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Noise; 6" Coil Vs. 11"

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I put my 6" coil on immediately after I got it and loved how light weight it was (ordered it with the detector).  I've used the 11" twice.  Once at the beach in SoCal and then again yesterday.

I noticed that the 6" is a bit noisier than the 11.  Any thoughts!

BTW, at a sensitivity of 20, it was finding pennies and dimes at 5" - 6"  ?

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11 minutes ago, Ridge Runner said:

Did you try to turn the sensitivity down ?


Chuck, my back yard is really trashy so I usually hunt with it at 15 because it's worse at 20; still noisy.



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Why don’t you start at the lowest level on the sensitivity and work your way up from there. Find a clean spot and GB it  If between those two it don’t work turn GB off .

 All I can say after this see if the same try on some other ground.


PS  Just before you throw the whole thing in the trash I’ll send you the money for shipping to me . haha

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7 minutes ago, Ridge Runner said:

Why don’t you start at the lowest level on the sensitivity and work your way up from there. Find a clean spot and GB it  If between those two it don’t work turn GB off .

 All I can say after this see if the same try on some other ground.


PS  Just before you throw the whole thing in the trash I’ll send you the money for shipping to me . haha

Thanks Chuck.  I will. 

My biggest fear is I'm already losing depth because of the coil size.  I'm afraid of losing even more by turning the Sensitivity down too far.


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On anything too much sensitivity can cause you not to hear your target because of it . So what good is it going to do to have the sen up and miss the target anyway? 


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A good confidence builder with the Equinox is: when you find a target, start rechecking it as you lower the sensitivity. It can be pretty amazing.

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9 minutes ago, Tmox said:


A good confidence builder with the Equinox is: when you find a target, start rechecking it as you lower the sensitivity. It can be pretty amazing.

I hadn't thought of that.



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Make sure you are properly differentiating between EMI/noise, ground noise, and ferrous falsing.

I don't find the 6" to be noisier from an EMI susceptibility standpoint, in fact just the opposite.  But I do find it falses more than the 11" on small iron.  The latest firmware update with the new F2 iron bias setting at about 5 or 6 has taken care of that issue.  So you might want to give that a shot to quiet things down.

If you are getting constant chatter with the coil lifted off the ground (e.g., at waist height or higher) and you can make it go away by lowering sensitivity - that is likely EMI.  You can try doing an auto noise cancel but unless the noise source is constant and at specific frequencies like crackling power lines or florescent lighting or another nearby Equinox then noise cancel may not be very effective, especially if the source is intermittent.  If auto noise cancel is ineffective, you can try manually selecting the quietest channel using manual noise cancel (see your manual on how to do this, manual noise cancel is only available on the 800).  Stronger Broad band noise and/oir intermittent noise is harder to deal with and noise cancel is usually minimally effective.  These sources include your cell phone (keep it off, in airplane mode, and/or away from the control head of the detector), wifi, walkie talkies, microwaves, invisible dog fences, etc.  In that case you need to lower sensitivity.  If you feel you have to lower sensitivity TOO MUCH to make the chatter stop, then try switching modes to see if another mode is less sensitive to the noise.  If that fails, then try switching to single frequency to see if you can find one of the 5 frequencies (Park and Field modes)  to be less sensitive to the noise (or 20 or 40 khz in Gold Mode).  You would be surprised at how much depth you can get even at sensitivities less than 15.

Ground noise shows up as chatty iron signals in the range of -9 to -7 VDI while swinging over the ground in all metal.  If you are experiencing that, you should ground balance the detector.

Also, as a reminder, noise cancel and ground balance settings are mode specific.  For example, if you Noise cancel and GB in Park 1 and subsequently shift to another mode like Park 2, you have to noise cancel and ground balance for that mode too. 

Falsing results when the detector gets fooled by ferrous or mixed ferrous targets and sounds off with high tones.  This usually happens with large iron, especially large round iron and with small bent square nails or square nail heads.  Iron bias, especially the new F2 setting can help with this.  The only drawback to using iron bias is that if you set it too high, it can mask actual non-ferrous targets in the proximity of iron.  I have found that setting F2 around 4 to 6 is pretty effective and a good tradeoff setting against masking.  The old FE iron bias setting seemed to be less effective (I usually left it at 0).  Not only is the new F2 filter more effective, it also seems to target iron better with less masking than the FE filter as long as you keep it between 4 and 6.  I have found that if you run F2 less than 3 or so, things get more "falsy".  If iron is really thick, a way to combat the "iron overload" is to lower sensitivity.  You will limit depth but some of the shallower non-ferrous keeper targets may pop out of the ferrous muck that way (the term I like to use for this technique is called "sifting"). 

Not sure if these apply to your situation but thought I would mention them.

HTH and Happy Hunting with that 6-inch coil.

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