AM, 2Valen said:

Today I started searching an old church (1852) when I came across a tone that didn't sound like anything that I had heard before. This item was showing a solid 2 in all directions, but it said it was deep. I started digging and then about 22 inches deep I found what appeared to be a piece of glass, but it had a rusted ring around it and a disk that shows gold on it. I have no idea how much gold it is or if it is just gold leaf. Where the gold is at it is not magnetic at all.

That was the only thing that I was able to find good enough to bring home except an odd looking spike. The spike is only about 6 inches long, 1/2 inch thick, with a head of about 1 inch.

Have no idea what it was used for, but I thought it was cool looking.

You posted a nice photo -- except -- there is no way for us to determine the size.  For small items, including a coin in the photo for scale does the trick.  For large items (and even small), include a ruler or measuring tape in the photo.

My guess it that what you found is some kind of magnifying mirror.  The fact that it appears to be gold plated makes me think it was meant to be attractive.  One possibility is that it was carried in a woman's purse for the purpose of makeup touch-up.  I suppose it could also have been a fire starter.  That's enough WAGging from me.  ?

The spike sounds like a railroad spike.

What you're learning about your detector is common.  Digging it all is an excellent learning tool and even experienced detectorists do that when first getting a new detector.  Some even do it most of the time.  Discriminating (the detector kind and the human brain kind) saves time but it also loses valuable targets.  It's something to turn on and off as conditions dictate.

Target ID isn't as simple as it is sometimes depicted.  Nicely shaped items (such as coins) near the surface, and oriented flat -- yes.  But even coins, the deeper they go and the further off-angle they are buried the more the TID varies.  Jeff and Chase have mentioned that coil control also affects TID.  That will come with experience.

I think you're doing the right things; it just takes time = experience.  When you meet up with that fellow detectorist next weekend you'll get more info (and confidence).  ?


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Keep it simple is my opinion. Use Field 1 with just one tone and leave everything else as factory settings. When you do this your just listening to the iron low tones and the non iron tones. Doing this let's you focus on the one good tone. Once you get a good signal you can then look at your VMI and determine if it's hitting on a solid number or numbers that jump all over the board. If it's hitting solid dig it. I think this helps learn the machine and what it's telling you. Once you get comfortable with doing this you can add more tones and features. The Nox will find great stuff with just the factory settings. Good luck!

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Today I met up with a very nice person from this forum who took his time to check out my unit and give me some much needed directions.

The detector is not a problem it just has someone who doesn't understands it yet. Yes I admit that I am not the smartest person when it comes to this, because I really have not tried it. What I am learning from this forum and it's members will help me learn this detector and make me better with it.

I wish to thank everyone who has taken so much of their time for their insights and help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I am starting to get the hang of this metal detecting thing, and I am still learning from everyone here on what to expect out of this 800 unit.

Thanks to everyone who has been helping guide me through this and yes I want to find gold everyday with it!

This is where I posted Saturdays find and how long it took me.




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Valen, isn't it amazing how some hours on the detector fixes most of the problems?  My first hour on the 800 I was a mess. Couldn't figure out or understand anything. After about 10 hours I pretty much had the basics down and was starting (barely) to feel like I understood what it was trying to tell me and was starting to learn how to adjust settings for certain conditions. Every hour since has just been growing more comfortable,  but those first 10 hours or so were a big adjustment. 

It would probably be better if they came locked in a beginner mode for the first 10 hours of use with sensitivity set at 10 in park 1, then every 5 hours of use unlocks a new feature.

Just commenting because you seem to have followed the same path and gotten over the hump too.

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